EDUCATION AND CULTURE Leonardo da Vinci RO/05/C/F/RF-84252 LEONARDO DA VINCI Project Creating an Observatory on Europe-wide TAQC (Transparency of Academic Qualifications and Competences) for Catching the MOLE (Mobility of Labor in Europe) and Filling the GAP (Generalized Academic Policy) Agreement: RO/05/C/F/RF-84252 Modelling common EU patterns for ensuring TAQC and MOLE Questionnaire for graduated, employed persons Number of questionnaire……….. Country code:……………………….. Introduction Our university/institute ………… ……………………. conducts a research in the framework of a EU-funded project “Creating an Observatory on Europe-wide TAQC (Transparency of Academic Qualifications and Competences) for Catching the MOLE (Mobility of Labor in Europe) and Filling the GAP (Generalized Academic Policy)” through a questionnaire design to establish the progress made in ensuring the transparency of academic qualifications and competences and the mobility of labor in Europe. The main objective of the questionnaire is to recognize the specific educational/training needs demanded on the labor market and the gap level, if existing, between the academic qualifications and the labor market demands. Please answer to the questions according to your experience and knowledge. Yours views are very valuable to ……………………………, and I assure your time will be well invested. All the information given in this questionnaire will remain completely confidential. A. Qualification and labor market needs 1. What type and level of academic qualification have you obtained and what is your specialization (the 1 EDUCATION AND CULTURE Leonardo da Vinci RO/05/C/F/RF-84252 field)? 2. What is your current job title? 3. For your job position, the degree or the qualification that you obtained during your education is mandatory? Yes No 4. Please, try to assess, using a 5 points scale, what level of needed qualification you acquired during your education program? 12345- Very low level Rather low level Average level Rather high level Very high level Qualification elements 1.Knowledge 2.General competences 3.Professional competences 4. Personal skills development 1 2 3 4 5 A qualification is achieved when an individual’s learning has reached a specified standard of knowledge, skills and wider competences. Competence includes: i) cognitive competence involving the use of theory and concepts, as well as informal tacit knowledge gained experientially – Knowledge; ii) functional competence (skills or know-how), those things that a person should be able to do when they are functioning in a given area of work, learning or social activity - skills; iii) personal competence involving knowing how to conduct oneself in a specific situation – wider competences; iv) ethical competence involving the possession of certain personal and professional values – wider competences. Source: EQF - SEC(2005) 957/06.06.2005 5. How you will appreciate the relevance of your qualification for performing the actual job? Very low relevance Rather low relevance Average relevance Rather high relevance Very high relevance 2 EDUCATION AND CULTURE Leonardo da Vinci RO/05/C/F/RF-84252 6. Your evaluations of your level of qualification were based upon…. (please tick one or more boxes, as appropriate) feedback from my current supervisor feedback from my previous supervisor level of comfort in performing specific job activities performance achievements in this job performance achievements in previous jobs level of performance in specific courses Other: ______________________ Don’t know 7. How big is the gap, in each of the following qualification elements, between what is required of you to know in your current job and what you learned during your education period (use the 1-5 scale)? Qualification elements 1.Knowledge 2.General competences 3.Professional competences 4. Personal skills development 1 2 3 4 5 8. Do you have a Diploma Supplement delivered by the educational institution you graduated? Yes No If yes, your current job is in accordance with the occupations mentioned in this document? Yes No Details: 9. Considering your professional experience, what are the most important/desirable personal and professional competences for your job position? personal skills (personal characteristics ) 3 EDUCATION AND CULTURE Leonardo da Vinci RO/05/C/F/RF-84252 professional skills (professional competences) 10. Please give a few examples of work activities that you perform in your actual job position Regularly Occasionally 11. Have you ever participated in a professional training? Yes No If yes, please describe If no, why 12. Have you acquired additional competences/knowledge important for the successful performance of your job activities? 4 EDUCATION AND CULTURE Yes Leonardo da Vinci RO/05/C/F/RF-84252 No If yes, how? Informal on-the-job training (e.g., consultations with supervisor and/or work colleagues) Formal on-the-job training (e.g., attending specific courses provided by the company) Additional learning (e.g., outside courses, self-study) Other ______________________________ 13. Do you consider that the education system prepared you well for the labor market? Yes No 14. What are the other fields of activities in which you think you can find an adequate job in accordance to your qualification? 15. What key skills/competences do you feel educational institutions should be delivering to the students? 16. What key changes do you believe could significantly improve the quality of the study program undertaken by yourself? 17. Is there anything else that you would like to add? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ B. Personal profile 5 EDUCATION AND CULTURE Leonardo da Vinci RO/05/C/F/RF-84252 B.1 Sex of respondent 1. Male 2. Female B.2 Age ………… B.3 How long have you been employed in this company ………….. B.4 How many other jobs did you have?………… B.5 The region of the country in which you live………… 6