Houston Community College System Cosmetology CSME 1551- Artistry of Hair, Theory and Practice Spring 2012-CRN 78201 Instructor: Octavias Shepherd-Stewart Katy Campus e-mail: octavias.shepherd@hccs.edu Office Hours: TTH: 10:00 AM-10:30AM (713) 718-8039 Lucy Jones, Dept. Chairperson lucy.jones@hccs.edu (713) 718-8039 Class meets TTH 7:30 AM-9:53 AM Prerequisites: 1491, 1405,1410,1453,2401 2 Lecture, 8 lab hours (160 contact hours) Note: The instructor reserves the right to modify (change) the assignments, grading procedure, and other related polices as circumstances may dictate. Course Description: This course concentrates on instruction in the artistry of hair design. Topics include theory, Design Forum techniques, weaving and bonding, and application of hair design. This course is a combination of 2 lecture and 8 lab hours (160 contacts). Upon successful completion of the course the student will be awarded 5 semester hours. Course Focus: The focus of this course is to develop the competencies necessary understand the theories, principles and techniques of hair design. The student will learn to compose hair designs using the Pivot Point philosophy that hair design is the art of composing lines, shapes, directions and textures using the medium of hair. Design decisions styles are accomplished in this course. Special Assignment, Due April 16, 2012 at 7:30 am A 12-page style book using sketch drawings for 12 styles on the head forms. The book must be clean, neat, and colorful. You will draw and write a description of each style. One style per page Midterm- March 7, 2012 Final Exam – May 10, 2012 Text and References: Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 1st Edition Course Competencies: This course is designed to assist the student in attaining the following competencies: 1. Know the theory of hair structure and growth patterns. (SCANS) 2. Form hair by shaping, constructing and securing a variety of pin curls. 3. Finish by combing out constructed, dried pin curls. 4. Identify, describe and analyze factors that affect the selection of a hairstyle and the forming and finishing techniques suited to achieving the selected hairstyle finger waves and wet sculpturing.(SCANS) 5. Wave and curly hair using a combination of forming and finishing techniques including: Flat ironing Pressing Pin curling Roller setting Thermal curling Finger waving Blow waving/ styling 6. Demonstrate basic competencies for performing all forming and finishing activities in a safe and sanitary manner (TDLR). 7. Demonstrate the ability to produce long hair designs using design principles. 8. Demonstrate the ability to execute uniform and graduated from hair sculptures. 9. Identify and outline the design principles in hair design using the Pivot Point terminology and philosophy. Performance Objectives: A. B. Given the specifications, guidelines, the student will identify and describe the structure of the hair; it’s composition and chemical qualities in compliance with course competency 1. Performance will be satisfactory if the student can successfully outline the composition and chemical components of the hair consistent with the guidelines given. C. D. Given the specification, guidelines and demonstration by the instructor, the student will design, develop and execute the hair designs in the assigned projects in compliance with course competencies 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Performance will be satisfactory if the assigned projects are completed consistent with project guidelines and in the assigned time frame. Given the guidelines for hair design, the student will identify and discuss the principles of hair design using Pivot Point terminology and techniques. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT COMPETENCIES: A. B. C. D. E. Practical examination Written Examinations Weekly progress achievement charts Individual or group class projects Situational observation by instructor (i.e. attendance, ethics conduct, and attitudes). GRADE DETERMINATION: Weekly Tests Skill Objectives Special Assignments Mid – Term Exam Attendance Uniforms Final Exam GRADE RANGE: 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 10% 10% 15% Style book 15% 25% 10% 15% A B C D Below 60, student will receive an “F” and repeat the course. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to attend class daily and be on time. Any students absent from class for more than 5 days will receive an F for this class. There will no other warning. WITHDRAWALS: It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from the program to keep from receiving an "F" for the class. DRESS CODE: Students in the cosmetology operator candidate program are expected to be selfmotivated individuals and to stay on task at all times. Students must be dressed professionally in black scrubs and must wear closed-in shoes socks or hosiery at all times. STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT DRESSED IN THE PROPER UNIFORM WILL BE DISMISSED FOR THE DAY. CELL PHONE and PAGERS: Cell phones and pagers are not permitted in the lab. If you have an emergency situation and must carry your cell phone, put the ringer on vibrate and ask your instructor for permission to step out of the lab to answer your call. This is for emergency situations only (i.e. Sick child or family Emergency) SCHOLASTIC DISHONETY AND CLASSROOM CONDUCT: Students are expected to conduct themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling the course requirements. Any student found cheating on a test, plagiarizing or in collusion will receive an "F" for the assignment and the course and will be dropped from the program. See the student handbook for college policy on academic dishonesty and disciplinary problems. This level of development in a students' training is crucial to their professional development and success; any student that is disruptive or disrespectful will be dismissed from the program. Students on the lab floor are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Loud boisterous conduct or refusing to serve a client will constitute grounds for dismissal for the day and possible dismissal from the program. Make-up policy for missed assignments or tests: Weekly tests cannot be taken after the assigned date and time. Weekly test are given every week or as the professor deems necessary. Make-up for a mid-term or final exam will not be permitted unless the student informs the instructor at least one week in advance. The student must make arrangements to take the missed exam. It should be understood that the make-up exam would not be the same as the test given to the rest of the student body. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodation must contact the appropriate Disability Support Service Counselor (DSS) office located at each college. Academic accommodation will be provided only after student has properly registered for services through designated disability services staff. The student is advised to contact the (DSS) office at 60 days prior to the beginning of the semester. See additional procedures outlined in the HCCS Student Handbook (2001). Faculty is authorized to provide on the accommodation requested by the Disability Support Service office. Disability support services can also be found on these Web sites: http://www.rehab.state.tx.us http://www.ican.comt http://www.marybehindthechair.com http://pivot-point.com Tuition Increase Policy: Students who repeat a course for three or more times may face significant tuition/fees increase at HCC and other Texas colleges and universities prior to considering a course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. CSME 1551 Spring 2012 Curriculum Week 1 Day 1 Orientation Day 2 Ice Breaker Day 3 Review Quiz/Test Week 2 Know the theory of hair structure. (SCANS) Day 4 Hair Theory Day 5 Hair bulb formation Day 6 Hair Growth Day 7 Hair Structure and Behavior Quiz/Test Week 3 Day 8 Wet Styling Demonstrate proficiency in hairstyling. Day 9 Hairstyling Theories Day 11 Hairstyling Essentials Day 12 Infection Control and Safety Quiz/Test Week 4 Identify, describe and analyze factors that affect the selection of a hairstyle and the forming and finishing techniques suited to achieving the selected hairstyle. (SCANS) Days 13,14,15,16 Quiz/Test Week 5 Wave and curly hair using a combination of forming and finishing techniques Day 17 Finger waves Day 18 Pin curls Day 20 Skip Waves Day 21 Roller Quiz/Test Week 6 Day 22 Finger waves and pin curls Day 23 Straight- volume roller and pin curls Day 24 Curvature-Volume rollers and pin curls Quiz/Test Week 7 Demonstrate basic competencies for performing all forming and finishing activities in a safe and sanitary manner. Day 25,26,27,28 Quiz/Test Week 8 Demonstrate the ability to produce longhair designs using design principles Day 29 Long- Hair Fundamentals Day 30 Long Hair Styling Procedure Quiz/Test Week 9 Day 31 Three Strand Over braid Day 32 Three Strand Under braid Day 33 French Twist Day 34 Demonstrate the ability to execute a uniform and graduated form hair sculptures Quiz/Test Week 10-16 Identify and outline the design principles in hair design using the Milady’s textbook terminology and philosophy. Hair weaving techniques Nails and its disorders Quiz/Test Wednesday is client day. No clients will be done the week of Midterms March 8-10 and Finals Instructor has the right to change the schedule