Houston Community College CRIJ1307-Crime in America Examination 1 Study Sheet Spring 2015 Four definitional perspectives Crime Deviant behavior Two contrasting perspectives-Consensus/Pluralist Criminologist/Criminalist/Criminal Justice Professionals Text’s definition of criminology Criminal justice Theory/General theory/Integrated theory Social policy Social Problems/Social Responsibility Crime is a social event/Crime is socially relative Crime results from the coming together of inputs Most criminologists operate primarily from a sociological perspective NCVS/UCR Crime Index Part I/Index Crimes Cleared/solved crimes/Clearance rate UCR is a reporting program UCR Problems Hate/bias crimes/Hate groups Crimes Included in NCVS/Critique of the NCVS Major Crime Shifts Criminality index/ Latent crime rate Part II Offenses Dark figure of crime Key social dimensions Gender is called “the best single predictor of criminality” Scientific Criminology Major Principles of the Classical School Mores/Folkways/Laws Mala in se /Mala prohibita Early Sources of Criminal Law The Enlightenment The Classical School Cesare Beccaria/Jeremy Bentham Neoclassical Criminology Rational Choice Theory/Routine Activities Theory/Situational Choice Theory Just Deserts/Deterrence/Recidivism The Death Penalty Determinate sentencing/Truth in sentencing/Incapacitation