Math 0312 Syllabus SP13_4PM.doc

Intermediate Algebra---Math 0312
Monday-Wednesday CRN: 29015
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday –LAB 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Contact phone: 713-718-6441
Course ID: evans63027
Office Hours: By Appointment only
Textbook: Intermediate Algebra 11th edition
Authors: Lial, Hornsby & McGinnis
Prerequisite: Math 0306 and Math 0308 or equivalent test score.
Course Intent: This course is the final course in the developmental sequence. Its
purpose is dual in nature: (1) to complete the final phase of the THEA readiness; and (2)
to prepare students for College Algebra.
Catalog Description: Topics include factoring techniques, radicals, algebraic fractions,
complex numbers, graphing linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations,
systems of equations, graphing quadratic equations and an introduction to functions.
Emphasis is placed on algebraic techniques, in order to successfully complete Math 1314
(College Algebra). A departmental final examination must be passed with a score of
60% or more to pass this course.
Grading: There will be five in-class exams and a departmental final exam. Any student
who fails the final examination (less that 60) will receive a grade of D if their average is
better that 60 or an F if the average is below 60 AND they will have to retake the course.
There is a ½ hour lab that is included in each class. During the labs, students will work
on problems covering the day’s concepts from our text, alternative texts and/or the
computer assignments. There are required computer assignments. There will be quizzes
and the average of the computer assignments and the quizzes will make a 7th grade.
There are no makeup quizzes or exams. If you miss a quiz you just missed the
opportunity to get those points. If you miss one exam then your final exam grade will be
doubled. The student may receive an F if they have not withdrawn from the course but
not completed the course by taking the examinations.
Final Grade = T(1) + T(2) + T(3) + T(4) + T(5) +T(6) + 25%MML;Quiz + 25%Final Exam
90 – 100 =
80 – 89 =
70 – 79 =
60 – 69 =
0 – 59 =
Intermediate Algebra---Math 0312
Monday-Wednesday CRN: 29015
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday –LAB 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Contact phone: 713-718-6441
Course ID: evans63027
Attendance: You are allowed five unexcused absences. After the fifth absence, you
can/will be dropped from the course. It is the responsibility of the student to officially
drop or withdraw from a course. Failure to officially withdraw may result in the student
receiving an ‘F’ in the course. A student who officially withdraws from a course before
the Official Date of Record will not receive a grade and the course will not appear on
the student's permanent record. A student withdrawing from a course after this period and
prior to the deadline designated in the HCC calendar will receive a grade of ‘W’.
Students should take care in dropping a course, since the third or future attempt to retake
a course will result in a higher rate of tuition. Students may only drop online during the
drop/add period listed in the registration calendar. After the first week of class in a
regular term, students must complete a withdrawal form and meet with a counselor to
complete the withdrawal process.
The last day to withdraw is April 1, 2013. @ 4:30.
Resources: The Math Lab is located in Room 300. These are tutors available for
homework and conceptual assistance. There are also DVD’s and computer software
available. There will be review/study sessions led by instructors held during the semester
on Fridays and Saturdays (10-1 room JDB301). Additional help is also available in the
Learning Resource Center and through Student Support Services.
MyMathLab is a textbook specific on-line supplement. The student can access
MyMathLab by using the code that comes with their textbook. Students are also
encouraged to use MyMathLab to practice tests, lessons, worksheets, links, animations,
video tutorials, or assignments. To use MyMathLab on any computer outside, you
must first install/download the MyMathLab software to that computer. Addison
Wesley offers free tutoring through MyMathLab. You can learn more about the tutor
center at You can also get help at the site
Online Tutoring Services
Houston Community College offers FREE online tutoring in a variety of subjects,
including mathematics, English and writing. To take advantage of these Online Tutoring
Services, go to Your questions will be answered by a qualified
HCC tutor or faculty member within 24 hours (usually under 6 hours).
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The Houston Community College System is
committed to providing the least restrictive environment for all students. HCCS
promotes equity in academic access through the implementation of reasonable
accommodations as required by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V,
Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(ADA) which will enable
Intermediate Algebra---Math 0312
Monday-Wednesday CRN: 29015
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday –LAB 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Contact phone: 713-718-6441
Course ID: evans63027
students with disabilities to participate in and benefit from all post-secondary educational
activities. Students needing accommodations due to a documented disability should
contact the ADA counselor for their college at the beginning of the semester. The faculty
is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support
Services Office.
Class Policies: Anyone caught cheating on an exam will receive an F on that exam and
is subject to suspension. No calculators are used on graded exams. No talking/texting on
cell phones during class.
Homework Assignments
(Dates for all examinations are tentative/content-driven)
Test #1 includes the following sections: Chapters 2 &3
Chapter 2 (3 computer assignments)
Section 2.1 --- 11-69 odd
Section 2.2 --- 7-39 odd
Section 2.3 --- 29-63 odd
Section 2.4 --- 9-15, 21-39 odd
Section 2.5 --- 11-41, 49-59 odd
Section 2.7 --- 5-31, 35-95 odd
Chapter 3 (3 computer assignments)
Section 3.1 --- 9-31, 37-69 odd
Section 3.2 --- 5-79 odd
Section 3.3 --- 7-69 odd
Section 3.4 --- 7-33 odd
Section 3.5 --- 5-37, 41-83 odd
Test #2 includes the following sections: Chapters 4 & 5
Chapter 4 (1 computer assignment)
Section 4.1 --- 9-51odd
Chapter 5 (2 computer assignments)
Section 5.1 --- 1-149 odd
Section 5.3 --- 1-7, 13-31, 35-49, 55-59 odd
Section 5.4 --- 5-91 odd
Section 5.5 --- 5-49, 59-75 odd
Test #3 includes the following sections: Chapters 6
Chapter 6 (3 computer assignments)
Section 6.1 --- 1-57 odd
Section 6.2 --- 5-43, 47-63 odd
Section 6.3 --- 7-75 odd
Section 6.4 --- 1-71 odd
Intermediate Algebra---Math 0312
Monday-Wednesday CRN: 29015
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday –LAB 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Contact phone: 713-718-6441
Course ID: evans63027
Section 6.5 ---
3-45, 55-65 odd
Test #4 includes the following sections: Chapters 7
Chapter 7 (2 computer assignments)
Section 7.1 --- 9-91 odd
Section 7.2 --- 1-15, 19-83 odd
Section 7.3 --- 3-25, 33-37 odd
Section 7.4 --- 1-41odd
Section 7.5 --- 9-19, 43-59 odd
Test #5 includes the following sections: Chapters 8
Chapter 8 (1 computer assignment)
Section 8.1 --- 13-67 odd
Section 8.2 --- 11-47, 61-91 odd
Section 8.3 --- 7-19, 23-57, 61-91, 105-119
Section 8.4 --- 5-41 odd
Section 8.5 --- 7-97 odd
Section 8.6 --- 7-55 odd
Section 8.7 --- 7-77 odd
Test #6 includes the following sections: Chapters 9
Chapter 9
Section 9.1 --- 5-25, 31-73 odd
Section 9.2 --- 5-47 odd
Section 9.7 --- 1-49 odd
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is
necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked
to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The
anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division
chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the
Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term.
Final Exam: May 6 4:00
January 21: MLK Holiday
February 18: Presidents Day
Spring Break: March 11-17