This is the readings requirements booklist for the following classes History 1302 TEXTBOOK: American Promise – 5th or 6th Edition Outside Reading Assignment: SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING BIOGRAPHIES/AUTOBIOGRAPHIES 1. John F. Kennedy 2. Killing Kennedy (Bill O’Reilly) 3. Theodore Roosevelt 4. Franklin Roosevelt 5. Woodrow Wilson 6. Harry S. Truman 7. Lyndon B. Johnson 8. Herbert Hoover 9. Dwight Eisenhower 10. George Patton 11. Killing Patton (Bill O’Reilly) 12. Douglas MacArthur 13. George Bush 14. George H.W. Bush 15. Richard Nixon 16. Jimmy Carter 17. Ronald Reagan 18. Killing Reagan (Bill O’Reilly) 19. H. Norman Schwarzkopf 20. Other World War II or recent Generals If you have a book that may fit into History 1302, first ask me for permission to substitute it for one of the above listed biographies or books. Do not read other books without asking me in advance. You are required to write one book review using a format I will provide on my web site. For detailed instructions on your reading requirements, including the due date, read the course syllabus.