UH Hilo Faculty Congress

UH Hilo Faculty Congress
Agenda for December 4, 2009 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, K-127
Approve minutes from 11/13/09 meeting
Introduction of new Athletic Director, Dexter Irvin
Report from Chair
Committee Reports:
Executive Committee:
 Motion: To approve the following Achievement Award to be engraved on a
plaque and granted to Dr. Regina Titunik, posthumously.
Achievement Award
The University of Hawaii at Hilo
2009-2010 Faculty Congress
Recognizes Dr. Regina Titunik
For Her Service to the University
For Her Teaching Excellence
For Her Research Contributions
And For Being a Role Model
To Us All
Motion: To amend Charter to enable Congress to use electronic voting to change
the Charter (Second reading: changes underlined)
Article VII, Amendments to the Charter
Whenever after two readings, a majority of the Congress votes to amend the
Charter, the proposed amendment shall be referred to the faculty for ratification,
and written or electronic ballots shall be distributed to all UH Hilo tenure-track
faculty. The Charter shall be amended when proposals are approved by a majority
of those voting.
Motion: To amend the Bylaws to charge Faculty Congress with administering
annual Dean evaluations and to allow for electronic ballots: (Second reading:
changes underlined)
6. Administrative Review
Congress will conduct an annual administrative review. Tenured and tenure-track
faculty will be sent a confidential form via electronic or written means. If the
UH Hilo Faculty Congress
Agenda for December 4, 2009 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, K-127
form is mailed, it is to be returned in a blank inner envelope with the faculty
member’s name on the outer envelope. At least three Congress members will
oversee the opening of the envelopes such that confidentiality is maintained. The
forms will be analyzed and summarized with a report sent to the appropriate
supervisor. In the case of an electronic form, every means should be taken to
ensure confidentiality. At least three Congress members will oversee the
electronic assessment and compilation of results. In the case of a Presidential
evaluation, a report will be sent to the Board of Regents. In the case of a
Chancellor evaluation, a report will be sent to the President. In the case of Vice
Chancellor evaluations, a report will be sent to the Chancellor. In the case of
Deans, a report will be sent to the Chancellor. Academic units may choose to
administer their own Dean evaluations, but if they have not done so by April 15 of
each year, Congress will be charged with administering the Dean evaluation. The
report summary will be reviewed by Congress in executive session and shall not
be reported in the minutes.
Motion: That the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs take measures to
efficiently utilize all available classrooms so that the maximum amount of courses
can be offered to our students.
Rationale: Currently classroom allocation is partitioned among different units,
which results in an underutilization of classroom space and tuition revenues.
Assessment Committee: Report from Seri Luangphinith, Chair
Academic Policy Committee: Report from Ramon Figueroa-Centeno, Chair
Motion #1: Change the existing Grade Policy to the following:
 Once a student has graduated, grade changes may not be made in the student’s
record except in cases of documented instructor error. Requests for changes
resulting from documented instructor error must be made through the College
Dean within the following regular (fall or spring) semester. The Dean will
communicate the change of grade to the Registrar’s office, which will implement
the change.
 Rationale: There is no policy on this matter, and recently, two offices disagreed
as to what the policy should be when a faculty member attempted to change a
grade given in error after a student had graduated. One office thought that no
changes should be made after a student graduates. It was generally agreed that
students should not have the opportunity to do more work to raise a grade in this
situation. This policy is intended to delineate both the circumstances under which
grade changes could be made and the person authorized to make the
UH Hilo Faculty Congress
Agenda for December 4, 2009 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, K-127
Motion #2: Approve revised policy on Residency Requirement:
 The current policy appears in the 2009-2010 catalog, page 46-47. The relevant
parts of the policy are provided, with proposed changes in bold. New language is
Baccalaureate Degrees: General Requirements
Baccalaureate degrees are granted only to those students who 1) earn at least 120
semester hour, 2) complete satisfactorily the program of courses prescribed for
their majors, 3) earn at least a 2.0 UH Hilo cumulative GPA in courses required
for the major (a higher GPA may be required for some degrees) and minor (if
any), 4) earn a minimum of 30 semester hours from the university from which the
degree is sought, 5) are registered as a classified student with a declared
major and in attendance at the University of Hawaii at Hilo during the
semester or summer session in which the degree is granted, 5) have been
registered as classified students with a declared major in attendance at UH
Hilo within the preceding year and 6) meet all requirements of their respective
colleges and departments.
Rationale: In CAS, exceptions are granted in every case appealed by students who
have completed their requirements but who have failed to apply on time for
graduation during their final semester. Students who do not appeal must register
for an additional credit and spend another semester in residence. This presents a
financial burden for students, who gain minimal value for the money.
The requirement as it stands is neither equitably applied, not does it further any of
the university’s goals for its students.
Admissions Committee: Report from Emmeline de Pillis, Chair
Budget Committee: Report from Barbara Leonard, Chair
Curriculum Review Committee: Report from Sevki Erdogan, Chair
General Education Committee: Report from Jean Ippolito, Chair
Motion for the final endorsement of all documents to be submitted to the Vice Chancellor
of Academic Affairs for the Fall 2011 implementation of the General Education Program,
including the Fall 2010 catalog preview.
Fall 2010 Catalog Preview
Fall 2011 Catalog Entry
Matrix for 2010 Preview and 2011 Catalog Entry
Articulation of General Education Transfer Policy
Policies on Retroactive Credit and Special Topics courses
Finalized Learning Outcomes for Catalog Entry and Assessment Purposes
GE Certification Tally Sheet
GE Certified Course List by Category
Graduate Liaison Report: Report from Keri Inglis
UH Hilo Faculty Congress
Agenda for December 4, 2009 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, K-127
Old Business:
New Business: Presentation from the Long Range Development Committee,
Harry Yada and VCAA Debra Fitzsimons