Division of Engineering Research E-Funding News & Announcements November 20, 2014 edition

Division of Engineering Research
E-Funding News & Announcements
November 20, 2014 edition
(Please follow links in the titles for original posting and further details)
DER Noontime Seminars Series
Mary Anne Walker, Director of International Engineering Programs & Maggie
Blair Ramsey, Coordinator - Engineering Study Abroad Program
November 25, 2014; 12:00-1:00 pm, 3540 EB; pizza and refreshments provided.
MSU Sponsored Projects’ Proposal Deadline Policy
College of Engineering’s Proposal Processing Timeline
All proposals due to the sponsor on or after December 1, 2014 must follow the
new OSP proposal deadline policy. The new policy requires that completed
proposals must be provided to OSP at least three full business days prior to the
sponsor's deadline to be considered on time. On-time proposals will take
precedence over those considered late. Thank you for your continued
cooperation and commitment to improving the process of proposal review,
approval and timely submission. See the proposal submission deadline policy for a
more detailed description.
2015 Write Winning Grant Proposals Workshop
Register now for the full day seminar that will cover tips and tricks for presenting
research cases to reviewers. During the seminar, you will learn more about the
practical and conceptual aspects that drive the successful proposal writing
process. January 08, 2015; 8:00am-5:00pm; 138 Chemistry Building. $90.00
registration inlcudes lunch, break refreshments and one workbook.
VPRGS 2014 & 2015 Research Workshops
Visiting Funding Agencies and Meeting Program Officers. Location
TBD. December 04, 2014 from 3-4pm.
Campus Research Resources to Help You. International Center
Spartan Rooms A&B. January 15, 2015 from 3-5pm.
Sciences and Engineering: Funding Your Graduate Experience.
3540EB. February 20, 2015 from 3-4:30pm.
National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) NSF 15-519
Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies (Cyberlearning) NSF 14526
Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) NSF 14-599
Funding Opportunity Announcement for Navy and Marine Corps Science,
Technology, Engineering ONRFOA14-002
NIH Director's Early Independence Awards (DP5) RFA-RM-10-019
Nucleomics Tools (U01) RFA-RM-14-007
Study of Nuclear Bodies and Compartments (U01) RFA-RM-14-008
4D Nucleome Imaging Tools (U01) RFA-RM-14-009
Centers of Excellence on Environmental Health Disparities Research (P50)
Low Resource Languages for Emergent Incidents (LORELEI) RPA-BAA-15-04
Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER)
National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) NSF 15-519
Over the past decade of its authorized award life, the National Nanotechnology
Infrastructure Network (NNIN) has enabled major discoveries, innovations, and
contributions to education and commerce by providing researchers from
academia, small and large companies, and government with open access to
university user facilities with leading-edge fabrication and characterization tools,
instrumentation, and expertise within all disciplines of nanoscale science,
engineering, and technology. The National Science Foundation is now moving
forward with the new National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure
(NNCI) as the successor to the NNIN. This solicitation establishes a competition for
individual university user facility sites positioned across the nation. A Coordinating
Office will then be selected competitively at a later stage from among the
selected sites to enhance their impact as a national infrastructure of user facility
sites. The ultimate selection of user facility sites will include capabilities and
instrumentation addressing current and anticipated future user needs across the
broad areas of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology.
Internal deadline: December 15, 2014
Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies (Cyberlearning) NSF 14526
The intention of this program is to advance technologies that specifically focus on
the experiences of learners; innovations that simply focus on making teaching
easier will not be funded. Proposals that focus on teachers or facilitators as
learners are invited; the aim in these proposals should be to help teachers and
facilitators learn to make the learning experiences of learners more effective.
Deadline: Exploration Projects (EXPs) due December 19, 2014
Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) NSF 14-599
The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program welcomes proposals that
address Cybersecurity from a Trustworthy Computing Systems (TWC) perspective
and/or a Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) perspective, or from the
Secure, Trustworthy, Assured and Resilient Semiconductors and Systems
Deadline: December 19, 2014
Funding Opportunity Announcement for Navy and Marine Corps Science,
Technology, Engineering ONRFOA14-002
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) seeks proposals for developing innovative
solutions that directly support the development and maintenance of a robust
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. The goal of
any proposed effort should be to provide "game changing" solutions that will
establish and maintain a diverse pipeline of U.S. citizens who are interested in
uniformed or civilian Naval STEM related workforce opportunities.
Deadline: December 31, 2014
NIH Director's Early Independence Awards (DP5) RFA-RM-10-019
The NIH Director's Early Independence Awards initiative is funded through the
NIH Common Fund, which supports cross-cutting programs that are expected to
have exceptionally high impact. All Common Fund initiatives invite investigators
to develop bold, innovative, and often risky approaches to address problems that
may seem intractable or to seize new opportunities that offer the potential for
rapid progress.
Deadline: LOI due December 30, 2014
Nucleomics Tools (U01) RFA-RM-14-007
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit
applications that propose to develop and validate physical, chemical and
biochemical approaches for measuring properties and dynamics of the threedimensional organization of the genome that cannot be measured adequately
using existing methodologies.
Deadline: LOI due January 02, 2015
Study of Nuclear Bodies and Compartments (U01) RFA-RM-14-008
The purpose of this FOA is to support projects to develop tools and strategies for
studying: 1. the three dimensional architecture of the nucleus in relationship to
the topography of nuclear bodies and transcriptional machineries, 2. the structure
and function of poorly characterized nuclear structures, or 3. the role of
specialized proteins and RNAs in the assembly, organization, and function of
nuclear bodies, nuclear structures, and specialized subnuclear domains.
Deadline: LOI due January 02, 2015
4D Nucleome Imaging Tools (U01) RFA-RM-14-009
The purpose of this FOA is to solicit applications that will accelerate the
development and validation of imaging technologies for visualizing the structural
and functional organization of the mammalian genome and its spatiotemporal
dynamics. Projects must propose innovative, high resolution, high throughput,
quantitative technologies that can be used to study a statistically significant
number of single cells to address critical unmet needs in our understanding of
nuclear organization.
Deadline: LOI due January 02, 2015
Centers of Excellence on Environmental Health Disparities Research (P50)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages grant applications to
support Centers of Excellence on Environmental Health Disparities Research to
stimulate basic and applied research on environmental health disparities. The
proposed research is expected to develop innovative approaches to understand
environmentally-driven health disparities and improve access to healthy
environments for vulnerable populations and communities. The proposed Centers
are expected to support research efforts, mentoring, research translation and
information dissemination.
Deadline: full proposal due January 09, 2015
Low Resource Languages for Emergent Incidents (LORELEI) RPA-BAA-15-04
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative
research proposals in the area of rapid response human language technology for
low-resource languages. Proposed research should investigate innovative
approaches that enable revolutionary advances in science, devices, or systems.
Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in evolutionary
improvements to the existing state of practice.
Deadline: January 09, 2015
Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER)
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the U.S.
Government’s preeminent foreign assistance agency. The agency is dedicated to
helping nations meet the needs of their citizens by providing health-care,
education, and economic opportunity to end extreme poverty and promote
democratic, resilient societies. The U.S. Global Development Lab (The Lab) at
USAID is bringing together a diverse set of partners to discover, test, and scale
breakthrough solutions to address critical challenges in international
development. A key element of this strategy is the support of scientific and
technological research through the Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in
Research (PEER) program. PEER is a competitive grants program that invites
scientists in developing countries to apply for funds to support research and
capacity-building activities on topics of importance to USAID and conducted in
partnership with U.S. Government-funded partners.
Deadline: pre-proposals due January 09, 2015
Please take advantage of our online Proposal Processing Form:
DER Proposal Processing Form (PPF)