January 30, 2015 edition (Please follow links in the titles for original posting and further details) ANNOUNCEMENTS DER Noontime Seminars Series CEER Presents: Pat Walton, Ph.D. will present on Spatial Visualization Skills in Engineering: Preliminary Results of an Intervention. February 03, 2015; 12:00-1:00pm; 3540EB; pizza and pop provided. NSF Automated Proposal Compliance Checks for Full Proposals Effective January 26, 2015. Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 15-1) Automated Compliance Checks: FastLane will begin to run an additional 24 automated compliance checks on proposals to ensure they comply with (GPG). These checks will validate a proposal for compliance with page count, proposal sections per type of funding mechanism and budget related rules for proposals submitted in response to the GPG, Program Announcements and Program Descriptions. Conflict of Interest Disclosures must be completed by February 28, 2015 The U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) 2015 INDUSTRY DAYS Industry Days serve as a forum to provide a discussion on TARDEC's technology focus Topics: TARDEC's 30-Year Strategy Update, Funded Projects Review, Future Projects Review. Wednesday and Thursday, March 18-19, 2015 Pre-Application Informational RFA Webinar for Global Center for Food Systems Innovation (GCFSI)’s 2014/2015 Food Systems Innovation Grants GCFSI is announcing a webinar for prospective applicants interested in applying for the 2014/2015 Food Systems Innovation Grants. The webinar will be led by CRDF Global, with presentations from GCFSI management and key members. VPRGS 2015 Research Workshops NIH Funding for Non-Medical Projects. Main Library- North Conference Room, 4th Floor. February 19, 2015 from 3-5pm. Sciences and Engineering: Funding Your Graduate Experience. 3540EB. February 20, 2015 from 3-4:30pm. Export Controls on Research. Presenter: Lori Hudson, Director, Research Facilitation and Dissemination. Main Library- North Conference Room, 4th Floor. March 19, 2015 from 3-4pm. Data Management Plans, Data Preservation Issues. Main Library- North Conference Room, 4th Floor. April 02, 2015 from 3-5pm. Taking Your Research Abroad. Main Library, North Conference Room, 4th Floor. April 16, 2015 from 3-4pm. MSU Sponsored Projects’ Proposal Deadline Policy College of Engineering’s Proposal Processing Timeline All proposals due to the sponsor on or after December 1, 2014 must follow the new OSP proposal deadline policy. The new policy requires that completed proposals must be provided to OSP at least three full business days prior to the sponsor's deadline to be considered on time. On-time proposals will take precedence over those considered late. Thank you for your continued cooperation and commitment to improving the process of proposal review, approval and timely submission. See the proposal submission deadline policy for a more detailed description. Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) and the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) announce the release of Activity Log The Activity Log is a new web-based system tracking proposal and award activities handled through OSP and Business-CONNECT, and it provides the following: Transparency for the campus community in viewing the status of a proposal or an award negotiation. Better organization and tracking of activities resulting in enhanced cross-utilization of staff and the ability to prioritize workflow in a consistent manner. More detailed, complete and consistent metrics for proposals and awards providing tools to identify areas for increased efficiency and client support. Sign up for MSU Sponsored Prgrams and Contract & Grant e-mail newsletters! FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics and Surveys R&D, U.S. S&T Competitiveness, STEM Education, S&T Workforce NSF 15521 EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII Track-2 FEC) NSF 15-517 High Frequency Geolocation (HFGeo) Phase 2 and 3 IARPA-BAA-14-05 NSF/Intel Partnership on Visual and Experiential Computing NSF 15-518 ARPA-E OPEN 2015 DE-FOA-0001261 Agile Manufacturing for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Program BAA-RQKM-2015-0011 Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative - Air Force Applications ONRFOA14-012 Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) and HBCU Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (RISE) NSF 14565 Cyber-Innovation for Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES) NSF 15-524 Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx) DARPA-BAA-15-06 Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON): Physical Sciences-Oncology Projects (PS-OP) (U01) PAR-15-021 Computational Materials Sciences DE-FOA-0001276 Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics and Surveys - R&D, U.S. S&T Competitiveness, STEM Education, S&T Workforce NSF 15-521 The Center would like to enhance its efforts to support analytic and methodological research in support of its surveys, and to engage in the education and training of researchers in the use of large-scale nationally representative datasets. NCSES welcomes efforts by the research community to use NCSES data for research on the science and technology enterprise, to develop improved survey methodologies for NCSES surveys, to create and improve indicators of S&T activities and resources, and strengthen methodologies to analyze and disseminate S&T statistical data. To that end, NCSES invites proposals for individual or multi-investigator research projects, doctoral dissertation improvement awards, workshops, experimental research, survey research and data collection and dissemination projects under its program for Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Statistics and Surveys. Deadline: February 17, 2015 2) EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII Track-2 FEC) NSF 15-517 RII Track-2 FEC builds inter-jurisdictional collaborative teams of EPSCoR investigators in themes consistent with NSF priorities. Projects are investigatordriven and must involve a collaborative team of investigators from at least two EPSCoR jurisdictions. The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) research and education activities should specifically broaden participation through the inclusion and integration of different types of individuals, institutions, and sectors throughout the project. Proposals must describe a comprehensive and integrated vision to drive discovery and build sustainable STEM capacity that exemplifies diversity of all types (individual, institutional, geographic, and disciplinary). Deadline: February 20, 2015 1) High Frequency Geolocation (HFGeo) Phase 2 and 3 IARPA-BAA-14-05 The HFGeo Program aims to dramatically improve the ability to detect and geolocate HF emitters. Phase 1 of the program addressed technical innovations to accomplish this objective including 1) the ability to accurately resolve multiple angles-of-arrival and polarization states through novel antenna concepts; 2) the ability to enhance signal-to-noise ratio and signal detection through the use of multi-dimensional adaptive signal processing; and 3) the ability to accurately 3) determine the dynamic state of the ionosphere. Phase 2 includes system integration of these innovations followed by a non-real-time field test. Phase 3 will be real-time implementation and demonstration with field testing. Phase 2 will be 18 months, and Phase 3 will be 15 months in duration. Phase 2 provides the transition from the key technologies of Phase 1 to the development of a prototype system of hardware and off-line signal processing for use in initial field tests with surrogate targets. Phase 3 will implement real-time signal processing, incorporate signal processing enhancements and test against realistic targets in realistic environments. Deadline: February 20, 2015 NSF/Intel Partnership on Visual and Experiential Computing NSF 15-518 The advancement of sensing technology such as RGBD (Red Green Blue Depth), multi-camera and light field imaging systems, networks of sensors, advanced visual analytics and cloud computing will challenge the longstanding paradigms of capturing, creating, analyzing and utilizing visual information. Advances in Visual and Experiential Computing (VEC) will enable capability, adaptability, scalability, and usability that will far exceed the simple information systems of today. VEC technology will transform the way people interact with visual information through, for example, the realization of new mobile and wearable devices and the emergence of autonomous machines and semantically aware spaces. VEC research will drive innovation and competition in many industrial sectors as well as enhance the quality of life for ordinary people. Deadline: February 20, 2015 4) ARPA-E OPEN 2015 DE-FOA-0001261 The objective of an ARPA-E OPEN FOA is simple, yet comprehensive: to support the development of potentially disruptive new technologies across the full spectrum of energy applications. ARPA-E seeks to support transformational research in all areas of energy R&D, covering transportation and stationary applications. Areas of research responsive to this FOA include (but are not limited to) electricity generation by both renewable and non-renewable means; electricity transmission, storage, and distribution; energy efficiency for buildings, manufacturing and commerce, and personal use; and all aspects of transportation, including the production and distribution of both renewable and non-renewable fuels, electrification, and energy efficiency in transportation. 5) Deadline: Notice of Intent due February 20, 2015; concept paper due February 27, 2015 Agile Manufacturing for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Program BAA-RQKM-2015-0011 Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate is soliciting technical and cost proposals on the following research effort: Agile Manufacturing for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR). Deadline: February 23, 2015 6) Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative - Air Force Applications ONRFOA14-012 The DoD Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI), one element of the University Research Initiative (URI), is sponsored by the DoD research offices: the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Army Research Office (ARO), and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). The program is focused on multidisciplinary research efforts where more than one traditional discipline interacts to provide rapid advances in scientific areas of interest to the DoD. As defined by the DoD, “basic research is systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts without specific applications towards processes or products in mind. It includes all scientific study and experimentation directed toward increasing fundamental knowledge and understanding in those fields of the physical, engineering, environmental, and life sciences related to long-term national security needs. It is farsighted high payoff research that provides the basis for technological progress.” Deadline: February 23, 2015 7) Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) and HBCU Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (RISE) NSF 14565 The Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) program provides support to enhance the research capabilities of minority-serving institutions (MSI) through the establishment of centers that effectively integrate education and research. CREST promotes the development of new knowledge, enhancements of the research productivity of individual faculty, and an expanded 8) presence of students historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. HBCU-RISE awards specifically target HBCUs to support the expansion of institutional research capacity as well as the production of doctoral students, especially those from groups underrepresented in STEM, at those institutions. Internal Deadline: February 24, 2015 Cyber-Innovation for Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES) NSF 15-524 Computational approaches play a central role in understanding and advancing sustainability. CyberSEES supports research on topics that depend on advances in computational areas including optimization, modeling, simulation, prediction and inference; large-scale data management and analytics; advanced sensing techniques; human computer interaction and social computing; infrastructure design, control and management; and intelligent systems and decision-making. Additionally, the widespread, intensive use of computing technologies also introduces sustainability challenges and motivates new approaches across the lifecycle of technology design and use. Deadline: February 24, 2015 9) Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx) DARPA-BAA-15-06 The DARPA ElectRx program seeks innovative research proposals for creating closed-loop neuromodulation systems that utilize innate neurophysiological circuits to achieve therapeutic benefits. To achieve this goal, ElectRx will simultaneously drive biological understanding and technology development. Specifically, ElectRx is looking to develop and leverage fundamental understanding of the anatomy and physiology of neural circuits in the spinal cord or peripheral nerves that mediate health status. This knowledge will be leveraged to design and demonstrate feedback-controlled neuromodulation systems for the direct regulation of immune system functions and CNS disorders. In parallel, technology development focused on next-generation minimally-invasive neural interfaces and biosensors will enable interaction with the neurophysiology of interest at unmatched spatiotemporal resolution, precision, and specificity. These neuromodulation treatments will be tuned automatically and continuously to the unique physiology of each individual and will produce no off-target effects. Deadline: February 25, 2015 10) Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON): Physical Sciences-Oncology Projects (PS-OP) (U01) PAR-15-021 The goal of the Physical Science-Oncology Projects (PS-Ops) is to foster the convergence of physical sciences approaches and perspectives with cancer research to advance our understanding of cancer biology and oncology by forming small transdisciplinary teams of physical scientists and cancer biologists/physician scientists. Examples of physical scientists may include engineers, physicists, mathematicians, chemists, and computer scientists. The PSOPs, individually and as a collaborative Network along with other PS-OPs and the Physical Sciences-Oncology Centers (PS-OC), will support transdisciplinary research that: (1) establishes a physical sciences perspective within the cancer research community; (2) facilitates team science and field convergence at the intersection of physical sciences and cancer research; and (3) collectively tests physical sciences-based experimental and theoretical concepts of cancer and promotes innovative solutions to address outstanding questions in cancer research. Deadline: proposal due February 26, 2015 11) Computational Materials Sciences DE-FOA-0001276 The Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces its interest in receiving applications in Computational Materials Sciences proposing integrated, multidisciplinary teams that will develop validated community codes and data bases for predictive design of functional materials, excluding structural materials. Computational Materials Sciences Teams could also involve new approaches to enhance the use of large data sets derived from advanced characterization of materials, materials synthesis, processing, and properties assessments and the parallel data that are generated by large scale computational efforts that model materials phenomena. Deadline: April 17, 2015 12) NSF has a large deadline set for February 17, 2015. Please submit your PPF by February 02, 2015 to remain compliant with the deadline policies. Biological Robustness in Complex Settings (BRICS) DARPA-BAA-14-49 Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (BMMB) PD 14-7479 Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS) PD 15-1631 Design of Engineering Material Systems (DEMS) PD 12-8086 Engineering and Systems Design (ESD) PD 14-1464 Engineering for Natural Hazards (ENH) PD 15-7396 Geotechnical Engineering and Materials (GEM) PD 15-1636 Infrastructure Management and Extreme Events (IMEE) PD 15-1638 Manufacturing Enterprise Systems (MES) PD 13-1786 Manufacturing Machines and Equipment (MME) PD 14-1468 Materials Engineering and Processing (MEP) PD 13-8092 Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MOMS) PD 15-1630 Nanomanufacturing (NM) PD 14-1788 Operations Research (OR) PD 10-5514 Sensors, Dynamics, and Control (SDC) PD 14-7569 Service Enterprise Systems (SES) PD 10-1787 Structural and Architectural Engineering (SAE) PD 15-1637 Systems Science (SYS) PD 14-8085 All deadlines listed in this announcement indicate the agency’s due date. Please adjust your PPF submission to account for the new deadline policies. DER Proposal Processing Form (PPF)