June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015 edition
(Please follow links in the titles for original posting and further details)
Dr. Sally Rockey is retiring from her position as NIH Deputy Director and will
become the first executive director of the Foundation for Food and
Agriculture Research
Write On-Site with Trifecta
Trifecta’s “Write On-Site” is a way to build in writing time and accountability.
Bring your laptop or whatever writing materials you need and get started. This is
an open invitation; we always have coffee and sometimes cookies!
Every Wednesday | 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. | CAS207
Defense Sciences Office Proposers Day DARPA-SN-15-41
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences
Office (DSO) is sponsoring a two-day Proposers Day event to provide information
to potential proposers on the objectives of an anticipated DSO Office-wide Broad
Agency Announcement (BAA). The event will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday,
July 21-22, 2015 from at the DARPA Conference Center (675 North Randolph
Street, Arlington, VA 22203). The event will be webcast for those who would like
to participate remotely. Advance
registration is required for both the physical meeting and the webcast.
Registration for the physical meeting and webcast participants will include an
opportunity to schedule a sidebar meeting with a DSO Program Manager.
Save the Date: 2015 MSU-FBI Academic Alliance Conference
Monday, September 28, 2015 from 8:00am-5:00pm. The 2015 FBI-MSU Academic
Alliance Conference is full-day program at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference
Center. Free event but registration is required.
Request for Information: Antimicrobial Resistance Rapid, Point-of-Care Diagnostic
Test Challenge
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Biomedical Advanced Research
and Development Authority (BARDA) are sponsoring the prize competition, and
seek public comments regarding the technical criteria and performance
characteristics of the diagnostic(s) for which the prize(s) will be offered.
SPA (OSP|CGA) Federal Uniform Guidance
Stay up to date with grant regulation changes resulting from Uniform Guidance.
MSU Sponsored Projects’ Proposal Deadline Policy
College of Engineering’s Proposal Processing Timeline
Completed proposals must be provided to OSP at least three full business days
prior to the sponsor's deadline to be considered on time. On-time proposals will
take precedence over those considered late. Thank you for your continued
cooperation and commitment to improving the process of proposal review,
approval and timely submission.
Quantum Computing Sciences AFRL-RIK-2015-0008
Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program 2016-2017
Inter-Satellite Communications Links DARPA-BAA-15-43
Science, Technology, and Society (STS) NSF 15-506
Research on Innovative Approaches to Fusion Energy Sciences DE-FOA0001348
6) Burroughs Wellcome Career Awards for Medical Scientists
7) Maximizing Investigators' Research Award for New and Early Stage
Investigators R35 RFA-GM-16-003
8) National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship
9) AFRI Foundational: Exploratory Research USDA-NIFA-AFRI-004915
10) Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation Research-Technology
Translation (PFI: AIR-TT) NSF 15-570
11) Precise Robust Inertial Guidance for Munitions: Advanced Inertial Micro
Sensors (PRIGM:AIMS) DARPA-BAA-15-38
12) National Robotics Initiative (NRI) NSF 15-505
13) Research Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research BAA-AFRLAFOSR-2015-0001
1) Quantum Computing Sciences AFRL-RIK-2015-0008
The Air Force Research Laboratory - Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) is soliciting
white papers under this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for research, design,
development, concept testing, evaluation and experimentation of Quantum
Computing Sciences supporting the implementation and use of Command,
Control, Communications, Computers & Intelligence (C4I)-related information and
communications technologies and techniques. In particular, this effort seeks to
advance and assess advanced algorithm designs and technologies harnessing
emerging quantum annealing techniques to support AFRL/RI's C4I mission.
Deadline: white paper due July 17, 2015
2) Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program 2016-2017
The core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program provides approximately 800 teaching
and/or research grants to U.S. faculty and experienced professionals in a wide
variety of academic and professional fields. Grants are available in over 125
countries worldwide.
Deadline: August 03, 2015
3) Inter-Satellite Communications Links DARPA-BAA-15-43
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals for a program to develop
lightweight (less than 2 pounds) and low-average-power (less than 3watts) intersatellite communications links. The links are intended to provide the highest datarate between microsatellites, consistent with their small size and limited power
consumption. Proposed research should investigate innovative approaches that
enable revolutionary advances in the capabilities available for inter-satellite
communications. Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in
incremental improvement to the existing state of practice.
Deadline: August 03, 2015
4) Science, Technology, and Society (STS) NSF 15-506
The Science, Technology, and Society (STS) program supports research that uses
historical, philosophical, and social scientific methods to investigate the
intellectual, material, and social facets of the scientific, technological, engineering
and mathematical (STEM) disciplines. It encompasses a broad spectrum of STS
topics including interdisciplinary studies of ethics, equity, governance, and policy
issues that are closely related to STEM disciplines, including medical science.
Deadline: August 03, 2015
5) Research on Innovative Approaches to Fusion Energy Sciences DE-FOA0001348
The Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) of the Office of Science (SC), U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE), hereby announces its interest in receiving grant
applications for research on innovative approaches to fusion energy on the
spherical tokamak, advanced tokamak, and stellarator concepts. Such research on
small to medium scale facilities can explore specific aspects of these concepts,
thereby enhancing the understanding of magnetically confined plasmas. By
broadening the scientific approach, this research can also help to grow and
validate fusion science over a wider range of plasma conditions and enhance the
opportunity for scientific discovery in toroidal confinement. Support of research
that can help to deepen the scientific understanding and improve the tokamak or
stellarator concept is an important focus area of this Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA). Key issues include, but are not limited to: Investigating
stellarator configurations with the goal of simplifying and making maintainable
magnet systems and extending confinement parameters. Improving the
understanding of 3-D shaping in an integrated manner in plasmas with higher
levels of performance. Applying 3-D analysis and design approaches to ELM
suppression on existing tokamaks and ITER. Improving the understanding of
anomalous electron transport in spherical tokamaks. Resolving disruption
avoidance and mitigation to permit reliable, continuous operation in spherical or
advanced tokamaks. Developing approaches that will address plasma materials
interaction issues faced by tokamak and/or stellarator concepts.
Deadline: August 03, 2015
6) Burroughs Wellcome Career Awards for Medical Scientists
The Career Awards for Medical Scientists (CAMS) is a highly competitive program
that provides $700,000 awards over five years for physician-scientists, who are
committed to an academic career, to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship
training and the early years of faculty service.
Deadline: preproposal due August 05, 2015
7) Maximizing Investigators' Research Award for New and Early Stage
Investigators R35 RFA-GM-16-003
The Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) is a grant to provide
support for all of the research in an investigator's laboratory that falls within the
mission of NIGMS. The goal of MIRA is to increase the efficiency and efficacy of
NIGMS funding. It is anticipated that the new mechanism will: Increase the
stability of funding for NIGMS-supported investigators, which could enhance their
ability to take on ambitious scientific projects and approach problems more
creatively. Increase flexibility for investigators to follow important new research
directions as opportunities arise, rather than being bound to specific aims
proposed in advance of the studies. More widely distribute funding among the
nation’s highly talented and promising investigators to increase overall scientific
productivity and the chances for important breakthroughs. Reduce the time spent
by researchers writing and reviewing grant applications, allowing them to spend
more time conducting research. Enable investigators to devote more time and
energy to mentoring junior scientists in a more stable research environment.
Deadline: August 09, 2015
8) National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship
The National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship (NSSEFF)
program is sponsored by the Basic Research Office, Office of Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Research and Engineering (ASD (R&E)). NSSEFF supports innovative
basic research within academia, as well as education initiatives that seek to create
and develop the next generation of scientists and engineers for the defense and
national security workforce. The NSSEFF program will focus its funding on
innovative basic research projects that have the potential for significant long-term
impact and support the development of the next generation of scientists and
engineers for the defense and national security workforce.
Deadline: white paper due August 10, 2015
9) AFRI Foundational: Exploratory Research USDA-NIFA-AFRI-004915
The purpose of AFRI is to support research, education, and extension work by
awarding grants that address key problems of national, regional, and multi-state
importance in sustaining all components of food and agriculture, including farm
efficiency and profitability, ranching, renewable energy, forestry (both urban and
agroforestry), aquaculture, rural communities and entrepreneurship, human
nutrition, food safety, physical and social sciences, home economics and rural
human ecology, biotechnology, and conventional breeding. Through this support,
AFRI advances knowledge in both fundamental and applied sciences that is
important to agriculture. It also allows AFRI to support education and extension
activities that deliver science-based knowledge to people, allowing them to make
informed practical decisions. This AFRI RFA is announcing funding opportunities
for research only projects and integrated research, education, and/or extension
Deadline: letter of intent due August 31, 2015
10) Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation Research-Technology
Translation (PFI: AIR-TT) NSF 15-570
The NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program within the Division of Industrial
Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) is an umbrella for two complementary
subprograms, Accelerating Innovation Research (AIR) and Building Innovation
Capacity (BIC). Overall, the PFI program offers opportunities to connect new
knowledge to societal benefit through translational research efforts and/or
partnerships that encourage, enhance and accelerate innovation and
entrepreneurship. The subject of this solicitation is PFI: AIR-Technology
Translation (PFI: AIR-TT). The PFI: AIR-TT solicitation serves as an early
opportunity to move previously NSF-funded research results with promising
commercial potential along the path toward commercialization. Projects are
supported to demonstrate proof-of-concept, prototype, or scale-up while
engaging faculty and students in entrepreneurial/innovative thinking.
Deadline: letter of intent due September 08, 2015
11) Precise Robust Inertial Guidance for Munitions: Advanced Inertial Micro
Sensors (PRIGM:AIMS) DARPA-BAA-15-38
The DARPA Microsystems Technology Office is soliciting research proposals in the
development of novel technologies for high-performance miniature inertial
sensors. The PRIGM:AIMS program will address the challenge of precise
navigation of guided munitions in the absence of external navigation aids, such as
GPS. This BAA is particularly interested in inertial sensors that enable precision
navigation of gun-launched spin-stabilized munitions, as well as the navigation of
highly dynamic, long-range munitions. PRIGM:AIMS will investigate and
demonstrate new sensing modalities for low-Cost, Size, Weight and Power
(CSWaP) inertial sensors including, but not limited to: rate-integrating gyroscopes,
integrated photonic waveguide optical gyroscopes, and optically-interrogated
MEMS gyroscopes and accelerometers.
Deadline: September 10, 2015
12) National Robotics Initiative (NRI) NSF 15-505
The goal of the National Robotics Initiative is to accelerate the development and
use of robots in the United States that work beside or cooperatively with people.
Innovative robotics research and applications emphasizing the realization of such
co-robots working in symbiotic relationships with human partners. The purpose of
this program is the development of this next generation of robotics, to advance
the capability and usability of such systems and artifacts, and to encourage
existing and new communities to focus on innovative application areas. It will
address the entire life cycle from fundamental research and development to
manufacturing and deployment. Collaboration between academic, industry, nonprofit and other organizations is strongly encouraged to establish better linkages
between fundamental science and technology development, deployment and
Deadline: December 03, 2015
13) Research Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research BAA-AFRLAFOSR-2015-0001
AFOSR plans, coordinates, and executes the Air Force Research Laboratory's
(AFRL) basic research program in response to technical guidance from AFRL and
requirements of the Air Force. Additionally, the office fosters, supports, and
conducts research within Air Force, university, and industry laboratories; and
ensures transition of research results to support U.S. Air Force needs.The focus of
AFOSR is on research areas that offer significant and comprehensive benefits to
our national warfighting and peacekeeping capabilities. These areas are organized
and managed in two scientific Departments: Engineering and Information Science
(RTA) and Physical and Biological Sciences (RTB).
All deadlines listed in this announcement indicate the agency’s due date. Please
adjust your PPF submission to account for the new deadline policies.
DER Proposal Processing Form (PPF)
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