August 21, 2015 edition Please follow links in titles for original posting and further details. ANNOUNCEMENTS Research Seminar Series Planning has started for the 2015-2016 Research Seminar Series. Please send any presenter requests or general suggestions to Trifecta and Sparrow/MSU Center for Innovation & Research • Keynote Speaker: Sara Czaja Ph.D., Professor Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences & Industrial Engineering at the University of Miami • Research Collaboration Opportunities – Breakout Sessions • Successful Grant Writing Strategy Workshop • Networking with Sparrow Clinicians and MSU Researchers MSU University Club | August 31, 2015 | 8:00am-3:00pm | RSVP Required Cutting Edge Drug Discovery & Development in Michigan Sponsored by MichBio and the University Research Corridor and held at the Kellogg Center, this conference will explore and highlight a number of new drug therapies currently under research and development. Kellogg Center | September 9-10, 2015 | Registration Required Finding Your First Grant Opportunities Presented by Jon Harrison, Librarian II and Director of the Foundation Center. Main Library, First Floor | September 10, 2015 | 3:00-5:00pm Interdisciplinary Research Forum on Undergraduate STEM Education A brief program will be presented outlining activities and opportunities for the upcoming year - including the announcement of an MSU Academic Competitiveness Fund award recently made to four colleges: Education, Engineering, Natural Science, and Lyman Briggs. There will also be ample time for conversation and meeting potential research collaborators. Kellogg Center, Red Cedar A&B | September 11, 2015 | 3:00-5:00pm Scientific Computing and Data Science Workshop The CMSE Department is hosting an inaugural workshop on September 16-17, 2015 to kickoff intellectual discourse throughout MSU. This two-day workshop will bring together speakers who are intellectual leaders in computational science and their application to interesting scientific problems. The areas of focus will be topics in scientific computing and Data Science, their applications, challenges and open problems. Kellogg Center | September 16-17, 2015 | Registration Required NCURA Research Administrators Day- September 25, 2015 This day will recognize the significant contributions made by admnistrators in support of research innovation, inquiry and discovery. Save the Date: 2015 MSU-FBI Academic Alliance Conference The 2015 FBI-MSU Academic Alliance Conference is full-day program at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center. Free event but registration is required. Monday, September 28 | 8:00am-5:00pm Write On-Site with Trifecta Trifecta’s “Write On-Site” is a way to build in writing time and accountability. Bring your laptop or whatever writing materials you need and get started. This is an open invitation; we always have coffee and sometimes cookies! Every Wednesday | 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. | CAS207 Spartan Marketplace Coming Fall 2015 Spartan Marketplace is an e-procurement solution that will provide the MSU community with a centralized, convenient, cost-effective way to buy items using Purchasing-negotiated contracts. Guidance on Changes That Involve Human Subjects in Active Awards and That Will Require Prior NIH Approval: Updated Notice NOT-OD-15-128 This updated Notice continues to provide detailed guidance on the types of changes in human subjects research awards that will require prior NIH approval and provides information on the process for submission of such requests. Dear Colleague Letter: Communication About Automated Compliance Checking and Proposal Submission NSF 15-095 This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) is to communicate with the engineering research community about the new features that NSF has implemented in the FastLane system for automated compliance checking and about common reasons for lack of compliance. The goals are to ensure consistency in NSF's proposal submissions, to enhance the ease of submissions, to reduce the number of submitted proposals that will be returned without review, and to enable a greater number of meritorious ideas to advance. Dear Colleague Letter: Special Guidelines for Submitting Proposals: NSF and USIsrael Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Opportunity for Collaborations in Materials Research NSF 15-097 To facilitate the support of collaborative work between US groups and their Israeli counterparts, NSF's Division of Materials Research (DMR) in the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) and the BSF have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding that outlines a review process for projects in Materials Research. Dear Colleague Letter: Reconfiguration of Interfacial Processes and Thermodynamics (IPT) Program in the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) NSF 15-106 Effective October 1, 2015, the science and engineering research foci within the IPT Program will be merged into other CBET Programs. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for PD 15-1340, Research in the Formation of Engineers (RFE) Request for Information: Building Envelope Infiltration Diagnostic Technologies DE-FOA-0001394 The U.S. buildings sector accounted for approximately 41% of United States primary energy consumption in 2010. Of this energy used by U.S. residential and commercial buildings, approximately 10% can be attributed to losses through the building envelope due to air infiltration. The purpose of this RFI is to collect information that will be used by BTO for strategic planning of the broader windows and opaque envelope technologies R&D portfolio. Extreme Challenges in Optics and Imaging Request for Information (RFI) DARPA-SN-15-69 The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is requesting information concerning extreme challenge problems in optics and imaging. For the purposes of this RFI, extreme challenges encompass systems, components, devices, processing schemes, or design/optimization tools that drastically outperform the current state of the art, and expand the limits of what is typically deemed possible using conventional design methodologies. SPA (OSP|CGA) Federal Uniform Guidance Stay up to date with grant regulation changes resulting from Uniform Guidance. MSU Sponsored Projects’ Proposal Deadline Policy College of Engineering’s Proposal Processing Timeline Completed proposals must be provided to OSP at least three full business days prior to the sponsor's deadline to be considered on time. On-time proposals will take precedence over those considered late. Thank you for your continued cooperation and commitment to improving the process of proposal review, approval and timely submission. FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES 1) 2) 3) Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF): Core Programs NSF 15-573 Computer and Network Systems (CNS): Core Programs NSF 15-572 Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) NSF 15-575 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS): Core Programs NSF 15-574 FY 2016 Research Opportunities in High Energy Physics DE-FOA-0001358 Michigan State University Discretionary Funding Initiative Michigan State University Foundation Strategic Partnership Grants Deep Learning for Actionable Intelligence Discovery and Exploitation BAAAFRL-RIK-2015-0014 Focused Research Groups in the Mathematical Sciences (FRG) NSF 12-566 Middle East Water Security Initiative (MWSI) BAA-MWSI-ME-2015 Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research (R21) RFA-CA-15-002 Innovative Technologies for Cancer-Relevant Biospecimen Science (R21) RFA-CA-15-004 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) PA-AFRLAFOSR-2015-0001 Gen-3 Engineering Research Centers (ERC) NSF 15-589 Use of the NASA Physical Sciences Informatics System – Appendix A NNH15ZTT001N-15PSI-A Open Design Tools for Speech Signal Processing (R01) RFA-DC-16-001 The S3 Collaborative Grant Program Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation ResearchTechnology Translation (PFI: AIR-TT) NSF 15-570 NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering NSF 15-601 Higher Education Partnerships for Innovation and Impact (HEPII) Annual Program Statement (APS) APS-OAA-15-000048 Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF): Core Programs NSF 15-573 The Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) supports transformative research and education projects that explore the foundations of computing and communication. The Division seeks advances in computing and communication theory, algorithm design and analysis, and the architecture and design of computers and software. CCF-supported projects also investigate revolutionary computing models and technologies based on emerging scientific ideas and integrate research and education activities to prepare future generations of computer science and engineering workers. Deadline: September 16, 2015 1) Computer and Network Systems (CNS): Core Programs NSF 15-572 The Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) supports research and education activities that invent new computing and networking technologies and that explore new ways to make use of existing technologies. The Division seeks to develop a better understanding of the fundamental properties of computer and network systems and to create better abstractions and tools for designing, building, analyzing, and measuring future systems. Deadline: September 16, 2015 2) Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) NSF 15-575 Cyberspace has transformed the daily lives of people for the better. The rush to adopt cyberspace, however, has exposed its fragility and vulnerabilities: corporations, agencies, national infrastructure and individuals have been victims of cyber-attacks. In December 2011, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) with the cooperation of NSF issued a broad, coordinated Federal strategic plan for cybersecurity research and development to "change the game," minimize the misuses of cyber technology, bolster education and training in cybersecurity, establish a science of cybersecurity, and transition promising cybersecurity research into practice. This challenge requires a dedicated approach to research, development, and education that leverages the disciplines of mathematics and statistics, the social sciences, and engineering together with the computing, communications and information sciences. Deadline: September 16, 2015 3) Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS): Core Programs NSF 15-574 The Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) studies the inter-related roles of people, computers, and information. IIS supports research and education activities that 1) develop new knowledge about the role of people in the design and use of information technology; 2) increase our capability to create, manage, and understand data and information in circumstances ranging from personal computers to globally-distributed systems; and 3) advance our understanding of how computational systems can exhibit the hallmarks of intelligence. Deadline: September 16, 2015 4) 5) FY 2016 Research Opportunities in High Energy Physics DE-FOA-0001358 The Office of High Energy Physics (HEP) at the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, hereby invites new and renewal grant applications for support of research programs in High Energy Physics. Deadline: September 17, 2015 Michigan State University Discretionary Funding Initiative The Discretionary Funding Initiative (DFI), funded by the Michigan State Foundation, provides bridge funds for tenure-stream faculty for additional studies needed for resubmission of an unsuccessful grant application. Deadline: September 17, 2015 6) Michigan State University Foundation Strategic Partnership Grants Michigan State University recognizes the value of supporting and nurturing faculty engaging in leading-edge research and scholarship initiatives. These initiatives must be of a caliber that positions the faculty to compete for significant external funding, including the development of research ideas with significant commercial potential, and to raise the stature of the university. Some of these initiatives may have strong potential to develop into a center or institute-level research program. Deadline: pre-proposal due September 17, 2015 7) Deep Learning for Actionable Intelligence Discovery and Exploitation BAAAFRL-RIK-2015-0014 The goal of this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is to develop and demonstrate a time-dominant data fusion and closed-loop Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) system for intelligence customers. The system will automate threat detection and classification with speed and precision and in a tactically relevant timeframe, automate the generation of in-mission intelligence reports, and be responsive to intelligence squadron needs. This announcement is for acquisition under the Neuromorphic Fusion of Timely Intelligence (NFTI) program. Deadline: September 18, 2015 8) Focused Research Groups in the Mathematical Sciences (FRG) NSF 12-566 The purpose of the FRG activity is to allow groups of researchers to respond to recognized scientific needs of pressing importance, to take advantage of current scientific opportunities, or to prepare the ground for anticipated significant scientific developments in the mathematical sciences. Groups may include, in 9) addition to mathematicians and statisticians, researchers from other science and engineering disciplines appropriate to the proposed research. Deadline: September 18, 2015 Middle East Water Security Initiative (MWSI) BAA-MWSI-ME-2015 This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeks opportunities to co-create, codesign, co-invest, and collaborate in the research, development, piloting, testing, and scaling of innovative, practical and cost-effective interventions to address water solutions. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking solution-focused partnerships to address water management challenges in the Middle East and North Africa. USAID will support and partner with dynamic researchers and entrepreneurs to develop and test “water-smart” technologies and approaches that will improve water security in the region. Deadline: September 18, 2015 10) Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research (R21) RFA-CA-15-002 This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits grant applications proposing exploratory research focused on the inception and early-stage development of highly innovative molecular or cellular analysis technologies for basic and clinical cancer research. The emphasis of this FOA is on supporting the development of novel molecular and cellular analysis capabilities with a high degree of technical innovation with the potential to significantly affect and transform investigations exploring the molecular and cellular basis of cancer. If successful, these technologies should accelerate and/or enhance research in the areas of cancer biology, early detection and screening, clinical diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and/or cancer health disparities. Technologies proposed for development may be intended to have widespread applicability but must be based on molecular and/or cellular characterizations of cancer. Deadline: September 22, 2015 11) Innovative Technologies for Cancer-Relevant Biospecimen Science (R21) RFA-CA-15-004 This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits grant applications proposing exploratory research projects on the inception and early-stage development of technologies that address issues related to pre-analytical degradation of targeted analytes during the collection, processing, handling, and 12) storage of cancer-relevant biospecimens. The overall goal is to support the development of highly innovative technologies capable of interrogating and/or maximizing the quality and utility of biospecimens or samples derived from those biospecimens for downstream analyses. This FOA will support the development of tools, devices, instrumentation, and associated methods to assess sample quality, preserve/protect sample integrity, and establish verification criteria for quality assessment/quality control and handling under diverse conditions. These technologies are expected to potentially accelerate and/or enhance research in cancer biology, early detection, screening, clinical diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and cancer health disparities, by reducing pre-analytical variations that affect biospecimen sample quality. Deadline: September 22, 2015 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) PA-AFRLAFOSR-2015-0001 This announcement seeks proposals to purchase instrumentation in support of research in areas of interest to the DoD, including areas of research supported by the Army Research Office (ARO), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). For detailed information regarding technical goals, potential proposers are advised to refer to the full announcement. Deadline: September 25, 2015 13) CENTER HIGHLIGHT Gen-3 Engineering Research Centers (ERC) NSF 15-589 The goal of the ERC Program is to integrate engineering research and education with technological innovation to transform national prosperity, health, and security. ERCs create an innovative, inclusive culture in engineering to cultivate new ideas and pursue engineering discovery that achieves a significant science, technology, and societal outcome within the 10-year timeframe of NSF support. Deadline: letter of intent due September 25, 2015 14) Use of the NASA Physical Sciences Informatics System – Appendix A NNH15ZTT001N-15PSI-A This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Announcement (NRA) solicits ground-based research proposals using an open science approach to generate new scientific insights by utilizing experimental data residing in NASA’s Physical Sciences Informatics (PSI) system, an online database 15) of past and current physical science International Space Station (ISS) flight experiments and related ground-based studies. Deadline: September 30, 2015 Open Design Tools for Speech Signal Processing (R01) RFA-DC-16-001 This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites Research Project Grant (R01) applications to develop novel acoustic signal processing algorithms for speech enhancement that employ the substantially greater amounts of computing power likely to be available in future generations of hearing aids, cochlear implants, personal sound processors, and consumer electronic devices. Deadline: full proposal due October 01, 2015 16) The S3 Collaborative Grant Program The S3 Collaborative Grant seeks to stimulate new or emerging interdisciplinary collaborations between MSU's science studies scholars (scholars who study science and/or scientists from the perspective of the humanities and/or social sciences) and MSU STEM and health sciences professionals. These interdisciplinary seed grants will be used to help create opportunities for developing collaborative research projects, hopefully resulting in increased applications for external funding, publications, and visibility for STEM and science studies research at MSU. Deadline: October 05, 2015 17) Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation ResearchTechnology Translation (PFI: AIR-TT) NSF 15-570 The NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program within the Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) is an umbrella for two complementary subprograms, Accelerating Innovation Research (AIR) and Building Innovation Capacity (BIC). Overall, the PFI program offers opportunities to connect new knowledge to societal benefit through translational research efforts and/or partnerships that encourage, enhance and accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship. The subject of this solicitation is PFI: AIR-Technology Translation (PFI: AIR-TT). The PFI: AIR-TT solicitation serves as an early opportunity to move previously NSF-funded research results with promising commercial potential along the path toward commercialization. Projects are supported to demonstrate proof-of-concept, prototype, or scale-up while engaging faculty and students in entrepreneurial/innovative thinking. 18) Deadline: full proposal due October 09, 2015 NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering NSF 15-601 Plasma Physics is a study of fundamental properties of physical systems exhibiting behavior governed by collective interactions of charged particles. 99.9% of the visible Universe is thought to consist of plasmas. The underlying physics of the collective behavior in plasmas has applications to space physics and astrophysics, material science, applied mathematics, fusion science, accelerator science, and many branches of engineering. The goal of the initiative is to enhance basic plasma research and education in this broad, multidisciplinary field by coordinating efforts and combining resources of the two agencies. Deadline: November 19, 2015 19) Higher Education Partnerships for Innovation and Impact (HEPII) Annual Program Statement (APS) APS-OAA-15-000048 USAID seeks to partner with HEIs [Higher Education Institutions] across disciplines and collaboration models to facilitate USAID mission and country efforts to improve development outcomes. Concept papers submitted under this APS must clearly demonstrate the ways in which the partnership – and HEI assets, expertise, contributions, and resources – will increase the reach, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainable impact of the proposed interventions and USAID’s investment. Deadline: June 29, 2016 20) All deadlines listed in this announcement indicate the agency’s due date. Please adjust your PPF submission to account for the new deadline policies. DER Proposal Processing Form (PPF)