August 28, 2015

August 28, 2015 edition
Please follow links in titles for original posting and further details.
Research Seminar Series
Planning has started for the 2015-2016 Research Seminar Series. Please send any
presenter requests or general suggestions to
Finding Your First Grant Opportunities
Presented by Jon Harrison, Librarian II and Director of the Foundation Center.
Main Library, First Floor | September 10, 2015 | 3:00-5:00pm
Interdisciplinary Research Forum on Undergraduate STEM Education
A brief program will be presented outlining activities and opportunities for the
upcoming year - including the announcement of an MSU Academic
Competitiveness Fund award recently made to four colleges: Education,
Engineering, Natural Science, and Lyman Briggs. There will also be ample time for
conversation and meeting potential research collaborators.
Kellogg Center, Red Cedar A&B | September 11, 2015 | 3:00-5:00pm
Scientific Computing and Data Science Workshop
The CMSE Department is hosting an inaugural workshop on September 16-17,
2015 to kickoff intellectual discourse throughout MSU. This two-day workshop
will bring together speakers who are intellectual leaders in computational science
and their application to interesting scientific problems. The areas of focus will be
topics in scientific computing and Data Science, their applications, challenges and
open problems.
Kellogg Center | September 16-17, 2015 | Registration Required
NCURA Research Administrators Day- September 25, 2015
This day will recognize the significant contributions made by admnistrators in
support of research innovation, inquiry and discovery.
Save the Date: 2015 MSU-FBI Academic Alliance Conference
The 2015 FBI-MSU Academic Alliance Conference is full-day program at the
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center. Free event but registration is required.
Monday, September 28 | 8:00am-5:00pm
Write On-Site with Trifecta
Trifecta’s “Write On-Site” is a way to build in writing time and accountability.
Bring your laptop or whatever writing materials you need and get started. This is
an open invitation; we always have coffee and sometimes cookies!
Every Wednesday | 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. | CAS207
Guidance on Changes That Involve Human Subjects in Active Awards and That Will
Require Prior NIH Approval: Updated Notice NOT-OD-15-128
This updated Notice continues to provide detailed guidance on the types of
changes in human subjects research awards that will require prior NIH approval
and provides information on the process for submission of such requests.
Dear Colleague Letter: Communication About Automated Compliance Checking
and Proposal Submission NSF 15-095
This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) is to communicate with the engineering research
community about the new features that NSF has implemented in the FastLane
system for automated compliance checking and about common reasons for lack
of compliance. The goals are to ensure consistency in NSF's proposal submissions,
to enhance the ease of submissions, to reduce the number of submitted
proposals that will be returned without review, and to enable a greater number of
meritorious ideas to advance.
Extreme Challenges in Optics and Imaging Request for Information (RFI)
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences
Office (DSO) is requesting information concerning extreme challenge
problems in optics and imaging. For the purposes of this RFI, extreme
challenges encompass systems, components, devices, processing schemes, or
design/optimization tools that drastically outperform the current state of
the art, and expand the limits of what is typically deemed possible using
conventional design methodologies.
SPA (OSP|CGA) Federal Uniform Guidance
Stay up to date with grant regulation changes resulting from Uniform Guidance.
MSU Sponsored Projects’ Proposal Deadline Policy
College of Engineering’s Proposal Processing Timeline
Completed proposals must be provided to OSP at least three full business days
prior to the sponsor's deadline to be considered on time. On-time proposals will
take precedence over those considered late. Thank you for your continued
cooperation and commitment to improving the process of proposal review,
approval and timely submission.
1. Michigan State University Discretionary Funding Initiative
2. Michigan State University Foundation Strategic Partnership Grants
3. Innnovative Development in Energy-Related Applied Sciences (IDEAS)
4. Novel or Enhanced Dental Restorative Materials for Class V Lesions
(R01) RFA-DE-16-007
5. Science of Science and Innovation Policy Doctoral Dissertation
Research Improvement Grants (SciSIP-DDRIG) NSF 15-583
6. Chemical Catalysis (CAT) PD 09-6884
7. Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms (CSDM-A) PD 12-9101
8. Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms (CSDM-B) PD 12-9102
9. DOE Traineeship in Robotics DE-FOA-0001374
10. Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction
11. Trifecta Pilot Funding Grant Award
12. The S3 Collaborative Grant Program
13. NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering NSF 15-
1) Michigan State University Discretionary Funding Initiative
The Discretionary Funding Initiative (DFI), funded by the Michigan State
Foundation, provides bridge funds for tenure-stream faculty for additional studies
needed for resubmission of an unsuccessful grant application.
Deadline: September 17, 2015
2) Michigan State University Foundation Strategic Partnership Grants
Michigan State University recognizes the value of supporting and nurturing faculty
engaging in leading-edge research and scholarship initiatives. These initiatives
must be of a caliber that positions the faculty to compete for significant external
funding, including the development of research ideas with significant commercial
potential, and to raise the stature of the university. Some of these initiatives may
have strong potential to develop into a center or institute-level research program.
Deadline: pre-proposal due September 17, 2015
3) Innnovative Development in Energy-Related Applied Sciences (IDEAS) DEFOA-0001002
The broad objective of this FOA is to identify disruptive concepts in energy-related
technologies that challenge the status quo and represent a leap beyond today’s
technology. An innovative concept alone is not enough; the idea must also have
the potential to be impactful—meaning that, if successful, it represents a
fundamentally new paradigm in energy technology with the potential to make a
significant impact on ARPA-E’s Mission Areas. Concepts of particular interest have
the potential to achieve percentage-level reductions in U.S. energy consumption,
energy-related imports, or greenhouse gas emissions.
Deadline: September 28, 2015
4) Novel or Enhanced Dental Restorative Materials for Class V Lesions (R01)
The intent of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate
research on the development of novel or enhanced dental restorative materials
for Class V lesions that demonstrate superiority in clinical service life over the
currently used restorative options. The requirements of Class V restorative
materials (those placed within the gingival third of the exposed tooth) are
complex, due to the unique material characteristics required by the oral
environment and the complications hindering dental treatment in this region.
Deadline: full proposal due September 29, 2015
5) Science of Science and Innovation Policy Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grants (SciSIP-DDRIG) NSF 15-583
The Science of Science & Innovation Policy (SciSIP) program supports research
designed to advance the scientific basis of science and innovation policy. The
program funds research to develop models, analytical tools, data and metrics that
can be applied in the science policy decision making process and concern the use
and allocation of scarce scientific resources.
Deadline: September 29, 2015
6) Chemical Catalysis (CAT) PD 09-6884
The Program accepts proposals on catalytic approaches, which facilitate, direct,
and accelerate efficient chemical transformations. This includes the design and
synthesis of catalytic species on the molecular, supramolecular, and nanometer
scales as well as studies of the dynamics of homogeneous and heterogeneous
catalytic processes. Processes of interest include (but are not limited to):
polymerization catalysis, single site catalysis, and biologically-inspired catalysis.
Applications of modeling, theory, and simulation to catalytic processes are also
relevant. Fundamental studies of energy-related catalytic processes, CO2
conversion, electrocatalysis (such as in water splitting and fuel cells), and
photocatalysis (such as in solar energy conversion) are welcome in the program.
Deadline: September 30, 2015
7) Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms (CSDM-A) PD 12-9101
The CSDM Program supports research on the nature of molecular structure and
its consequences for reactivity, intermolecular interactions, and dynamics.
Chemical dynamics is defined to encompass reaction kinetics and mechanisms,
intramolecular rearrangement or conformational changes, and changes induced
via electromagnetic excitation.
Deadline: September 30, 2015
8) Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms (CSDM-B) PD 12-9102
The CSDM Program supports research on the nature of molecular structure and
its consequences for reactivity, intermolecular interactions, and dynamics.
Chemical dynamics is defined to encompass reaction kinetics and mechanisms,
intramolecular rearrangement or conformational changes, and changes induced
via electromagnetic excitation.
Deadline: September 30, 2015
9) DOE Traineeship in Robotics DE-FOA-0001374
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM),
through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), seeks to award one or
more cooperative agreements (anticipated to be for a term of up to five years) to
accredited United States (U.S.) Colleges and Universities (hereafter referred to as
“Universities”) to train graduate students in specific disciplines or sub-disciplines
aligned with DOE science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
workforce needs in the area of Robotics, particularly as they apply to the mission
of EM.
Deadline: September 30, 2015
10) Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction
This announcement solicits white papers for long-term challenges in specific
fundamental areas of research that offer a significant contribution to the current
body of knowledge, understanding of phenomena and observable facts,
significantly advance revolutionary technology, new concepts for technology
application, and may have impact on future C-WMD capabilities.
Deadline: September 30, 2015
11) Trifecta Pilot Funding Grant Award
Trifecta seeks to stimulate new or emerging interdisciplinary research
collaborations between faculty in the colleges of Communication Arts & Sciences,
Engineering, and Nursing at MSU. Pilot funding will be used to help create
innovative, interdisciplinary research projects that will lead to increased
applications and successes in external funding, presentations and publications,
and visibility for the Trifecta initiative at MSU.
Deadline: September 30, 2015
12) The S3 Collaborative Grant Program
The S3 Collaborative Grant seeks to stimulate new or emerging interdisciplinary
collaborations between MSU's science studies scholars (scholars who study
science and/or scientists from the perspective of the humanities and/or social
sciences) and MSU STEM and health sciences professionals. These
interdisciplinary seed grants will be used to help create opportunities for
developing collaborative research projects, hopefully resulting in increased
applications for external funding, publications, and visibility for STEM and science
studies research at MSU.
Deadline: October 05, 2015
13) NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering NSF 15601
Plasma Physics is a study of fundamental properties of physical systems exhibiting
behavior governed by collective interactions of charged particles. 99.9% of the
visible Universe is thought to consist of plasmas. The underlying physics of the
collective behavior in plasmas has applications to space physics and astrophysics,
material science, applied mathematics, fusion science, accelerator science, and
many branches of engineering. The goal of the initiative is to enhance basic
plasma research and education in this broad, multidisciplinary field by
coordinating efforts and combining resources of the two agencies.
Deadline: November 19, 2015
All deadlines listed in this announcement indicate the agency’s due date. Please
adjust your PPF submission to account for the new deadline policies.
DER Proposal Processing Form (PPF)