NOTICE In previous years LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli issued Regulations and organised comparative evaluation processes aimed at compiling lists of qualified individuals for the awarding of 1-year (with a possibility of renewal up to five years) teaching contracts for official courses within degree programmes at the Department of Political Science covering the academic disciplines set out below. FIS/08 - Didactics and history of physics - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 FIS/08”; INF/01 - Informatics – competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 INF/01”; IUS/01 - Private Law - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 IUS/01”; IUS/04 - Business Law - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 IUS/04”; IUS/05 - Economic Law - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 IUS/05”; IUS/09 - Public law - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 IUS/09”; IUS/10 - Administrative law – competition code “CONTR. SP 2011 IUS/10”; IUS/13 - International law - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 IUS/13”; IUS/14 - European Union law – competition code “CONTR. SP 2011/IUS/14”; IUS/21 - Comparative public law - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 IUS/21”; L-FIL-LET/12 – Italian linguistics – competition code “CONTR. SP 2014 L-FIL-LET/12”; L-LIN/04 - Language and translation – French - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 L-LIN/04”; L-LIN/07 - Language and translation – Spanish - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 L-LIN/07”; L-LIN/12 - Language and translation – English - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 L-LIN/12”; L-LIN/14 - Language and translation – German - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 L-LIN/14”; L-LIN/21 - Slavic studies - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 L-LIN/21”; L-OR/12 - Arabic language and literature - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 L-OR/12”; L-OR/21 - Chinese and South Asian languages and literatures - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 L-OR/21”; M-FIL/02 - Logic and Philosophy of Science - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 M-FIL/02”; M-FIL/03 - Moral philosophy - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 M-FIL/03”; M-FIL/05 - Philosophy and theory of language - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 M-FIL/05”; M-GGR/02 - Economic and political geography – competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 M-GGR/02”; M-STO/04 - Contemporary history – competition code “CONTR. SP 2011 M-STO/04”; M-STO/06 - History of religions - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 M-STO/06”; SECS-P/01 - Economics – competition code “CONTR. SP 2011 SECS-P/01”; SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SECS-P/02”; SECS-P/03 - Economic Policy - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SECS-P/03”; SECS-P/12 - Economic history – competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SECS-P/12” SECS-S/01 - Statistics – competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SECS-S/01”; SECS-S/03 - Economic statistics - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SECS-S/03”; SPS/01 - Political philosophy - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/01”; SPS/02 - History of political thought - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/02”; SPS/03 – History of political institutions - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/03”; SPS/04 - Political science - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/04”; SPS/05 - American history and institutions - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/05”; LUISS | Viale Pola 12 | 00198 Roma | T + 39 06 852 25 280 | Fax + 39 06 854 36 72 | SPS/06 - History of international relations - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/06”; SPS/07 - General sociology – competition code “CONTR. SP 2011 SPS/07”; SPS/08 - Sociology of culture and communication - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/08”; SPS/09 - Economic sociology and sociology of work and organisations - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/09”; SPS/10 - Urban and environmental sociology – competition code “CONTR. SP 2011 SPS/10”; SPS/11 - Political sociology - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/11”; SPS/12 - Sociology of law, deviance and social change - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/12”; SPS/14 - Asian history and institutions - competition code “CONTR. SP 2013 SPS/14”. In the context of the above mentioned academic disciplines and competitions, a new application submission period running from 20 October 2015 to 20 November 2015 is hereby opened to permit new candidates to be evaluated with a view to updating the lists in the academic years after the first one. To that end candidates can submit applications online through filling out in full and sending the specific form available on the University’s website at in the Faculty - Reclutamento docenti a contratto section. Rome, 31/7/2015 The General Manager Giovanni Lo Storto LUISS | Viale Pola 12 | 00198 Roma | T + 39 06 852 25 280 | Fax + 39 06 854 36 72 |