All Senate Meeting minutes 2-7-2014

Executive Senate: Minutes for All Senate Meeting 02/07/14
Members present: Yoshiko Fukushima, Lincoln Gotshalk, Mazan Hamad, Jean Ippolito, Faith
Mishina, Yucheng Quin, Janet Ray. Absent: Becky Ostertag and Tracy Wiegner because of the
Epscor Conference. Johann Kuipers, the student representative was not present.
The corrected minutes were approved for the Executive Senate Meeting on 01/24/14.
Old Business:
The CRC will meet following this meeting to decide how to stagger continuity of its
The APC has not submitted an official assessment on their membership yet.
Motions formerly forwarded to Congress passed: a reiteration
Nursing students will be eligible for the Dean’s List
The Sabbatical Tracking System will be implemented
Motions passed in this meeting:
Articulation of at least three issues in the distinction between on-line labs and face-toface labs:
1) On-line courses being accepted from other schools have no designation that
distinguishes between the two types of labs. There is no way of knowing whether the
student has had a face-to-face lab with the training so critical to safety.
2) The refusal to accept on-line labs is dependent on the first issue.
3) There exists a third complication: the existence of hybrid courses that are partially online and partially in a physical lab.
There needs to be a discussion with colleagues on an intercampus basis. The
complications are such that a motion was presented and passed by the 7 members present
to send Bill Mauer’s Memorandum to Congress and their APC.
Discussion of the CAS Tenure and Promotion revision elicited one small correction to the
designation “doctorate” was expanded to clearly add “or a terminal degree” as certain
disciplines’ terminal degree is not a doctorate.
A motion was suggested and passed by all 7 members present to send out the CAS
Tenure and Promotion document to all CAS faculty by email to elicit participation by the
all Senate Faculty in the finalization of this document. If there is not a 51% quorum as a
result of the participation, the Executive Senate will then finalize the amendments to this
document. A thank-you will be included for those outside of the Executive Senate who
have contributed to the discussion.
The proposal that Directed Studies be recognized as service and permitted credit hours
for professorial pay was discussed. In outside universities, graduate courses, research
and mentoring of thesis garner credit towards pay: six individual studies and/or thesis
mentoring credits would be the equivalent to a three hour course for the professor.
Discussion about undergraduate credit was lively given the acute problem of canceled
courses that students need for graduation.
There was a motion that this also be passed to Congress. It was approved by all present.
After discussion of the CAS Charter and the definitions of quorum, it was decided that
the statement that the All Senate Body needed 51% of the vote and that Executive Senate
required a two thirds vote stood.
New Business:
There was a question on the practice of conducting three All-Senate forums every
semester. The democratic nature of the practice is considered very good; however, due to
faculty’s very busy schedules, the preponderance of meetings throughout February and
the Epscor Conference, there were no faculty present outside of the Executive Senate
members. It was suggested that the March All Senate meeting be canceled. Mazen made
the excellent suggestion that the All Senate meetings should happen only when there are
gripping issues or very important speakers.