Friday, September 11, 2015 2:00 to 3:00 pm UCB 307 Dean s Conf.rm - Minutes

CAS Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Friday, September 11, 2015
In Attendance: Mike Peterson, Jan Ray, Yucheng Qin, Mazen Hamad, Randy Hirokawa, Tracy Wiegner
(Vice-Chair), Chris Lauer, Ryan Stack (Student Representative), Jean Ippolito (Chair)
Chair’s report: Yoshiko Fukushima is on sabbatical this semester, so we are still looking for another
humanities representative and a liaison for the CAS APC.
The October 9th, 2015 Senate meeting will be an all-faculty meeting to discuss the vision for the college
and solicit opinions on MQs and DQs for our next Dean.
CRC report: The CRC has begun to receive new programs and courses and program and course
modifications and this year will need to review the requirements for liberal studies degrees.
APC report: no report
May 7, 2015 all-senate minutes approved 7-0-1
Division Chair election process: The Humanities Division Chair’s position was scheduled to expire last
semester, but procedural hurdles prevented an election. The APC produced a set of procedures for
division chair selections to clarify the language of the old union contract (2009-2015). The new union
contract (2015-2017) contains the same language as the old ones in the relevant passages (Art. XXIII. C.
and Art. X. B.). The SEC votes 8-0-0 to approve the APC’s procedures and will submit them to all CAS
faculty for voting.
A motion is introduced asking for an update on the campus-wide non-smoking plan. In 2013 Faculty
Congress passed a motion for a campus-wide smoking ban and presented it to Chancellor Straney, who
referred it to Vice Chancellor Sakai. SEC votes 8-0-0 to ask for an update on the status of the ban.
A motion for forming an ad hoc committee to review the guidelines for contract renewal was
introduced. There was some discussion over whether this was more appropriate for the Faculty
Congress Academic Policy Committee. It was moved to refer the proposal to Faculty Congress for
discussion. Motion passes 8-0-0.
Meeting adjourned at 2:59pm.