Announcement DEF.docx

Announcement for the compiling of lists of qualified individuals for the awarding of teaching contracts for
supplementary courses within degree programmes at the Department of Economics and Finance at LUISS Libera
Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli pursuant to article 23 of Law No. 240 of 30 December
The General Manager of LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli,
- having regard to article 23 of Law No. 240 of 30 December 2010;
- having regard to the “Regulations for the awarding of teaching contracts for degree programmes at LUISS
Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli pursuant to article 23 of Law No. 240 of 30
December 2010” issued through Rectoral Decree No. 186 of 9 September 2011 as amended;
- having regard to the resolution of the Executive Committee, acting on a proposal from the Economics and
Finance Department Executive after consulting with the Academic Senate, aimed at meeting teaching needs;
Article 1
Call for Applications
LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido (hereinafter the “University” or “LUISS”) issues a
call for applications – pursuant to article 23 of Law No. 240 of 30 December 2010 and subject to the procedures
set forth the regulations for the awarding of teaching contracts (hereinafter the “Regulations”) issued through
Rectoral Decree No. 186 of 9 September 2011 as amended – to participate in 1 comparative evaluation processes
aimed at compiling lists of qualified individuals for the awarding of 1-year (with a possibility of renewal) privatesector teaching contracts for supplementary courses within degree programmes at the Department of Economics
and Finance covering the academic discipline :
INF/01 - Informatics - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 INF/01”
ING-IND/35 - Business and management engineering – competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 ING-IND/35"
IUS/01 - Private law – competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 IUS/01"
IUS/05 - Economics law - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 IUS/05"
MAT/06 - Probability and statistics - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 MAT/06"
SECS-P/01 - Economics – competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/01"
SECS-P/02 - Economic policy - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/02"
SECS-P/04 – History of economic thought - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/04"
SECS-P/05 - Econometrics – competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/05"
SECS-P/06 - Applied economics - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/06"
SECS-P/07 – Business administration and Management – competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECSP/O7"
SECS-P/08 – Management – competition code "CONTR INT DEF 2014 SECS-P/08"
SECS-P/09 – Finance – competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/09"
SECS-P/10 – Organization studies – competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/10"
SECS-P/11 – Financial markets and Institutions - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/11"
SECS-P/12 – Economic history - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-P/12"
SECS-S/01 - Statistics - competition code "CONTR INT. DEF 2014 SECS-S/Or
SECS-S/06 - Mathematical methods of economy, finance and actuarial sciences - competition code "CONTR
INT. DEF 2014 SECS-S/06"
Article 2
Requisites for the Submission of Applications
Applications to participate may be submitted by persons who fall within one of the categories specified in article 2
of the Regulations and who fulfil the requirements stated in this announcement.
Article 3
Submission of Applications
Applications to participate in the comparative evaluation procedure referred to in this announcement must be
submitted solely online through filling out in full and sending the specific form available on the University’s
website at in The University – Work with Us – Recruitment of contract faculty section by the
peremptory deadline of 15 days commencing from the day after the date of publication of this announcement.
Applications must include all of the data requested and be accompanied by Microsoft word or pdf file containing
the candidate’s academic and professional curriculum vitae and a list of qualifications, publications and
professional activities undertaken.
Article 4
Comparative Evaluation Procedure
The comparative evaluation of the candidates who have submitted applications is done by the Department
The comparative evaluation is informed by the criteria set out in article 6 of the Regulations, having regard to
teaching needs.
The teaching and academic strength of candidates is assessed having regard to their curriculum, qualifications,
expressly mentioned publications and teaching and professional experience.
Teaching-academic output is evaluated taking into account the originality of the results achieved, the
methodological rigour displayed and relevance to the academic discipline that this announcement concerns.
Finally, the continuity of candidates’ academic output over time is also a further element of evaluation.
Candidates’ professional activities is evaluated taking into account the position held, the results attained, the
work context and any other useful elements.
Other evaluation criteria are:
the coordination of teaching and academic initiatives, aimed at attaining the strategic objectives of LUISS
Guido Carli’s own education plan;
proficiency in one or more foreign languages;
international experience in the academic discipline that this announcement concerns;
important work experience gained abroad.
The following are preferential qualifications:
research doctorate or equivalent, awarded in Italy or abroad;
national teaching qualification (abilitazione scientifica nazionale);
teaching and research undertaken as part of supplementary university courses;
professional activities undertaken at senior level in important national/international enterprises, professional
firms or consultancy firms.
Article 5
List of Qualified Individuals
At the end of the proceedings, on the basis of the criteria set out in the preceding article 4, the Department
Executive will come to an overall judgment on each candidate.
On the basis of the comparative evaluation and in the manner specified in article 7 of the Regulations, the
Department Executive will draw up a list of qualified individuals to whom teaching contracts can be awarded.
That list, to be published on the University’s website at in The University – Work with Us –
Recruitment of contract faculty section, will be valid for eleven academic years, during which time it will be
updated by including thereon the names of the candidates who submit applications following the opening of new
application submission periods running from 16 February the second and subsequent years, for a period of fifteen
days and who are judged to be qualified following a comparative evaluation procedure done in the manner
referred to in article 4.
Article 6
Awarding of Contracts
On the basis of the judgments expressed and having regard to its own specific teaching and academic needs,
Department Executive may – by reasoned resolution approved by majority vote and after consulting with the
Academic Senate – submit a proposal to the Executive Committee to award teaching contracts to one or more of
the candidates adjudged to be qualified.
The Department Executive may decide not to award any teaching contracts should it maintain that none of those
on the list of qualified individuals adequately satisfy the University’s teaching needs or should the course not
actually start up. In any event, the Department Executive reserves the right to award the teaching contracts to the
individuals specified in article 9 of the Regulations.
The Executive Committee approves the awarding of teaching contracts, which are signed by the General Manager.
Candidates will be given detailed information on the University’s offer, specifying:
the duration, indicating the relevant academic year;
the gratuity, the remuneration, if any, or the criteria for its determination;
the type of teaching commitment that will be required and the number of hours to be devoted to lectures;
the deadline by which acceptance must be communicated.
If for any reason whatsoever the candidate does not accept the offer made or in the event of termination of the
contract, the University may proceed to replace him or her with other suitable candidates drawn from the list or
hired directly from among the individuals specified in article 9 of the Regulations.
Article 7
Rights and Duties of Faculty
In addition to lecturing, faculty are assigned the following duties:
participation at meetings of academic bodies in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes and university
compilation of the syllabi of the courses taught, by the deadlines set by the University;
membership of exam commissions both for individual courses and for the final degree exam;
maintenance of an up-to-date register in which they must, from time to time, note the lessons held, the
topics taught and the other matters associated with their job, the said register to be delivered to the
department administration during the academic year.
Article 8
Aspects of the Contract
The contracts that this announcement concerns are annual and may be renewed by decision of the Department in
accordance with the procedures set forth in article 6 above.
Remuneration, social security and insurance matters are governed by the Regulations.
Article 9
In the event of being awarded a teaching contract, at the time of signing it any candidate who is a public sector
employee must submit appropriate self-certification to the effect that his or her public service commitments are
compatible with the teaching activities envisaged by the contract.
Compatibility must be maintained for the entire term of the contract.
Contract professors undertake not to engage in any activity during the term of the contract that gives rise to a
conflict of interest, actual or potential, and that could in any event prejudice LUISS Guido Carli.
Article 10
Kinship Restrictions
The procedure for the awarding of contracts that this announcement concerns is not open to persons who are
related, by blood or marriage up to the fourth degree inclusive, to a professor belonging to the hiring department,
the Rector, the General Manager or a member of the Board of Directors.
Article 11
Processing of Personal Data
Pursuant to article 18 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003, the personal data provided by candidates will
be collected and processed by computerised and/or manual means at LUISS Guido Carli for the purposes of
managing this comparative evaluation process, publishing the relevant records and awarding the contracts, if any.
Article 12
The notice in relation to this announcement is available on the University’s website at in The
University – Work with Us – Recruitment of contract faculty section.
Further information on the economic and legal terms of the contracts that this announcement concerns can be
requested from the Faculty Personnel Office (Settore Personale Docente).
Rome, 10/3/2014
The General Manager
Giovanni Lo Storto