ANNUAL REPORT OF SPECIALIST LOAD, ACTIVITIES, ACHIEVEMENTS, AND PLANS 1 January through 31 December Name Department Employment Status___________________________ Appointment basis (AY or AN) LOAD The following table, should be completed by the specialist and reviewed by the unit administrator. It should reflect the recorded load (or apportionment of salary) in support of advising, teaching, curriculum development, research, outreach / public service, and institutional service. The totals during each period should reflect the appointment fraction. For example, leaves are an appointment fraction of 0.0% and consultancies are an appointment fraction of 50.0%. ADVISING TEACHING CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH OUTREACH / PUBLIC SERVICE INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE TOTALS SPRING ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % SUMMER ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % FALL ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % ________ % Comment on any significant disparities between the recorded load and the actual load (division of work time). Also comment, as desired, on the disaggregation of the above functions, such as scholarship into research program development and management, conduct of research, publication of research, and other subfunctions. (form date 11/01) 1 ADVISING This area involves any time spent helping students to handle educational, financial, or personal problems that are related to their careers as students. This includes advising which courses to take, course requirements for programs, scheduling, career counseling, writing recommendations, recruiting students, registering students, orientation programs and other student-oriented non-course related activities. Number of current undergraduate advisees: Freshmen ................... Sophomores ............... Juniors ....................... Seniors* ..................... Honors (all years)* ..... Exchange (all years)* . * Include here project advising leading to a senior or honors thesis or a comparable project report. Number of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows supervised as chairperson of advisory committee or as advisor: EXCHANGE SCHOLAR PROJECT MASTER'S DEGREE PROJECT OPTION COURSES OPTION THESIS OPTION DOCTORAL DEGREE POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH currently enrolled or active awarded degrees this period Number of advisory committee memberships (specifically, those continuing from the previous reporting period plus those new in this reporting period), exclusive of the above: MASTER’S DEGREE Provide Summary Comments on Advising Activities (form date 11/01) 2 DOCTORAL DEGREE TEACHING This area includes any credit teaching during the semesters in this reporting period and the intervening summer session. Do not include individualized instruction courses, such as undergraduate, master's research, or doctoral research. Note that lifelong education—noncredit teaching, though possibly for continuing education units—is not to be included in this tabulation of teaching. TERM OR SESSION AND YEAR COURSE DEPARTMENT CODE AND NUMBER LEC DIVISION OF CREDITS REC LAB OTHER Provide Summary Comments on Teaching Activities (form date 11/01) 3 NUMBER OF STUDENTS NUMBER OF SCH'S NUMBER OF TA'S SEE NUMBERED NOTE(S) CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT This area includes any activities that involve new course development; courses taught for the first time; preparation of new laboratory exercises or design of laboratory experiments; new experiments in teaching, learning or examination methods; integration of computer technology or web based instruction into new or existing courses; experiments with independent learning. Provide summary comments on curriculum development activities (form date 11/01) 4 RESEARCH/SCHOLARSHIP List all publications (and other scholarly works) which were published during this reporting period. Each entry should provide place and time data such as volume, number, page, and date information. DO NOT INCLUDE publications which have been accepted, but not yet published. (They will be included in a future year's list.) DO NOT INCLUDE publications listed in previous reporting periods. In the left margin on the first line of each entry, place one of the following publication codes: <p1> books, <p2> book sections/chapters, <p3> monographs, <p4> reviewed, archival journal papers, <p5> other journal papers, <p6> reviewed conference proceedings papers, <p7> other conference proceedings papers, <p8> reviews, and <p9> other creative works (such as reports, bulletins, patents, and documented software packages [both protected and public domain]). List all presentations during this reporting period, EXCEPT those which have appeared or will appear as publications. Specify any co-authors and designate the presenter(s). Include participation in panels and poster sessions. List the names of graduate thesis and project students supervised during this reporting period. In the case of degree seeking students, (1) specify the degree sought and (2a), if the degree has been awarded, provide the date, the publication type (i.e., MS thesis, PhD thesis, or project report), and the publication title; or (2b), if the degree has not been awarded, provide the expected degree date, the publication type, and the (expected) publication title or the research or project area. In the case of non-degree seeking students, provide the expected project completion date, the (expected) project report title or project area. List all proposals submitted during this reporting period. Specify (1) any coinvestigators, (2) the sponsor(s), (3) the amount and duration of the request, and (4) the status of the request (funded, pending, or declined). If funded, also specify (5) the amount of the grant or contract, (6) the starting and ending dates, and (7), during this reporting period, the expenditures and the numbers of undergraduate assistants, graduate assistants, and post-doctoral fellows supported. Also list all proposals submitted during previous reporting periods which were funded or continuing during this reporting period. Specify (1) any coinvestigators, (2) the sponsor(s), (3) the amount of the grant or contract, (4) the starting and ending dates, and (5), during this reporting period, the expenditures and the numbers of undergraduate assistants, graduate assistants, and post-doctoral fellows supported. Provide summary comments on research / scholarship activities (form date 11/01) 5 OUTREACH / PUBLIC SERVICE This area includes time spent on activities directed outside the university community related to professional activity. These activities include consulting, advising, lifelong education activities, hosting outreach specialty classes, presenting papers not related to research projects, duties as an officer in organizations, patient care not related to teaching and/or research assignment, cooperative extension, diagnostic services not related to teaching and/or research assignment, showings or recitals. This does not include private consulting and nonprofessional community activities. Provide summary comments on outreach/public service activities (form date 11/01) 6 INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE Enumerate institutional service activities during this reporting period, such as committee and administrative service and service as advisor of student groups (academic and social). (form date 11/01) 7 ACHIEVEMENTS AND PLANS (ONGOING) The activities in this reporting period may not reflect achievements which are the integration of activities over several years. The activities might also best be viewed in the context of goals and attendant strategies for reaching those goals. Include here any brief statement on such integrated achievements and on goals and strategies. It would also be appropriate to include a needs assessment. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Indicate here any other activities which are indicative of commitment to teaching, scholarship, and public service. For example, it would be appropriate to here report on pedagogical developments, research/scholarship in progress, proposals in preparation, and publications accepted (but not yet published) and in preparation. Also, make note of activities which are outside of the traditional functions of teaching, scholarship, public service, and institutional service. Professional development efforts, mentoring activities, and continuous quality improvement initiatives might also be reported. (form date 11/01) 8 C. SUMMARY DATA Michigan State University needs to assemble and disseminate, such as to state and federal agencies, activity levels in its mission areas. Therefore, it is important for you to provide counts of various of your activities during the reporting period, including some of those included in the foregoing portion of the report. A. Provide a count of the number of talks given or papers presented. _____ _____ _____ PUBLISHED OUTPUT (EXCLUDING BOOKS) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Total of A.1 A.2 Professional Journals (non-refereed) Conference or Meeting Proceedings (non-refereed) Book Chapters/Sections or Anthology Articles Magazine Articles Radio/Television Programs written or produced Trade Publications In-House Publications Bulletins Research and Technical Reports Miscellaneous (Printed) Reports Book/Article Reviews Provide a count of software programs which were released or are (still) in-distribution. Show as [# released/# in-distribution]. Protected (copyright or patent) Public Domain Patents issued __________ __________ Provide a count of the number of recitals, performances, or showings. A.1 Professional Journals (refereed) Conference or Meeting Proceedings (refereed) __________ _________ Provide a count of talks or presentations to radio/television audiences. _____ Provide a count or talks or presentations to lay audiences. Total of C D. MAJOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Specify the number of instances of service in a consultative capacity. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Total of A BOOKS Provide a count of the number of books which were published or were (still) in print. Show as [# published/# in-print]. _____ _____ _____ International Event National Event Out-of State Event Off-Campus In-State Event On-Campus _____ __________ Total of A.2 B. International Professional Meetings National Professional Meetings Regional (inter-state), State, Regional (intra-state), or Local Professional Meetings Faculty Seminars or Colloquia (off- and on-campus) Other Professional Gatherings _____ _____ Provide a count of the number of publications which were published/issued in each of the following categories. Record each publication in only one category. _____ _____ DELIVERED PAPERS, RECITALS, SHOWINGS _____ Authored Co-authored Edited National Academies Federal Executive Agencies or Committees Federal Legislative Agencies or Committees Publishers Private Industry or Business State Executive Agencies or Committees State Legislative Agencies or Committees Professional Organizations Colleges and Universities (excluding MSU) Accreditation Organizations Public Schools Local Government Other (List after this enumeration.) Number of instances of service as an elected or appointed officer in a national or international professional society, federal task force or committee, or other prominent national or international post during the year. Number of instances of service as a referee/reviewer for a professional journal or research proposal reviewer for a federal or state agency. Total of B _____ _____ International or National Journal, Conference, or Agency Regional (inter-state), State, Regional (intra-state), or Local Journal, Conference, or Agency Number or instances of service as an editor (or associate editor) of a professional journal. (form date 11/01) 9 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ International or National Journal Regional (inter-state), State, Regional (intra-state), or Local Journal _____ _____ Number of instances of service as an elected or appointed officer in a regional (inter-state), state, or regional (intra-state), professional society, committee, or governing board. __________ Number or instances of service as an elected or appointed officer of a nonuniversity, professional group, committee (professional or community), or (local) commission, or professional group. _____ _____ International or National Conference, Workshop, or Seminar Regional (inter-state) or State Conference, Workshop, or Seminar Regional (intra-state) or Local Conference, Workshop, or Seminar Number of instances of service in an extension capacity. _____ Number of doctoral dissertation committees served on, but not as chairperson. Research and Creative Activities Training Activities and Capitation (scholarships, fellowships, internshipes, . . . ) Support Service Activity _____ _____ Provide a count of the proposals newly funded or renewed (as distinct from continued in force). _____ Provide a count of the proposals (continued) in force from previous years. Number of instances of service as an organizer. _____ __________ Total of G H. _____ __________ PROPOSALS Provide a count of the proposals submitted for external funding. International or National Event Regional (inter-state) or State Event Regional (intra-state) or Local _____ _____ _____ Total of F G. Number of instances of service as an invited critic or judge of creative works. _____ _____ _____ Provide a count of doctoral-level advisees Provide a count of instances of service as an advisor. Student Academic or Professional Group/Club Student Social Group/Club PEER EVALUATION (CHAIRPERSON ONLY) Cite any current published rating or accrediting team comments reflecting on the general scholarship of your unit. (List after this enumeration.) Number of doctoral and masters dissertation committees chaired. Total of D I. E. Provide a count of awards or prizes for teaching excellence (self and graduate student advisees). Chairpersons should include graduate students without an assigned advisor. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES EVIDENCES OF MERIT Provide a count of memberships. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ _____ _____ Academic Council or Graduate Council A Standing Committee of the Academic Council Advisory-Consultative Committees to the Academic Council University-wide ad hoc Committees, Commissions, and Task Forces Athletic Council Judiciary Committees Search Committees College and Department Standing Committees College and Department Advisory Committees College and Department ad hoc Committees Other University, College, and Department Administrative Committees (List after this enumeration.) Provide a count of awards (other than grants or contracts) or prizes for scholarship, outreach, research, or other creative activities (self and graduate student advisees). Chairpersons should include graduate students without an assigned advisor. _____ _____ Total of E _____ _____ (form date 11/01) ADVISING DUTIES Provide a count of undergraduate advisees Provide a count of master-level advisees 10 MSU Awards External Awards _____ Provide a count of faculty members on leave as visiting faculty at another university. _____ Provide a count of visiting faculty members in the department. __________ F. MSU Awards External Awards Total of I J. _____ _____ _____ __________ SUPPLEMENTAL DATA PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES List of other service in a consultative capacity. Provide a count of patient/client visits or contacts. Provide a count of patient/client referrals. Provide a count of practitioner consultations. Total of J K. _____ PATIENT CARE VOLUME WEB COURSE DEVELOPMENT The number of Web course developed. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES List of memberships on other university, college, and department advisory, consultative, . . . committees. OUTREACH COMPONENT __________ Number of the activities enumerated above (A through K) with an outreach component. EVALUATION (Chairperson Only) List of published ratings and accreditation team reports. Append additional information as appropriate. (form date 11/01) 11