Student’s name Academic Year 2016/2017 Higher Education Learning Agreement for Studies Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus code Country Contact person name; email; phone Name Faculty/Department Erasmus code Country Contact person name; email; phone I ROMA03 Italy Receiving Institution LUISS Guido Carli Nationality Sex [M/F] Study cycle Subject area, code1 Student Before the mobility Study Programme at the Receiving Institution –Table A Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… N. Course Title Semester ECTS credits Total: The level of language competence in ___________ [indicate here the main language of instruction] that the student already has or agrees to acquire by the start of the study period is: A2 ☐ B1 ☐ B2 ☐ C1 ☐ C2 ☐ Native speaker ☐ Recognition at the Sending Institution – Table B N. Course Title Semester ECTS credits Total: Changes to the study programme Shortly after arrival at the receiving institution, each student must confirm the original programme. Often, some courses need to be changed (because, for instance, one is no longer taught, the syllabus has changed, there are timetable clashes, etc.). LUISS does not use the changes table in the Learning Agreement. Instead we ask students to send us a final Learning Agreement once their plan is confirmed. Therefore, only the last version of the present document submitted to our office will be considered valid. Commitment By signing this document, the student, the sending institution and the receiving institution confirm that they approve the proposed Learning Agreement and that they will comply with all the arrangements agreed by all parties. Sending and receiving institutions undertake to apply all the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education relating to mobility for studies (or the principles agreed in the inter-institutional agreement for institutions located in partner countries). The receiving institution confirms that the educational components listed in Table A are in line with its course catalogue. The sending institution commits to recognise the credits gained at the receiving institution for the successfully completed educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described in Table B. For additional or extra courses LUISS students may gain one point towards the final graduation mark and can achieve credits for other activities. In some cases, students take extra components and do not need the credits gained abroad. The student and receiving institution will communicate to the sending institution any problems or changes regarding the proposed mobility programme, responsible persons and/or study period. Commitment Name Email Student Responsible person at the Sending Institution Responsible person at the Receiving Institution 1 Position Student Annamaria Ricciardi 042: Law; 041: Business and administration; 0311: Economics; 0312: Political Science Head Student Exchange office Date Signature