
Biology 2420 Microbiology CRN # 80147
Instructor : Dr. M. Thomas
Office: Faculty Office # 3
Felix Morales Building
Days: TR
Time: 8am -11am
Room: T – 221
R - 313
Phone: (713) 718 – 7310
Email: molly.thomas@hccs.edu
Office hours: By Appointment
Textbook: Foundations in Microbiology
Eighth edition
Lab manual: Microbiology – Laboratory Manual for Biology 2420
Educational Objectives: (HCCS Catalog)
1. To understand and apply method and appropriate technology to the study of
natural sciences.
2. To recognize scientific and quantitative methods and the differences between
these approaches and other methods of inquiry and to communicate findings,
analyses, and interpretations both orally and in writing.
3. To identify and recognize the differences among competing scientific theories
4. To demonstrate knowledge of major issues and problems facing modern science,
including issues that touch upon ethics, values, and public policies.
5. To demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of science and technology and
their influence on, and contribution to modern culture.
Attendance is mandatory. Students with more than four unexcused absences will be
administratively withdrawn. Tardiness will not be accepted. Attendance will be recorded
at the beginning of each class session. Students who are late (10 minutes or more) will be
marked absent. Students will be responsible for the material covered in class during the
missed class session.
Three lecture exams(40 -50 multiple choice questions) will be conducted during the
course. Reviews (handouts) will be given before each lecture exam. Students are
requested to bring their own scantron sheets and be on time for the exam. Students who
are late (more than 10 minutes) will not be allowed to take the exam.
Test satisfy the reading and critical thinking components required by the core curriculum
Make – up exams:
Make up exams will be given ONLY if there is documented evidence for missing the
exam. Make up exams will include essay type and short answer questions ( no multiple
choice questions).
Two lab exams will be conducted during the course of the semester. Reviews(oral)will
be given before each lab exam. Lab exam will include short answer questions and
identification of slides. No makeup exams for lab exams will be conducted.
Lab exams satisfy the reading, writing and critical thinking components required by the
core curriculum.
Final exam is comprehensive. It will include 100 multiple choice questions. Review for
the final exam(handout) will be given two weeks prior to the date of the final exam.
Students will demonstrate competency in reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical
thinking and computer literacy.
Lab reports are due at the end of each lab session. Late lab reports will NOT be accepted.
Students are allowed to work in groups during each lab session but will be graded
individually for lab participation and punctuality. No children are allowed in the
laboratory. Lab safety rules must be read before doing any of the lab exercises.
Laboratory exercises/reports satisfy the listening, speaking, writing and critical thinking
components required by the core curriculum.
Dissection of preserved animals is required in the following courses:
BIOL 1407, BIOL 2401 AND BIOL 2402
Open labs will be scheduled during the semester for review of lab materials. The
schedule will be available during the course of the semester.
Computer based tutorials are available in Room 2002 and the Tutoring Assistance Center
(TAC ). Research paper/presentation should include the internet as one of the resources.
Research paper/Presentation:
A research paper or presentation (on any topic of interest discussed in class during the
course of the semester) can be used to substitute one lecture exam grade. The lowest
lecture exam grade will be dropped and the research paper/presentation grade will replace
the exam grade. The research paper/presentation is due on or before 11 – 29 – 11.
Research paper/presentation will not be accepted after this date. Research paper should
be typed, double spaced, 5 or more pages long (exclusive of the title page and
bibliography). Presentations should be no longer than 15 minutes. Research
paper/presentation will not replace lab exams or the final exam.
90 – 100
80 – 89
70 – 79
60 – 69
Below 60
3 Lecture Exams 45%
2 Lab Exams
Lab Reports
Final Exam
Scholastic Integrity
Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling
course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by the
college system officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. HCCS student
Student Conduct:
No student may disrupt or interfere with any educational activity performed by a member
of the college system. In addition, no student may interfere with his/her fellow students’
right to pursue their academic goals to the fullest in an atmosphere appropriate to a
community of scholars. (HCCS handbook)
All pagers and cellular phones must be set on the silent mode. Eating, drinking, or
smoking is NOT allowed in the classrooms or laboratory.
Students are required to pass specific sections of the TASP
Disability Services:
Any student with a documented disability (e.g physical, learning, psychiatric, vision,
hearing etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the
Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester.
Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability
Support services office. If you have any questions please contact Chris Caldwell (713 718-7218) or the Disability Counselor at each college.
Southeast College: (713) 718 – 7218
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is
necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked
to answer a short online survey of research based questions related to instruction. The
anonymous results of the survey will be made available to our professors and division
chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the EGLS3 as part of the HCC
student system online near the end of the term.
NOVEMBER 3, 2011……
The last day to drop this class with a “W” is Nov 3rd, 2011. I will not drop you from the
course but you can if you so decide on or before this deadline.
The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus and will notify the class of any
change in a timely manner.