COURSE SYLLABUS NORTHEAST COLLEGE HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM BIOL. 2401 – ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I SPRING SESSION - 2012 INSTRUCTOR: DR. PHILIP E. SWARTZ TEXTBOOK: Tortora, G. J. and Derrickson, B., Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, latest edition available, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. LAB MANUAL: Keating, R. J. and Wiersema, V. L. (editors), Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory Manual, latest edition available, University Copy Center, Houston, Texas (blue cover). OPTIONAL & SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCES: I will list these on the blackboard the first day of class. Northeast College, Houston Community College System, Pinemont Campus, 1265 Pinemont, Houston, TX 77018. Telephone: (713) 718-8400. LECTURE AND LABORATORY FOR CRN # 77695: Lectures on Tuesdays from 11:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. in the auditorium (Room 170). Laboratory on Thursdays from 11:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. in either Room 131 or Room 133 for half of the class and on Tuesdays from 8:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. in either Room 131 or Room 133 for the other half of the class. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the studies of human structure and function at the cellular, tissue, organ, and system levels. Considerations include the different physiological processes, different types of tissues, and the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous. The interrelationships of these systems will also be studied. RULES AND REGULATIONS: (1) CLASS ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED. 3 tardies or leaving early 3 times = one absence. 5 absences and I will personally withdraw you from the course with a final course grade of “W” if it is before the official withdrawal date or “F” if it is after the official withdrawal date. I WILL NOT MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. REGARDLESS OF YOUR EXCUSE.: DEATH IN THE FAMILY, PERSONAL ILLNESS, ETC. WILL NOT STOP ME FROM WITHDRAWING YOU FROM THE COURSE. (2) Smoking, eating, or drinking is not allowed in the classroom. (3) Speaking with other students is not allowed while the instructor is lecturing. (4) You should not work on other class work or other work not relating to class during lecture or lab. (5) YOU MAY NOT BRING CHILDREN TO THE LECTURE OR LAB. (6) You may not bring phones, beepers, ipods, etc. to lecture or lab. (7) Students must adhere to all policies stated in the HCC Student Handbook. (8) Disruptive behavior will result in the security guard being called, and disruptive students will be removed from class. (9) CHEATING ON EXAMINATIONS WILL RESUL IN A GRADE OF ZERO ON THE EXAMINATION. PREREQUISITE: BIOL. 1406 + College Reading Skills = passed the TASP Reading Test. CREDIT: 4 semester hours EVALUATION OF THE STUDENT (GRADE COMPUTATION): Four lecture examinations will be give, three lab practical exams will be given, and a comprehensive final lecture exam will be given. THE HIGHEST GRADE P:OSSIBLE ON ANY MAKE-UP EXAM OR EARLY EXAM = 80 REGARDLESS OF YOUR EXCUSE. IF YOU TURN IN LAB REPORTS AT THE END OF THE COURSE I WILL COUNT THAT AS ONE ADDITIONAL GRADE. I WILL AVERAGE 7 OR 8 GRADES FOR EACH STUDENT DEPENDINGONWHETHER OR NOT YOU TURN IN THE EXTRA CREDIT LAB REPORTS. ALL 7 OR 8 GRADES WILL COUNT EQUALLY AND THIS AVERAGE WILL BE YOUR FINAL COURSE GRADE. A SECOND MISSED EXAM IN EITHER LECTURE OR LAB WILL RECEIVE A GRADE OF ZERO. SUBSEQUENT MISSED EXAMS WILL RECEIVE GRADES OF ZERO. THERE WILL BE NO ADDITIONAL EXTRA CREDIT WORK ALLOWED. All exams in both lecture and lab will be strictly objective in nature = true – false, multiple choice, and matching. There will be no essays, short answer, or fill in the blank questions. You will need to bring a Scantron answer sheet (Scantron Form 882) to each exam. The Scantron answer sheets are sold in the library or at the front desk. You will also need to bring 2 number 2 lead pencils and a good eraser to each exam. No head phones, cell phones, etc. will be allowed in the lecture or lab room during exams. GRADING SCALE FOR THE COURSDE: “A” = 89.50 – 100. “B” = 79.50 – 89.49+. “C” = 69.50 – 79.49+. “D” = 59.50 – 69.49+. “F” = less than 59.49+. “I” = Incomplete. “W” = withdrawn or withdrew. NOTE: I WILL NOT GIVE A GRADE OF “I” TO ANY STUDENT WHO HAS MISSED MORE THAN ONE EXAM OR MORE THAN 5 CLASSES! STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: (LECTURE): Each student is expected to demonstrate competency in the following areas at the completion of the course: (l) Use of appropriate anatomical and physiological terminology. (2) Understand basic organic and inorganic chemistry as it applies to living systems. (3) Know the structural and functional characteristics of the composition of the cell, including the cell membrane, the organelles, transport processes, cell division, and protein synthesis. (4) Classify tissues based on structural and functional characteristics. (5) Describe the structure and function of the skin and its derivitives. (6) To acquire conceptual knowledge of support and movement of the human organism as exemplified by the skeletal and muscular systems. (7) To understand how the neural mechanism controls and coordinates the activities of the other major organ systems. (LABORATORY): Each student is expected to demonstrate competency in the following areas at the completion of this course: (1) To have a working knowledge of the care and use of the compound (light) microscope and the dissection (streoscopic) microscope. (2) To be able to recognize the major tissues of the human body, including specialized cells and/or extracellular structures microscopically. (3) To learn to identify the stages of mitosis microscopically. (4) To be able to identify detailed anatomy of human bones including the ability to distinguish between right and left bones. (5) To dissect and recognize the major skeletal muscles of the cat or recognize the major skeletal muscles of the human by studying models. (6) To dissect and identify the sheep brain and bovine eye and study and learn the parts of the ear model. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: The Houston Community College System does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the recruitment and admission of students or the operation of any of its programs and activities. The designated office for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the HCCS Access and Equity Office..The college will make its campuses and programs accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with the law. Where it is impractical to modify a specific area to make it accessible, the college will provide an accessible alternative. For instructional accommodations, the student should contact the HCCS Disabilities Services staff through the Counseling Office at least 60 days prior to the first day of class. Academic accommodations will be provided only after students have properly registered for services through designated disability services staff. Any student who anticipates difficulty in gaining access to a classroom should contact the center administrator at or before the time of registration. IMPORTANT DATES (2011): Jan. 16 (M) – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – NO CLASSES (does not affect this course). Jan. 17 (Tu.) – First Day of Classes for this Class & Drop/Add/Swap begins (Fee = $ 15.00). Jan. 18 (Wed.) – Registration ends & Last Day for Drop/Add/Swap. Jan. 30 (M) – Official Date of Record (Last day to drop with no record on your transcript). Feb. 15 (Wed.) – Priority Deadline for Spring Completion of Degrees or Certificates. Feb. 20 (M) – Presidents’ Day Holiday – NO CLASSES (does not affect this course). Mar. 13 (Tu.) & Mar. 15 (Th.) – Spring Break Holiday – NO CLASSES. Apr. 13 (F) – Veteran’a Advanced-Pay Application Deadline for Summer Session. Apr. 16 (M) – Deadline for Spring Federal Student Loans. May 3 (Th.) – Last day of regular classes for this course only. May 8 (Tu.) – Comprehensive Final Lecture Examination in the regular classroom art the beginning of the regularly scheduled class time. Graduation Exercises – To Be Announced. May 18 (F) – Grades Available to Students. June 30 (Sat.) – Financial Aid Deadline for 2011 – 2012. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Students who repeat a course 3 or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test-taking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available.