Document 15277922

UH Hilo Faculty Congress Meeting
Minutes for March 18, 2016
New Student Service Multi-purpose Room
Members Present (signed in)
Jon Goebel, Faith Mishina, Janet Ray, Mary Louise Haraguchi, Susan Shirachi, Chris Frueh, Linda Connelly,
Mitchell Anderson, Karen Pellegrin, Patricia Jusczak, Alice Davis, Jim Beets, Brian Bays, Tam Vu, Maria Haws,
Yumiko Ohara, Doug Mikkelson, Norbert Furumo, Kevin Hopkins, Bobbi Barra, Jean Ippolito (non-voting),
Others Present (non-voting):
Kurt Dela Cruz, Chris Lauer, Susan Brown, Chancellor Straney
Kekoa Harman, Vladi Skorikov, Mindy Alles, Shawon Rahman, Seri Luangphinith, Lazareth Sye, Judith Steinman,
Armando Garcia
Approval of minutes from the last meeting (February 19, 2016)
Motion to approve: Tam, Mitch second
Vote: (20) in favor, unanimous
Faculty Congress Chair Report
• Chancellor’s Report to the Faculty Congress concerning the renewal of Strategic Plan
o Chancellor’s presentation: need to make an assessment of our current plan and how we have
fulfilled our plan. Major goals: Graduation, Infrastructure, Indigenous Foundation, Innovation
 Accomplishments: 400 doctorate degrees, developed new programs, graduated 132
MS students in 11 years from Tropical Conservation Bio Program, Food vendor
trucks, Imiloa 10 years old, LEED certification for new Student Services bldg.,
Opened Hale Alahonua. Will make a better list as well as a list of things we did not
finish. We will reflect on these lists to inform how we make the next strategic plan.
Focus more on specific outcomes. Identify things we are not going to do. Will
assemble a group for the strategic plan. Made assumptions about the future, then the
recession, looking back we were very optimistic. Economy improved, but enrollment
did not. Since 2012, three years of dropping enrollment. This pattern is going on
across the country. This will shape our next 5-year plan. Should be enrollment and
retention focused. Fall enrollment down 2% since last year. 3800 students now. First
time transfers and transfers are similar at 15-18%.
 Native Hawaiian enrollment has gone up because of more programs. International
down a little bit. Have a discussion about what international audiences we have as
potential students. Diversity is still very important here at UHH. Awarded 42m in
financial aid. Tuition budget is 36m. 7k applications, many cannot afford the tuition
and don’t come to the school. Need more financial aid resources. Need more
scholarship endowments – existing ones have come from community.
 Need to increase enrollment from our 2010 (4,000) by 2020. 228 students net
addition. 100 students equals a million dollars in tuition revenue. Admissions will be
working on increasing enrollment and we need more retention efforts. We currently
lose 1/3 freshmen by sophomore year. Freshmen village would be beneficial on
freshmen retention. We lose another freshman before graduate. Involve students
more directly in their major. ALEX is instrumental with this.
o Discussion: The ones we lose are not Pell Grant students. Groups we lose most are freshman
mainland students and lower level transfers.
• Update from the Chair of the Task Force for the Investigation of Re-Organization – Chris Frueh
o Close to a final report. Met 6 times. Conferred with CAS CAFNRM, COBE. Made several
models thus far. Created tables with data with budgetary info, SSH, FTE.
Will help facilitate decision making. Are assuming that there will be no jobs lost, no decrease
in salary, tenure, etc. Will be transparent and consult with all appropriate unions and will be
cost neutral or cost beneficial to the university.
o Looking at several approaches such as thematic units.
o Some units will not be included in the reorganization: College of Pharm.
o Next steps are to share findings – early April
o Discussion:
 Timeline: not set for implementation at the current time, but not prior to January
 Who will conduct the town hall meetings? Task force? Maybe initially.
 Need a written directive for TF – consult with VCAA.
 What will the final report contain? Full analysis of all aspects?
 The report will be used to initiate feedback when it is finished.
o Motion: For Faculty Congress to hold two town hall meetings to discuss the Reorganization
Task Force’s final report during the academic year and record input. Seconded by Bobbi.
o Discussion: Perhaps use survey monkey to get information from faculty. Someone with
experience can help with this. Chris can help. Maybe Todd Belt.
o Vote: (20) in favor, unanimous
o Point of discussion: process has still not been ironed out
o Motion To request administration officially not to have formal consultations regarding the
reorg of UHH units (with unions or BOR) over the summer. Maria, Seconded by Kevin
o Discussion: Admin will be working 12 months, why restrict them from progress over the
summer. Perhaps no major decisions should be made over the summer. Reminder Pacific
Island and the BOR 1.5% resident tuition - happened over the summer. Chancellor Straney
stated during the meeting that “Nothing will be taken to the board over the summer” and “He
will not send anything to BOR over the summer.”
Vote: (14) in favor, (4) opposed, no abstentions
Update on Transfer of Locus of Tenure draft
o Still a lot of questions about clarity. Karen had some good edits. Just received, will share with
ex committee and bring back to next meeting.
All campus chairs meeting, star. State leg bill 1625 HD1: comes down against Manoa, especially
researchers. Legislative slap. Admin salaries went up, despite budgetary problems. Funding issues also
around not enough funding for the educating of the students. They will be funded fully first year and
less and less in following years, then not funded at all. Already passed the house. Most med schools
already work that way. There were some concerns that this could be used as a rationale to fire tenured
research faculty.
Standing Committee Reports
• Assessment Support, Mary Louise
 Assessing info literacy. Done with English. Looking at Japanese Studies.
• Academic Policy, Ad Hoc Faculty Development Committee – Jim Beets
 Reviewing senate bylaws – defer until reorg decisions are made
 Ad Hoc Faculty Development Committee: 3 meetings this semester. Request for revision
of the report. Will meet in early April. For research council – will be hosting 2-3 town
hall meetings regarding research funds use such as travel awards, seed fund grants – 50%
cut next year.
 First week or two of April for town hall meetings
 Recording policy: APC worked on the verbiage for this policy. Read aloud. Posted to the
FC website under motions. Will work with Shelby to post this online.
• Student Success Committee and Academic Advising Task Force, Faith Mishina
o Working on PLA document, portfolio reviewing. Will talk with VC about this before final report
next meeting.
• Long Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board, Roberta Barra
o Met with reorg TF: Matt proposed each new dean will be paid on average 150k. 4 staff members
total for each college. Report is appended to the minutes. Will meet with Marcia soon.
• Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo – no report
• General Education, Yumiko Ohara
Due date for certifications is 3-19. Identify problematic applications. Designate person to
work with these areas to address problems.
Program Review, Mitchell Anderson
 Report posted to
 Completions, chemistry, political science…
 CAFNRM has suspended MOU process until after reorganization process
 Art is waiting for VCAA’s letter to go out
 Kinesiology will wait 2-3 years. Plate too full.
Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation
• UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo – no report
Liaison Reports
• Curriculum Coordinator, Shelby Wong
 Kuali Curriculum Management- tentatively on track for implementation July 2016, will
have confirmation from the UH system in April.
 4 Year Major Maps- Emails went out to Dept. Chairs for any edits to the maps in March,
if you have any changes needed and have not responded please let me know. Editing
maps early this year due to STAR GPS Registration.
 STAR GPS Registration- Working group is convened, meeting weekly, May 2nd- pilot
begins for all first time freshmen at UH Hilo. The group is working on training materials
and communication to both faculty and students.
• Professional Development and Distance Learning (DL), Jan Ray
 March techno Tuesday GPS graduation pathway system, Chelsea presented to faculty and
 April Amy Saxton – library about copyright
 T&P workshop in April as well
 DL: continue to attend the planning group and council
• WASC, Mary Louise report appended to minutes
 Strategic planning, time for reflection.
 DL: development online degrees requires clear strategy and mechanisms for oversight of
 ALEX: Internship definitions, define applied learning, policy for internships
 Assessment plan needs to be implemented ASAP.
• Grad Council, Tam Vu
 Not going to offer 699 over summer. 694 needs department and dean approval before
Faculty Senate Chair Updates
• CAS, Jean Ippolito
 APC writing motion that dean makes sure all deps have bylaws on file
 CAS senate bylaws address working that all faculty are senators
• CAFNRM, Maria Haws
 Petitions about change of locus of tenure were discussed. Confirmed opposition about
• CoBE, Tam Vu
 Furniture moving – when can this be moved? Anytime now is fine.
• KHUOK, Yumiko
 Sending 21 students and 2 teachers to Japan on scholar program. Leaving tomorrow. 9
days total. Meeting with indigenous people and government people.
• Pharmacy, Karen Pellegrin
 No report
• Library, Mary Haraguchi – Library will be open during spring break
Old Business:
• Suggested wording for Recording Policy on Course Syllabi
• Motion for a Task Force to address Distance Learning Criteria (motion to be submitted)
Motion draft at EX Comm meeting last week. Mitch and others fine-tuned it. Motion
read aloud. Motion is appended to minutes. Mitch initiated motion, seconded by Chris
Friendly Amendment: cross out the I, replace with: whereas and therefore UHH FC
Discussion: Cindy Yamaguchi already has put together guidelines. Summer session is
more problematic. This is for quality control, not for creating new DL courses. Political
cover for departments. The motion is to initiate Matt’s creation of this policy.
Motion to defer: Bobbi, Doug seconded – Jan will send the existing guidelines
Vote: (19) in favor, (1) objection
New Business:
• Expiration of Faculty Congress Rep positions (the following FC members’ terms will expire and be
vacated next year): Jean Ippolito, Faith Mishina, Bobbi Barra (to be replaced by Tom DeWitt), Jan
Ray, Mitch Anderson, and Jim Beets. Vladimir Skorikov’s term ends, but he will seek re-election. The
following FC members will return next year and be possible candidates for Standing Chair and Officer
positions on Faculty Congress: Chris Frueh, Doug Mikkelson, Norbert Furumo, Alice Davis, Karen
Pellegrin, Kekoa Harman, Tam Vu, Maria Haws. We should have nominations in place for April’s
• Also need to consider officer positions, chair, VC, secretary, etc.
• Chris on sabbatical this fall – position will be open
Move to adjourn: Bobbi, 2nd Alice 5:04pm
ALO Report
March 14, 2016
Based on numerous inquiries b faculty and administration on several issues, the ALO would like to report the
following information specific to: (1) Strategic Planning, (2) DL and WASC concerns expressed in their last visit,
and (3) ALEX and WASC concerns expressed in their last visit.
1. Strategic Planning
Per the 2013 WASC Handbook of Accreditation, Standard 1.1 states: 1 “The institution’s formally approved
statements of purpose are appropriate for an institution of higher education and clearly define its essential values and
character and ways in which it contributes to the public good. GUIDELINE: The institution has a published mission
statement that clearly describes its purposes. The institution’s purposes fall within recognized academic areas
and/or disciplines” (p. 10).
Mission statement that is posted on our website comes from the Strategic Plan:
It would be best for the University to provide an update to the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan:
2. DL and WASC concerns expressed in their last visit
The Report by the WASC Visiting Team includes the following recommendation: “The development and oversight
of the distance--‐learning program, specifically the online courses and degrees, requires a clearly articulated strategy
and adequate resource to support faculty and learning. The team recommends that immediate attention be given to
all aspects of the online, distance education program” (p. 34).
From this statement, UH Hilo is tasked with (a) developing a strategy along with mechanisms to maintain oversight
of DL and (b) show evidence of adequate resourcing to support DL. The March 2016 Action Letter also laid out the
additional requirement that (c) learning-outcomes based assessment and (d) faculty development to support online
teaching also be documented in the Spring 2017 Interim Report.
3. ALEX and WASC concerns expressed in their last visit
The Report by the WASC Visiting Team notes that “While there seems to be general agreement among departments
regarding requirements and criteria for internships, the institution would benefit from developing a clear definition
of “applied learning” and adopting university--‐wide policies regarding internships and service learning courses. It
would also benefit from assessing the effectiveness of these activities and experiences” (p. 10). The
recommendation from the team was to: (e) formally adopt definition and guidelines for the myriad of applied
learning activities, (f) specific minimal requirements for courses to qualify for the applied learning designation, and
(g) clearly outlines criteria for the placement and supervision of interns and the number of credit hours. Per the
concerns stated, it would appear imperative to develop an assessment plan to be undertaken as soon as (e) through
(g) are implemented.
Items (a) through (g) will be required for the Interim Report.
DL Motion:
Whereas WASC requires universities to ensure that every course has sufficient rigor, regardless of the
delivery mode, and
Whereas UHH has in place a "credit hour" policy that is consistent with both Federal DoE and WASC
Credit Hour requirements, which states that every credit hour awarded must be consistent with the amount
of work needed to be expended on average for one-hour of face-to-face delivery and 2-hours of
homework, regardless of the delivery mode; and
Whereas some departments and/or department chairs have voiced concerns that we currently lack a
mechanism to ensure that distance learning (DL) sections require the same rigor as their face-to-face
counterparts (in particular that they meet the same learning objectives), and that they adhere to the UHH
Credit Hour Policy; and
Whereas many institutions have instituted the policy that they will not accept DL credits for transfer,
which behooves UHH to do whatever it can to ensure that UHH DL courses will transfer, and
Whereas a procedure for ensuring adherence to these WASC requirements would be beneficial to both
students and departments;
I hereby move that the UHH Faculty Congress request the VCAA to design and implement policy and
procedures that assist departments in meeting WASC concerns by assuring that each DL section adheres
to the rigor and credit hour requirements mentioned above. The procedures should assist departments in
meeting these requirements with as little burden as possible.
Note: Given that the VCAA has in place a Distance Learning Advisory Committee, which includes as one
of its charges, to "Identify and help resolve distance learning policy issues through formulation and
recommendation to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs on UH Hilo Distance Learning Policies," it
is assumed this request would fall to this committee, and the UHH Faculty Congress provides some
suggestions below to assist the VCAA and the committee in this endeavor. We suggest that the Policy
and Procedures should include something akin to:
1. A quality-checklist to be provided to every department. It is then the responsibility of each
department to adopt their own procedures for ensuring that the items on the checklist are satisfied
prior to authorizing a section intended to be taught as DL or a combination of face-to-face and
DL (e.g. hybrid model). A sample checklist is provided in item 5 below.
2. Department Chairs will acknowledge at the time they submit their class schedules, whether the
course is to be offered during the regular sessions or during the summer sessions, that the
department has verified that the items on the checklist have been fulfilled for each such class.
This acknowledgement, for example, could be included in the email used for schedule
3. The authority responsible for finalizing the schedules (i.e. the Deans or CCECS) will notify all
departments of their receipt of the acknowledgements and will keep records indicating that the
procedural requirement has been satisfied.
4. This new policy and procedures will be uploaded to the Accreditation Website in order to address
WASC transparency concerns.
5. The checklist would be applied to each DL (or hybrid) section offered each session, and should
include in the very least, but may not be limited to, items that indicate the department has
reviewed the particular proposed DL section and is confident that:
a. The learning outcomes for the DL section will be achieved. If the course is also taught
face-to-face, these learning outcomes should essentially be identical. This is the most
critical checklist item. Departments should be encouraged to closely review the syllabus,
course materials, lecture notes, assignments, assessments, and scoring mechanisms to
ensure they meet the required rigor and credit hour policy.
b. The average amount of time that a student would need to expend for each credit earned is
estimated to be at least 3 hours per week during the regular sessions and an amount that
would yield the same total number of hours during condensed schedules (e.g. 3hrs/wk for
15weeks = 45 hours, which implies a 6-week summer session would be 7.5 hrs/wk for 6
weeks and 11.25/wk for 4 wks). This is consistent with one hour of face-to-face and two
hours of homework per week during the regular Fall and Spring sessions, as required by
the UHH Credit Hour Policy.
c. Students enrolled in the class will have access to the instructor in a manner that is
consistent with what is generally referred to as office hours. Such contact may take a
variety of forms, including but not limited to regular office hours, email, voicemail,
Skype (or some other technology that allows for both visual and audio communication),
discussion forums, etc. It is important to ensure that students have sufficient access to the
instructor and support services.
d. Final exams must be monitored. One of the ongoing problems with DL courses is
ensuring that the work presented is that of the student enrolled. UHH is opening a testing
center that allows for monitoring such exams, and it is assumed other universities also
have such testing capabilities. The student enrolled in the DL course must make
arrangements with a bone-fide testing center, presumably at an accredited university, that
requires the student to bring a valid ID to the final exam. The VCAA should also
consider other methods to ensure that all work, especially other exams, follow a similar
validation process. It is assumed that such validation of the work performed is a key
element of trying to ensure that DL courses transfer to other institutions.
Professional Development Liaison Report
Since the last report submitted in February, as professional development liaison, I have:
1. Facilitated the March Techno Tuesday workshop, where Chelsea Kay-Wong, Registrar, presented information
about the new GPS (Graduation Pathways System) that students will be using to register for classes and stay on
2. Scheduled and am creating flyers for the April Techno Tuesday, where Amy Saxton will present information
related to copyrights. This workshop is scheduled for the first Tuesday in April.
3. Scheduled and am preparing for a Contract Renewal, Tenure and Promotion Workshop for all faculty who will be
submitting dossiers in the fall of 2016.
4. Continued to represent UH Faculty Congress at the UH Hilo Professional Development Committee meetings.
5. Been awaiting news of the first meeting of the UH System Professional Development Committee meetings.
6. Attended the meeting of the ad hoc FC Professional Development Committee.
a. Provided input into the committee charges
b. Provided feedback and edited related documents
Distance Learning Liaison Report
Since the last report submitted in February, as distance learning liaison, I have:
1. Continued to represent UH Hilo at the Distance Learning Program Planning Group meetings.
2. Continued to represent UH Hilo at the Council for Distance Learning Coordinators meeting.
3. Continued to work toward obtaining select fee waivers for students enrolled in UH Hilo programs that have been
WASC-approved for DL.
4. Continued to gather distance learning issues to discuss at the next UH Hilo Distance Learning Advisory
Committee meeting, when it is called.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Ray
From Marcia Sakai:
This is to provide several updates:
1. Kalbert Young, VPBF/CFO, is convening a meeting on Friday, March 11, of the campus VCs of Administration
to discuss the following items, among others:
• FY 17 Budget Process for Regent’s Approval
• Bargaining Unit 8 Retroactive Pay Adjustment
• Updates on Vacation Payout Assessment Process
• Status of Tuition and Fees Special Fund End of Fiscal Year Sweep
The Friday March 11 meeting of the UH Hilo LRBPC will be canceled, due to this conflict.
2. The Council on Revenues meets Thursday, March 10 to discuss and vote upon the General Fund Revenue forecast
for FY16 and for FY17 through FY22. The projection is used by the Legislature in its budget deliberations. Report
of the meeting will be shared when it becomes available.
3. At its February meeting in Hilo, the Board of Regents was apprised of the University proposal to adjust the tuition
schedule rates for the period FY2018, FY2019, FY2020. Regents will formally review/revise/approve at a later
meeting, after campus reviews. For UH Hilo this amounts to a 0%, 1%, 1% increase in resident undergraduate rates
in each of the years respectively.
The complete set of rate changes proposed may be accessed from VP Risa Dickson's presentation to the Board:
The tuition setting process may be accessed:
VP Dickson will be visiting each of the campuses for proposal review and to gather input. Although I don't have a
confirmed date for the visit to UH Hilo, this information will be forwarded.
4. Any business we may need to conduct before the April LRBPC meeting may be done via email.