HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIOL.2402: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY-11 PROFESSOR: Dr.A.KOSHY CRN # 28084 T – 8-11am SB/525 R – 8-11am SB/512 Voice mail-713-718-5659 Email add. anna.koshy@hccs.edu ( only in emergency) TEXT BOOK: Gerald Tortora & Bryan Derrickson, PRINCIPLES OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY,John Wiley & Sons.inc. 13th edition,2012 LAB MANUAL: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY-11 Laboratory Manual, Robert Keating,Vernon Wiersema-Editors,3rd Edition,1997. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: This course focuses on the biological organization of the animal body with emphasis on human beings. Discussions include both anatomical and physiological characteristics of organ systems,specially Cardiovascular,Lymphatic,Respiratory,Digestive,Urinary,Fluid-Electrolytes,and Acid-base dynamics, Endocrine,Reproductive,Development & Inheritance,etc.,. The objective of this course is to give the students the knowledge of biological sciences,especially those entering in nursing,allied health sciences and biology majors. In order to do well in class,students have certain responsibilities such as taking useful notes in lecture classes,reading and studying the assigned materials of both lecture and lab,participation in classroom discussions and activities,etc.,. PREREQUISITE: Anatomy & Physiology –1 is required. TESTING AND GRADING: FINAL GRADE SCALE FALL, 2014 3+1= 4 credit course 3 Lecture exams = 300 pts. 37.5% A = 90-100% (720-800 pts.) ( 1 lowest to be dropped) B =80-89% (640-719 pts. ) 2 lab exams…………………… = 200 pts. 25% C =70-79% (560-639 pts. ) Lab reports average,participation,assignments D =60-69% (480-559 pts. ) or quiz,etc.,. = 50 pts. 6.25% F = Below 60% (below 480 pts.) Attendance = 50 pts. 6.25% EXAMS- Lecture exams consists of multiple choices Final exam (comprehensive) = 200 pts. 25% (sometimes short answer questios too). The exams are ----------------------based upon materials from the lecture class as well as Total = 800 pts. 100% the reading assignments and text book content, through ============= out the course. Need green scantrons for all exams. Lab exam-consists of diagrams to label,spot test,short answer questions,fill in the blanks & multiple choice. ______________________________________________________________________________________ RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. LAB EXERCISE AND LAB REPORTS: a. Lab reports & grades : Original reports are due one class after completion of the exercise and grades are determined by completeness and accuracy. Grades:10-above average;7-average;3-below average;0-v.poor. b. Lab report grade will decline 50% from the grade for absence in lab. Also decline 50% for the one class late submission,from the grade they would have received (0= for more than 2 class late). c. Although the students work in groups,individual active participation is expected, You are responsible for the completion of individual lab report. Two lab exams-reviews and exams are mandatory on the assigned dates. Absentees will receive ‘0’ in that lab exam. Includes spot test,diagrams to label, question& answers and multiple choice. d. You must read the lab safety rules and sign the lab.safety release form by first or second day of the course. 2. Textbook and lab manual,are required. (study guide is optional). This is a very informative,demanding/ challenging course. Students need to spend 2 hrs minimum daily at home to achieve success. 3. Smoking,eating or drinking is not allowed in the class or lab. -24. Class attendance is required as per rule and for student success. Students with four unexcused cuts may result in administrative withdrawal. i.e. 12.5% attendance in a semester (12hrs absence in your courseHCC attendance policy). TARDINESS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Attendance sheet must be signed daily at the end of the class. Students are responsible for the materials or announcements missed during the lecture or lab time. 5. NO MAKE UPS FOR LABORATORIES,WEEKLY QUIZZES if any,and for the LAB EXAMS. Lecture exams- 4th exam will be given as make up exam. Professor provides 4 lecture exams on specific dates,instead of 3, lowest or make up will be dropped). 6. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY/DISRUPTIONS- Cheating in any manner is not allowed. If cheating is suspected,the student will receive an “F”for the course. (no second chance). Disruptive or mis-behaviors and arguments of students will not be tolerated . Immediate action will be taken(student discontinue the course). 7. Six basic intellectual competencies in the HCCS core curriculum (reading/writing,speaking/listening, critical thinking/computer literacy,are covered throughout this course from time to time. 8. Learning activities and helpful hints for studies in science. a. Be prompt- Students must enter the classroom quietly and be in their seats from the beginning of the class. Try not to miss any class. b. Be prepared- Students must have their books,class supplies and materials ( egs. # 2 pencils.sharpners, erasers,scantrons,note books,staple pin,etc.,) ready for use every day. c. Be responsible- Students-follow directions and remain on task. Read the chapters that cover the lecture,before the material is presented in lecture (before lecture class) and watch for the terms,figures, etc.,. Do all assignments including lab report answers on time. Read over the lecture notes,rewrite if necessary when sit with the text book or lab manual. For every hour of lecture notes taken,you must put in at least two to three hours of study time in order to master the topics. Transfer your notes to 3”X 5”flash cards. Each card represent a review vocabulary word or an important concept,definitions,etc.,. Each student is responsible for obtaining class notes,assignments,etc.,if any class missed. In the first week of class,exchange phone numbers with several other students so that if you are absent,you will be able to obtain the class notes missed. Please,come to class with a positive attitude to learn science course rather than “hating a science course” & blaming others for own mistakes. d. Be respectful- Students-treat their professors,fellow students & their property with respect & dignity. e. Be successful- Students-be active learners,stay on task and respect every one’s right to learn. Also, use libraries,tutoring facility for the subject ( if needed),forming small study groups,etc.,are helpful to learn difficult concepts. If there is “will”, there is a “way”. More over,science courses are demanding because of the amount of information that must be studied in a growing field. The way to achieve a good grade is simple,but time consuming. So the most important method of studying is to KEEP UP,with all of the above 5 golden rules,thus obtain your goal by “NO PAIN NO GAIN” principle. 9. Radios,tape recorders,telephones,beeper,etc., are not allowed in class. Cell phones and beepers must be turned OFF during the whole class time for lecture,lab and exams,and must be kept away from your body (not in pocket/hands. Tape recorders may be used in class with special permission from your professor). 10. Students with any special needs,please inform the instructor early as possible. (illness,emergencies,etc., ADA/ADD students need explanation letter,so that professor can handle the case as reasonable as possible. 11. Students must keep the communication channel open with your professor daily. Any problems or issues related to the course/class/teaching/notes,grades,etc.,must be directly addressed in writing or in person first to the professor,then only she’ll try to solve the same in a fair manner. Otherwise, professor is not responsible to solve the matter. All students must involve in discussions and activities in the classroom for student success. More over,professor is available as an academic advisor/or mentor. 12. Students who repeat a course for a third or more times (threepeaters) may soon face significant tuition/fee increase at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your professor/counsellor about opportunities for tutoring/other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. -3FALL, 2014: 2402-CRN # 28084: T-8am-11am SB/525: R 8-11am- SB/512 DATE DAY 08/26 T TOPIC CHAPTER PAGE Introduction-Lecture: + Cardiovascular system: The Blood Chap.19 689-716 08/28 R Lecture contd..+ Lab exercise + Cardiovascular system: The Heart Chap.20 717-759 09/02 T Cardiovascular System: Peripheral Circulation and Regulation + Lab exercise Chap.21 760-830 09/04 R Lecture contd………+ Lab exercise 09/09 T Lymphatic System and Immunity Chap.22 831-873 09/11 R FIRST LECTURE EXAM Chapters-19,20 & 21 + Lecture contd…+ lab exercise 09/16 T Respiratory System + Lab exercise Chap.23 874-920 09/18 R Lecture contd...+ lab exercise + Digestive System + Lab exercise Chap.24 921-974 09/23 T Lecture contd…. + Some portions of chapter 25 (Essential vitamins,minerals,proteins & deficiency disorders) 09/25 R Lecture contd..+ lab exercise + Urinary system + lab exercise Chap.26 1018-1061 09/30 T SECOND LECTURE EXAM Chapters- 22,23 & 24 + some lab exam review + lab exercise 10/02 R Water, Electrolytes, and Acid- Base Chap. 27 1062-1080 + lab exam review contd… 10/07 T FIRST LAB EXAM (Syllabus-Chapters 19-25 labs-circulatory,immune,respiratory & digestive systems). 10/09 R Endocrine System + Lab exercise Chap.18 642-688 10/14 T Lecture contd…+ lab exercise 10/16 R THIRD LECTURE EXAM Chapters- 26,27 & 28 + Reproductive System + Lab exercise Chap 28 1081-1132 10/21 T Lecture contd…+ lab exercise 10/23 R Lecture contd… + lab exercise 10/28 T Development and Inheritance + Lab exercise Chap.29 1133-1174 10/30 R HCC Biology Tri- Beta Club- Health and fitness fair with Blood drive & Bone marrow match testing- No lecture-( join this event- Class volunteers sign up early to participate, if interested). 11/04 T Lecture contd...+ lab exercise 11/06 R Lecture contd… (genetics and chromosomes, review HW from Biology- 1 course) 11/11 T Lecture contd..+ some lab exam review 11/13 R Lab exam review contd… 11/18 T SECOND LAB EXAM (Syllabus chapters-26-29 labs) + Lecture contd… 11/20 R MAKE UP EXAM (FOURTH LECTURE EXAM) Chapters-28 &29 (fourth exam if you need to have an extra grade, to dropthe lowest ex.- suggest all students to take). 11/25 T Final exam review /study sheets for final? ( Study sheet for final exam,must be returned before final exam starts)12/02 ,04 & 09 T, R & T Study day for final exam - no class 12/11 R FINAL EXAM : (Comprehensive) “GOOD LUCK” THIS SCHEDULE IS TENTATIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -4SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLASS,LAB REPORTS AND EXAMSDuring lecture and lab teaching time, lap tops and electronic equipments of any kind, are not allowed, unless the professor specially give permission on a particular day. Professor is not responsible for the students studying other author text books or different editions of the same text. Each student is independent in the reading, study portions and preparations. All lecture exams need scantrons. You must have your own scantrons,#2 pencils,eraser,sharpner, etc.,. before you enter the class room for quiz and exams. Students are not allowed to do the exam without the above mentioned materials. Cell phones must be turned OFF during the class,lab and exams and must be kept away from your body (not in pocket/hands). In lab exams,in addition to scantrons,papers will be used with professors decision. LAB REPORTS- Reports must be stapled before submission,will not accept if not stapled. WILL NOT ACCEPT any photocopies (copyright act of the lab manuals) of the reports are due at the Beginning of the class unless professor gives special instruction on a particular day to give later that Day. - Student need to view the new online teaching assessment tool- i.e. hccs EGLS3 site ( Evaluation for Great learning Student Survey System), to do each of your course professor’s evaluation. LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS & VIDEO TAPES: 1. Composition of blood (pg.1-7) 2. Blood Types (Groups): ABO and Rh Systems (pg.9-12) 3. The Heart and Blood vessels (pg.13-26) 4. Hemodynamics-Pulse rate,Heart rate,Blood Pressure and Electrocardiography (pg.27-34) 5. The Lymphatic System (pg.35-40) 6. The Respiratory System (pg.41-51) 7. The Digestive System (pg.53-67) 8. The Urinary System (pg.69-79) 9. The Endocrine System (pg.81-90) 10. The Male Reproductive System (pg.91-97) 11. The Female Reproductive System (pg.99-105) 12. Embryology (pg.107-110) 13. Cat Dissection (optional-we will view the video tapes for dissections) -In addition,some lab and lectures will be enriched by viewing video tapes,CDs,etc.,(upon time and availability) and presentations in class. THIS SCHEDULE IS TENTATIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT DAYS 08/24 08/25 09/01 10/31 11/27-28 12/07 12/08-13 -Last Day to Drop/Add/Swap - Classes Begin - Labor Day- Holiday - Last Day for Administrative/Student Withdrawals - 4.30pm - Thanksgiving Holidays - Instruction Ends - Final Examination (first one and half hour of the class time-8:00am to9:30am) ********************************************