Course Syllabus Educating Young Children TECA 1311 Spring 2011 Semester with Course Reference CRN 69180 Number (CRN) Instructor contact information (phone number and email address) Dr. Alice Jenney 713-718-7810 Office Location and Hours HCC Southwest – Missouri City Campus (Sienna Plantation Location) Mondays/Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and by appointment Course Location/Times HCC Southwest – Missouri City Campus (Sienna Plantation Location) Mondays/Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and by appointment Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab) If applicable Credit Hours 3.00 Lecture Hours 3.00 Laboratory Hours Total Course Contact Hours 48 Continuing Education Units (CEU): if applicable Course Length (number of weeks) Type of Instruction Lecture Field experience required Course Description: An introduction to the profession of early childhood education, focusing on developmentally appropriate practices, types of programs, historical perspectives, ethics and current issues. Course Prerequisite(s) Academic Discipline/CTE 1. NAEYC Standard 1. Promoting Child Development and Learning 2. NAEYC Standard 4. Teaching and Learning Program Learning 3. NAEYC Standard 5. Becoming a Professional Outcomes Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 4 to 7 1. Discuss the contributions of key historical and contemporary theorists to the field of early childhood education. 2. Explain the features of a developmentally appropriate program for young children. 3. Define development and define each of the four basic developmental areas. 4. Describe the types of early childhood programs. 5. Analyze future trends and issues of the early childhood profession. 6. Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and developmental stages of an early childhood professional. Learning Objectives (Numbering system should be linked to SLO e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) Discuss the contributions of key historical and contemporary theorists to the field of early childhood education. 1.1Describe contributions of historical theorists to the field of early childhood education. Explain the features of a developmentally appropriate program for young children. 2.1 Identify types and characteristics of different early childhood programs. 2.2 Contrast early childhood programs. Define development and define each of the four basic developmental areas. 3.1 List the four developmental areas. Describe the types of early childhood programs. 4.1 Identify types and characteristics of different early childhood programs. 4.2 Contrast early childhood programs. Analyze future trends and issues of the early childhood profession. 5.1 Discuss public policy, how it is developed and its impact on children and families. 5.2 Identify child care research findings and report on the effects of early education on children, their families, and/or society. Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and developmental stages of an early childhood professional. 6.1 List characteristics of an early childhood professional. 6.2 List educational and experience requirements for early childhood positions. SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies: If applicable Personal Qualities: The student will access course requirements (self management) and make plans to complete requirements (responsibility); share knowledge of own skills and abilities (self-esteem); demonstrate understanding and politeness in group discussions (sociability); and understand the impact of violating belief and ethical codes of the early childhood community (integrity/honesty). Systems: The student will acquire knowledge about cultural differences in families (understands systems) ,understands how culture affects family (monitor/correct system performance) and be able to offer assistance to families (design/improve systems). Course Calendar Instructional Methods Required Component Distance (100%) Web-enhanced (49% or less) Face to Face This course includes the following required component: FIELD EXPERIENCE ASSIGNMENT (16 total hours). If this assignment is not completed with 70% of possible points you will not receive a passing grade in this class. Your instructor will explain the required component identified for this course-field experience assignment and key assessment. Student Assignments 3 assessments, 8 program reports, final exam Student Assessment(s) 3 assessments, 8 program reports, final exam Instructor's Requirements All assignments, lecture topics, dates are subject to change. Class participation is crucial in successful completion of this course. All papers handed in should be typed and double-spaced. Spelling and grammar are graded, and college standards of writing/documentation are expected. I will not accept late work. Should you miss an assignment, the opportunity to choose an alternate assignment may be granted, but full credit will not be given. Plan accordingly and do not procrastinate. Program/Disciplin NOTICE This course of study would not be appropriate for anyone who falls into e Requirements: If the following category as noted by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. "No person with a conviction or who is under indictment for, or is the applicable subject of an official criminal complaint alleging violation of any of the crimes listed as a felony against the person or felony violation of the Texas Controlled Substance Act may be present while children are in care." HCC Grading Scale A = 100- 90 4 points per semester hour B = 89 - 80: 3 points per semester hour C = 79 - 70: 2 points per semester hour D = 69 - 60: 1 point per semester hour 59 and below = F 0 points per semester hour IP (In Progress) 0 points per semester hour W(Withdrawn) 0 points per semester hour I (Incomplete) 0 points per semester hour AUD (Audit) 0 points per semester hour IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA. See "Health Science Program/Discipline Requirements" for grading scale. Instructor Grading Criteria Instructional Materials Essa, E.L. (2011). Introduction to Early Childhood Education (6th ed.). Albany, NY: Delmar. HCC Policy Statement: Access Student Services Policies on their Web site: Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies Access DE Policies on their Web site: pdf Access CE Policies on their Web site: