Directions for Preparing the Final Portfolio

EED 601
Selection: For your final portfolio, you will select from your major
assignments, journal entries, reflections on articles, group
assignments, class handouts, as well as products of group course
work. Look over material that you have collected during the course;
Select an artifact which shows evidence of achievement of the
following semester objectives.
1. Understand the evolution of our current educational system:
Bureaucratization of schools;
2. Understand the assumptions underlying instructional
practices through analyses using multiple frameworks, such as,
behaviorist, cognitive, constructivist and socio-cultural learning
theories to explore the potential of learning for understanding.
3. Understand the myths and complexities of educational reform
and the components that facilitate or constrain educational
4. Recognize the challenge of schools to ensure learning for all
students and critically evaluate the potential of current reforms in
advancing the goal of learning.
5. Understand and implement reflective thinking processes in
class discussions, written assignments and presentations.
6. Implement a collaborative research project.
Reflection: Use stem statements such as the following to choose
“artifacts” from your work in the class
 I chose this piece as evidence of . . . .
 The strength of this artifact is . . . .
 My goals for using or transferring ideas about this piece in
the future are . . . .
 This artifact is important because . . . .
Some questions you might use to reflect are:
 How does it show what I have learned?
 What category of artifact does it fit into?
Connection: Use the artifact reflection page that tells why they
have been included (see Item B). Be prepared to share your
portfolio in the showcase, and to give feedback to your peers as
they share their portfolios.