Course Syllabus for Math 1324 Finite Math (CRN # 54038) Houston Community College Systems – Central Campus, Fall 2011, MW Instructor: Mr. E.B Murray E-mail: Telephone: (713) 718-6441 Class Location: JDB-303 Time: 7:00 – 8:30 Course Description: Topics include set theory, probability, an introduction to matrices, linear programming, and an introduction to statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or the equivalent. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in Math 1314 or the equivalent. Textbook: Mathematics with Applications; 9th ed.; Lial, Margaret L., Thomas W. Hungerford; Addison Wesley; 2007. ISBN: 0-321-38779-1 WEEKLY SCHEDULED TOPICS TO BE COVERED FOR EACH TEST Week Day Week 1 Monday Dates: Aug. 29 Wednesday Week 2 Monday Sep. Wednesday 31 5 7 Sections Introduction, Questions and Answers Pre-test Unit 1 – Graphs, Lines, and Inequalities Lecture Sections 2.1, 2.2 & 2.4 Labor Day Holiday Unit 2 – Systems of Linear Equations Lecture Sections 6.1 – 6.2 Week 3 Monday Wednesday 12 14 Lecture 6.3 – 6.4 Lecture 6.4 – 6.5 Week 4 Monday Wednesday 19 21 Review for Chapter 1and 6 Test Chapter 1and 6 Test#1 Week 5 Monday Wednesday 26 28 Unit 3 – Linear Programming Lecture 7.1 – 7.2 Week 6 Monday Oct. Wednesday 3 5 Lecture 7.2 – 7.3 Lecture 7.3 – 7.4 Week 7 Monday Wednesday 10 12 Lecture 7.4 – 7.5 Lecture 7.5 – 7.6 Week 8 Monday Wednesday 17 19 Lecture 7.6 – 7.7 Review for Chapter 7 Test Week 9 Monday Wednesday 24 26 Chapter 7 Test #2 Unit 4 – Sets and Probability Lecture 8.1 – 8.2 Week10 Monday 31 Wednesday Nov. 2 Lecture 8.2 – 8.3 Lecture 8.3 – 8.4 Lecture 8.4 – 8.5 Lecture 8.5 – 8.6 Week 11 Monday Wednesday 7 9 Week 12 Monday Wednesday 14 16 Review for Chapter 5 and 6 Test Chapter 8 Test #3 Week 13 Monday 21 Wednesday 23 Unit 5 – Counting, Probability Distributions, etc. Lecture 9.1 – 9.2 Thanksgiving Holiday Week 14 Monday Wednesday 28 30 Lecture 9.3 – 9.4 Review for Chapter 9 Test Week 15 Monday Dec. Wednesday 5 7 Chapter 9 Test #4 Review for Final Exam (Last Day of Class) Week16 Monday Dec. 14 (7:30 - 9:30) Final Exam “Comprehensive Final” There are absolutely no calculators allowed on any in-class assignments or examinations!!!!! Grading: Based on a total point system as follows: a) Bonus Points from Quizzes and homework from MyMathLab (murray73468). b) Your three (3) highest Chapter Test scores for the semester (one test (lowest)) will be dropped). c) 25% of your grade depends on the final examination. EXAMPLE: (The average of 4 test + Bonus points (quizzes and homework) + 25% final exam.) (T1 + T3 + T4) + bonus points + Final Exam 4 A = 90 – 100; B = 80 – 89; C = 70 – 79; D = 60 – 69; or F = 59 or below. Attendance: I do not drop students. If a student desires to drop the course it will be his/her responsibility to submit an official withdrawal request form. Otherwise, the grade earned of record will be submitted as the student’s final grade. Homework: Do all suggested homework problems. You are expected to read and study your math book before you come to the class. Read and study the sections that will be covered in the class. When doing homework assignments copy each problem out of the textbook and show all of your work. Be prepared to present or ask questions over problems in class so that we can discuss them and have solutions demonstrated in class. Make-up Policy: There will be no make-up Test(s) for any reason. AMERCIANS WITH DISABILITES ACT (ADA): Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encouraged to report to the ADA counselor to make necessary class arrangements. Scholastic Dishonesty: Cheating on examinations can result in total dismissal from the HCCS System. Absolutely any talking during examination will be considered cheating. Absolutely no electronic devices may be used during any test. Any use of any device (calculator, phone, dictionary, iPod, headphone, etc.) can result in an “F” for the first offense or may result in failure of the class for the semester. MAY THIS BE YOUR BEST MATHEMATICAL EXPERIENCE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***This Student syllabus is tentative, and is subject to change. It is the responsibility of each student to stay current. The most effective means to stay current is by attending class daily.