Name: Paula Jay
Office hours: Before school and after school --Room 101
Class Hours: first and second periods
Phone: 281-634-2626
Calendar: posted at http://www.; campuses; Elkins; courses; College Now;
Wiki—go to site and ask to join:
The Writer’s Presence
The Little, Brown Handbook, 10th ed
Other Materials:
District textbook
Supplemental novels
Grading Procedures:
Major grades (out of class essays) 50% per 9 weeks
Daily grades (in class essays, discussions) 50% per 9 weeks
Semester -- twice both 9 weeks grades plus the College Final divided by 5.
The college and high school semester grades could be different.
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is required at HCC. Policy states that a student who is absent more than
12.5% (6 hours) of class may be administratively dropped.
The college and high school semester grades could be different.
You must be in class to be involved in discussions and participate in peer editing.
Special Conditions
If you have any special conditions, extenuating circumstances, or needs that may affect your
progress in this course, please notify me.
Free English Tutoring
The Southwest College offers you free tutoring at our tutoring centers where you will receive
individual attention with any of your writing concerns. Check with the campus for location,
dates, and times. See the Course Information sheet for details or check the web site.
Open Computer Lab
You have free access to the Internet and word processing in the open computer lab in the
Scarcella Science Center.
Course Policies
All out of class work will be typed.
Late work will lose 20 points per day for major work. No late daily work is accepted.
All work is due at the start of class. Place all papers in the yellow basket on the table.
All out of class writing will be corrected. No corrections—grade becomes a 50.
Follow the calendar and be prepared.
Your job is to keep me happy—I stay happy when you do your assignments on time,
come prepared to discuss, participate in class, and contribute to the learning
I plan to have fun this semester; I hope you will too.
See the Course Information Sheet for other important information.
Summer Reading-- All Over But the Shoutin’ by Rick Bragg OR Angela’s Ashes by Frank
Literary Circle: books change so see the calendar
First Day Information: Explain syllabus and calendar; explain readings; explain procedures
1. College Essay.
You will write an actual college essay from an application or college web site. You will follow the
exact requirements that the school has set. You should chose a topic and school that you actually
intend to submit for admission.
ICE—Diagnostic Essay. Personal , reflective essay.
Topic will be presented when you get to class. Essay will be graded for insight and clarity of
presentation (one daily grade).
General information:
This will be an intense nine weeks. If you have not done the summer readings, it will be quite
taxing; however, not having completed the summer reading is NOT a justification for
dropping the class. Survive this one and you are among the elite of the elite and eligible for
hero status.
This first nine weeks is a crash course in writing--personal and expository. We will be using
non-fiction writings as models.
ALL out of class writing (except senior memory books) will be submitted to in
order to receive a grade. No exceptions. Set up your profile and be sure to submit each OCE
as well as print out your hard copy.
You do not print from my computer. I do not print your essays.
All out of class writings are typed. --double spaced--12 point font--use MLA format always.
This calendar and all handouts can be found on the Elkins’ web site
( under Campuses, Elkins, Course, English IV College Now,
Jay, Resources. OR in the wiki which you need to join : Go
to the site and request to join. Much information you will need will be here.
DO NOT expect compassion if you lose your calendar. You always have access to one and
must keep yourself apprised of any assignments. Assignments will NOT be posted on the
board or announced each day.
Due dates are noted on the calendar. Due is due. Late is not in my vocabulary and now, not
in yours.
See me if you have some life-threatening reason that prevents your adhering to the date.
See the web page for the specifics on literary circles and senior memory books also for
numerous handouts..
Numerous items will be found in the AP manual (green booklet). If you do not have one-- I
can sell you one for $5.00.
Literary Circles-- the literary circle will usually take place the 5th week of the nine weeks.
You will meet with me before class at 6:50 and turn in all written materials at that time. Your
grade is based on the discussion and the materials you turn in. For some books I may require
successful scores on a quiz. You could receive one or two points added to the nine weeks
This activity is totally optional.
College Readings
I. Personal Writing:
A. Narrative/Reflective
Readings A: “What is Your Name?”
WP or handout
“How It Feels To Be Colored Me” WP or handout
For each of the above readings, consider the purpose each writer had in her essay. Be sure
you can discuss the writer’s use of details and specifics to keep the reader’s attention.
Essay A: Select a significant event, moment, situation that had a major influence on
determining your personality, ideas, morals, future goals, etc. Make sure your audience
knows “you” from this writing. No mistakes allowed. (This could be used as a basis for many
college admissions essays.)
B. Cultural (mis)Conceptions
Readings B: “Shooting an Elephant” WP
or download it:
Handout on Reflection on Literature
Fill in the squares based on “Shooting and Elephant”
Be able to answer each of the following:
1. Explain the implied assumption underlying the statement in the first sentence.
2. Describe the nature of the voice in the opening paragraph. Note instances of humor
and irony.
3. What is Orwell’s attitude toward imperialism?
4. What is Orwell’s attitude toward the native peoples?
5. What is Orwell’s attitude toward his own position in Burma?
6. In the second paragraph, what is suggested by the qualifiers “and secretly, of course”
and “if you can catch him off duty”?
7. In paragraph 6 Orwell states, ‘As soon as I saw the elephant I knew with perfect
certainty that I ought not to shoot him.” Why, then, does he decide to shoot the
elephant? Refer to specific factors that influence his decision.
8. The final paragraph presents Europeans’ views of elephant killing. Explain the
9. In paragraph 7 Orwell observes that “when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom
that he destroys,” and that “He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.” Consider the implications
of these statements concerning human nature.
Support, refute, or qualify Orwell’s paradox and metaphor.
Essay B: do one of the following
Tony Earley has said that a good story “is about the thing and the other things. The second
thing looks like the first thing, but it’s something else.” Write an essay in which you apply
Earley’s ideas to Orwell’s “Shooting and Elephant,” explaining what the “thing and the other
thing” would be.
“Shooting and Elephant” concludes: “And afterwards I was very glad that the coolie had been killed;
it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant. I often
wondered whether any of the others grasped that I had done it solely to avoid looking a fool.” Orwell
implies that such petty and selfish reasons, if we are honest enough to admit it, often drive our actions.
Argue for or against Orwell’s position concerning human motives. Support your position with
evidence from your readings, observations, and experience.
C. Politics and Language
Readings C:
1. “Politics and the English Language” WP
or download it:
Be sure you can answer each of these questions about the reading:
1. How does Orwell construct his argument?
2. Is his argument effective?
3. Who is his audience?
4. What are some of your bad habits?
5. Why are the points of this essay important to you? (yes—they should be very important)
Annotate your copy and prepare any questions you have after reading.
2. Little Red Riding Hood—A Politically Correct Version: download it from
3. The Red Cap: the Brother’s Grimm version: download from
4. “Get a Knife, Get a Dog”
Molly Ivans
For the reading “Get a Knife, Get a Dog” use the AP manual pages 19-23 and find as many
rhetorical devices and strategies as you can.
Use Orwell’s essay and apply the 6 rules to Ivan’s essay
Newspaper Analysis--
Theme C
You will follow a national columnist in a newspaper. You must collect five current,
consecutive columns by your author. Attached you will find a list of newspaper web sites. You
may find the name of the specific author you wish to follow on the home page; otherwise,
check the Editorials or Op-Ed. Archives can be searched on these sites, but many publications
require payment for articles older than one or two weeks. Therefore, do not wait until the due
date. The assignment has three parts:
I. Each article must be annotated as we have practiced in class. You will turn in the article or
a copy of it. Annotate the following: (use the appropriate color for each)Please do not try to
annotate the actual newspaper page, enlarge or recopy.
Speaker's tone—highlight the examples in yellow
Rhetorical strategies (see AP manual) ---highlight and label the specific strategy in
Organizational shifts
--indicate where it occurs in pink
Appeals to logic or emotion---highlight and label the specific device in blue
Mark places in the text that evoke a reaction from you, be it laughter, anger, or confusion by
II. After annotating, write a one-page response that includes the following:
A brief summary of the author's main point
The most salient strategies employed by the author
The article's effect on you
Your first annotated article and one-page response are due first; the next four articles and
responses are due with the final assignment.
III. The final task is to write an essay that delineates the following:
The author's general focus in columns (e.g. political, family, arts)
Three of the author's oft-used stylistic devices—give specific examples
An analysis of the efficacy of those devices—how do they work and are they successful?
You are to judge the author's writing style as convincing or ineffectual and explain why; it is
not necessary that you agree with the author if you feel s/he has made a point forcefully.
Specific examples must be provided from the four articles you have collected. This paper will
be 2 to 3 pages.
The New York Times - Click on Editorials/Op-Ed
Maureen Dowd
Thomas L. Friedman
Bob Herbert
Paul Krugman
Frank Rich
William Safire
The Washington Post - Click on Opinions to see a list of regular
Jim Hoagland
William Raspberry
F. Will
The Boston Globe - Click on Editorials/Op-Ed
Ellen Goodman
Joan Vennochi
The Nation -- (note this is a left-wing publication-Republicans
Calvin Trillin
Christopher Hitchens
Katha Pollitt
Chicago Sun-Times -- Click on Commentary and use list of
Chicago Tribune -- Click on Columnists
The San Francisco Chronicle -- Click on Columnists
The Washington Times -- Click on
Opinion/Editorial and scroll down to Regular Columnists
And of course --The Houston Chronicle
Summer Reading
General Dilemmas. You will be randomly given one of these for an ICE. Prepare accordingly.
I would suggest you complete the requirements for the oral discussion for the ones that fit
your work.
You will choose one of the following topics and prepare it for discussion.
You need to develop a thesis position for each dilemma that fits your reading. You will need
specific quotations to support your position --at least 6 quotes per topic. Type the quote with
its page number so you can easily find it. During the discussion, be able to explain how each
quote is relevant and supportive.
You will turn in your outline containing your thesis and your quotes with page numbers.
A. Individual vs Society—both works
Some people, especially the young, feel that unconventionality in dress and actions are not
only acceptable, but also almost obligatory to be true to themselves and their convictions.
Giving in to convention is betrayal of self.
Others consider such actions as deviant, insulting disrespectful and even immoral and
unpatriotic. The flaunting of traditions and rejecting of values undermine society and lead to
the decay of the family and weakening of ethics. Society as a whole suffers for the often
misguided and irrational beliefs of a few.
B. Traditional religions vs. individual beliefs—Poisonwood
Some people believe that religious beliefs can be revised to fit the individual’s desires and
needs or changing current events. Some view religions as a completely personal response and
private issue.
Others hold that religious precepts and commandments cannot be compromised or altered for
anyone’s individual whim.
C. Individual vs Society—both works
Some people believe that a person must be willing to stand up for certain moral issues even if
it means ignoring or breaking civil law and challenging the social norm.
Others feel no individual can be above the law or be allowed to jeopardize the safety of others
for a personal viewpoint.
D. Hawks vs Doves--Owen
Some Americans saw our participation in and support for the Vietnam War as illegal and
immoral and felt obliged to work against that involvement any way possible.
Others saw our support for the South Vietnamese as America’s obligatory defense of freedom
and necessary to protect our foreign interest, keep our promises to allies and prevent spread
of communism.
E. Character dilemma—both works
In your work a character is faced with a dilemma—to accept his destiny and move steadily
toward it or to resist and attempt to avoid it. What is his final decision, what leads him to
make this decision, and do you believe that he made the right choice? Why or why not?
Would you have made the same decision? Why or why not?
Grendel Fishbowl discussion
All students will participate in a seminar type discussion. Rules will be explained in
class. You will be graded on your contributions and their insightfulness. Before the
discussion you will need to read closely and prepare the following topics.
A. Chapters 1-12. Keep track of at least one of the following concepts throughout the work
with quotes and page numbers.
Acceptance of mechanical, indifferent universe.
Relative good and evil
Greed as valid motivation
Derision of hero
Denial of God
Existential egoism
B. Chapter 12—Be able to show how and for what purpose Gardner has brought all his
devices (images, themes, motifs, etc.) together. Have page numbers and specific references
ready for quick reference. Some possible images—nature: sky, trees, walls, caves; Bestial—
birds, spiders, snakes,
C. Chapters 1-12. Have the following items ready for the discussion:
(You may bring notes and texts.)
Philosophies—nihilism, existentialism, solipsism, stoicism
Is Grendel a “real” character? When does his existence start?
Destroying the humans is not Grendel’s aim. If we take this as a true statement, what
is his aim?
4. The dragon’s edict: “Find gold and sit on it” is a distortion of what major theme of
the work?
5. Find the connections to Grendel with Ecclesiastes, Frankenstein and Faust.
6. Deal with the statement: No hero exists if the person’s actions were not intentional.
7. Use of symbols and motifs through the work.
8. Humor in Grendel.
9. Have some favorite quotes to share with page numbers so we can all find them.
10. Be able to discuss point of view and its effect on the reader. Comparison to Beowulf.
11. The anti-hero—his traits; who might be.
Journals on Heart of Darkness:
Choose 4 of the 5 topics and do a one-page typed entry for each. Dates due are on the calendar.
Two are due each time.
The two journals will combine for one daily grade.
1-- Consider the first 13 paragraphs of the novel. What are the major symbols and images
used? What do they suggest? What is the jungle for Conrad? What are the connotations of
the word “jungle”? How can it be used in a metaphorical sense?
2--- Conrad introduces the metaphor of the “whited sepulchre.” Review the source of this
image (Matthew 23:27-32). How does it suit the theme of exploitation? The journey to selfknowledge? The theme of the need for civilization?
3--- There is a fantasy like quality to the beginning of Marlow’s journey. What creates it?
What is the importance of “work” to man? What does Marlow mean by “surface reality”?
4--- Discuss how Conrad’s description of vegetation at the central station prepares for the
journey into the heart of darkness.
5-- Discuss the various significance of the title Heart of Darkness. Use examples from the
Out of Class Essay Heart of Darkness:
Use the following statement as your basic thesis for your paper.
Provide support from the text and two outside sources to develop all three levels. Maximum
length—4 typed pages. Follow MLA format. You must use specific quotes. The focus is on
proof of thesis-- how/why HofD is an allegory/archetype. Everything must make sense, be
logical, and be clear.
In Heart of Darkness, Conrad creates an allegory, an archetypal story of journeys: through
hell, back in time, and to the core of the psyche—the heart of darkness.
Individual Close Reading Assignments
Heart of Darkness
Each student will be assigned particular pages of the last section. Each will be
expected to know the section well, do a close reading on it, answer any questions asked by the
teacher in class, and make connections to other sections of the text. The close-reading of those
particular pages should including making connections of concepts, images, characters,
archetypes, etc., to items previously discussed in parts I and II.
You will use this information to write an explication of your section. (This explication should
be similar to what I have been doing in class as we have worked our way through the text.)
Your paper is due as indicated on the calendar. The paper should be no more than 2 pages—
so choose your points well and no fluff.
Particular sections assigned in class:
1. 105 to 109 line 19
2. 109 L 20 to 111 L3
3. 111 L 4 to 113 L14
4. 113 L 14 to 117 L 16
5. 117 L 17 to 120 L 6
6. 120 L 7 to 122 L 32
7. 122 L 33 to 124 L 28
8. 124 L 28 to 127 L 2
9. 127 L 3 to 129 L 14
10. 129 L 15 to 130 L 35
11. 130 L 36 to 134 L 4
12. 134 L 5 to end
Readings D-- Classifying People, Places of Things
Handout-- “The Peter Principle”
Do a PATTR see AP manual p. 51-3; then be sure you can answer all the questions at the end
of the writing.
Theme D Classification
Write an essay in which you classify the teachers you’ve had into several distinct categories
and make a judgment about the relative effectiveness of the teachers in each group.
“College Pressures”-- handout
“In Praise of the F Word” -- handout
Editorials on Texas 10% rule-- handout
Essay E
Using one or more of the articles as your spring board, agree, refute or qualify the premise
that the author has offered. Support your position with examples and/or statistics or
research. Provide a works cited if you use outside materials.
Recitations: Choose one of the soliloquies to memorize. You will sign up for a time
1. Act I,ii,129-159. start with “O, that this too too solid flesh would melt,”
“But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue!”
and go to
2. Act II, ii,576-634; Start with “O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!” and go to
“Wherin I’ll catch the conscience of the King.”
3. Act III, I, 56-94. the “To be or not to be speech” until Ophelia speaks
Logs for Hamlet. Choose 2 for y our first set and then 2 more for your second set of logs.
Check the calendar for when each set is due. Each should be one (whole) typed page.
1. Although it is understandable to think that the climax of the play occurs in Act V,
scene ii, the main conflict is not resolved there. Where is the climax? Prove it.
2. What did Gertrude know and when did she know it? What is her role Is she an
innocent, a victim, an accessory to a crime, an adultress or the victim of seduction?
Provide proof from the text.
3. Is Claudius a good king? Consider his actions while he IS king. What must he deal
with and how well does he? Provide textual evidence.
4. Consider the character of Fortinbras. Why would Hamlet give him “my dying voice”
and prophecy the “election lights on Fortinbras”? Isn’t he an invader? What is
Shakespeare doing here? Consider the whole question of succession—Claudius,
Hamlet. Provide textual evidence.
5. Why does Shakespeare spend so much time with the “play within the play” ? Consider
much more than the plot line. Connect it to the overall theme, motifs, and underlying
Logs for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Answer one of these. Check calendar for
due date. One page (whole page).
1. Discuss the various levels of comedy used in R&G hand how each functions to enhance
the themes(s) or major concept(s) of the play.
2. Acting is a concept in both Hamlet and R&G. How do its meaning and purpose vary in the
two plays?
Plan ahead for the next nine weeks:
1. Trace the development of the male figures in the novel: Robert Lebrun, Mr. Pontellier,
Alcee Arobin, Dr. Mandalet. Assess each character in terms of A) his philosophy of life,
B)his sensitivity toward women, and C). his understanding of and relationship to Edna.
Assess each man’s positive and negative characteristics and contribution to meaning in the
novel. In your discussion, consider how these male characters figure into Chopin’s theme
of individual vs. society. In what sense is each man able, or unable to truly love?
2. Trace the characterization of Mademoiselle Reisz throughout the novel. Explain her
importance as an artist and as adviser to Edna, as well as to the meaning of the novel as a
whole. What connection does she have to the bird symbolism which is associated with
Edna’s awakening, and how is she connected to the theme of truth vs. self-deception?
3. Examine the importance of motherhood as a theme in the novel. Contrast the
“mothering” of Edna and of Madame Ratignolle. Trace how their friendship in one sense
both begins and ends the novel. By considering both women in terms of their
development, their relationships to their children and husbands, and their personal
concept of “self,” formulate what you consider to be Chopin’s theme.
4. Trace Edna’s “awakening” as Chopin develops it throughout the novel. Explore the
several ways Chopin builds this theme—through Edna’s exploration of self, her growing
understanding of truth vs. self-deception, and the nature symbolism and motifs (grass
fields, sea, birds, atmosphere). How do the lovers from Grand Isle and the woman in
black figure into this symbolic scheme? Finally, comment on Edna’s final act. Does it
represent triumph or defeat—or something much more complex?
Your group will cover one of the four topics. This presentation will be a major grade on the
novel. Follow the guidelines below.
A. Trace whatever aspect your group has been assigned THROUGHOUT the novel.
B. You must have specific quotes from THROUGHOUT the novel which justify your
analysis. (include page numbers)
An outline of your quotes and their importance to your analysis must be submitted to me
for your group’s presentation. Make it legible, logical and interesting.
D. Each group must present to the class as a means of introduction a poster or slide or visual
embodying the main idea of your project relevant to theme, symbolism or other aspect you
are covering.
E. Your group will conduct the class. You will lead the class into an insightful exploration of
your area. You should be prepared to fill half a class period.
Second Semester is the research semester. The college semester starts before the high school
semester does.
We will discuss the research project before exams.
You will need to take care of registration before the holidays. Do NOT wait.