Chem 2423 Course Guide Instructor: Paul Donald Roy 713-944-7021 cell Course Title: Organic Chemistry I Credits: Four (4) semester hours Prerequisites: Chem 1412 (or equivalent) Required Materials: Organic Chemistry (7th Edition), John McMurry Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 2nd Ed, Bell/Clark/Tabor/Rodig Safety Glasses or Goggles Grade Determination: 60% Tests 20% Labs 20% Comprehensive Final Attendance: Full attendance is strongly advised, as you are responsible for announcements. There are no make-up tests or make-up labs. Each lab period counts for roughly 2% toward your final course grade. If a test is missed, the final exam counts for 40% of the grade. Further missed tests, or a missed final, are recorded with a grade of zero. Withdrawal: Withdrawal is your responsibility, but you should discuss it with me first. Study Habits: The most important thing to remember is to actively listen and heed my lectures and suggestions. Try not to let note taking interfere with listening. Take note of everything that I write on the board, especially working through problems. Practice at least until you can confidently answer recommended exercises without consulting books or notes. Start practicing and memorizing as soon as possible. Do whatever reading you need to reinforce your problem solving and memorization. If you don't understand something, ask as soon as possible; others may have the same question. I am also eager to help after class. Attend all labs and turn in lab reports within one week. Course Objectives: To achieve a practical understanding of bonding and structure in organic molecules. To achieve a practical understanding of polarity and relative acid/base strength. To achieve a practical understanding of the chemistry of hydrocarbons. To achieve a practical understanding of the fundamentals of organic stereochemistry. To achieve an understanding of mechanisms and thermochemistry of organic reactions. To achieve a practical understanding of chirality and its effects in organic chemistry. To achieve a practical understanding of the chemistry of alkyl halides. To achieve a practical understanding of elimination and substitution reactions. To achieve a practical understanding of mass spectrometry in organic chemistry. Laboratory Safety: Goggles must be worn over the eyes throughout all laboratory procedures. Eye safety in a laboratory setting is a particularly serious issue. In addition, treat all equipment and chemicals with due respect, let common sense prevail at all times, and consult me anytime you are unsure about your actions. As a general rule, minimize direct contact with chemicals, and do not stray from the experimental protocols. Cheating: There is a zero tolerance to all forms of cheating; if caught on a test the grade will be zero. This includes any retrieving of information expected to be memorized, such as with certain calculators. To avoid any misunderstanding, consult with me about the calculator you use. Special Accommodations: Students who seek accommodation for special needs should contact the Disability Counselor as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made. Call 713-718-7218. Repeating the Course: “Students who repeat a course for a third or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor / counselor about opportunities for tutoring / other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. “