HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM: Spring Branch Campus Instructor contact information Instructor: Dr. M. Jamal Jamil Office Phone: History Department Office: History Department Office Hours: By Appointment (or hours of availability) E-mail: doctormojam@hotmail.com HISTORY 13O1: Course Subject: Course Catalog Number: Course Number: Course Section: Credit Hours: Total Contact Hours: (All hrs. x 16) History 1301 33169 0088 3 UNITED STATES HISTORY TO 1877 Semester and Year: Fall 2014 Class Days & Times: Tuesday 9:30 - 11:00 A.M. Thursday 9:30 - 11:00 A .M. Class Room Location: Spring Branch Room 104 48 Course Prerequisites: Must have passed English 1301 (Composition I) or be co-enrolled in English 1301 as a co-requisite. Course Overview Catalog Description: The American nation from the English colonization to the close of the Civil War through Reconstruction. Core Curriculum course History 1301 is a survey of American history from discovery to 1877. This course is based on lectures, readings, films, individual activities, and classroom discussion. The goal of the course is to give the student a clear understanding of the United States History until 1877. Page 1 of 10 Program Learning Outcomes (PLO): • Will be able to create an argument through the use of historical evidence • Will be able to analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources • Will be able to analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural and global forces on this period of United States history • Students will be able to explain the importance of chronology and how earlier ideas and events shaped later events. Course (Student) Learning Outcomes for History 1301: 1. Discuss the Age of Exploration 2. Explain Colonization 3. Identify the Causes and effects of the American Revolution 4. Explain the origins and impact of Slavery 5. Analyze the formation of the Republic 6. Summarize the effects of Expansion and Innovation 7. Explain Nationalism and Sectionalism 8. Discuss the Civil War 9. Evaluate the effects of Reconstruction Course Learning Objectives: The student will develop an understanding of the following: Pre-Columbian Civilizations Europe Before Exploration Colonization Mercantilism The Chesapeake Bay Colonies The Massachusetts Bay Colonies Marriage and Family Life in the Colonies Native Americans and Wars The Columbian Exchange Slavery Dissension in the Colonies The Great Awakening The Enlightenment The American Revolution The Constitution Political Parties Jeffersonian Democracy The War of 1812 The Growth of the Economy and the Transportation Revolution Page 2 of 10 The Age of Jackson The Age of Reform Manifest Destiny Texas and the War with Mexico The Sectional Crisis Lincoln the Civil War Reconstruction Mission Statement The Houston Community College System is an open-admission, public institution of higher education offering academic preparation and lifelong learning opportunities that prepare individuals in our diverse communities for life and work in an increasingly international and technological society. The Northwest History Department will provide an environment conducive to learning and encourage academic excellence. Furthermore, the History faculty will encourage the development of the following competencies: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Critical thinking and Computer Literacy. SCANS Skills: Texas Colleges must demonstrate that the Basic Intellectual Core Competencies are incorporated into all Core courses. This course addresses the competencies in the following ways Reading: The Textbook, historical web sites, and the readers will provide the basis for Section Exams, Chapter Essays, and the Final Exam Writing: Students will write all responses to their selected Chapter Essay. Students will write an historical research paper and answer essay questions. Speaking: Students will participate in class discussions and will have the opportunity to develop their speaking proficiency. Listening: Students will have the opportunity to develop and practice their listening skills in lectures. Students will also practice critical listening from video materials. Critical Thinking: Many of the Chapter Essays and essay questions on the Final Exam will contain questions that will require higher-level, "critical" thinking skills. Computer Literacy: Students will be proficient at navigating the web, sending and receiving Email, and conducting historical research for their paper and exams. Page 3 of 10 Required Material: Making America: A History of the United States, Sixth Edition, Berkin et al. (text) American Perspectives, Volume I, Fifth Edition, Readings in American History (online reader) http://www.pearsoncustom.com/tx/hcc_hist1301 The Louisiana Purchase. Thomas Fleming. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey. (Essay midterm exam question will be based on this monograph) Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American Slavery. James Brewer Stewart. Hill and Wang. New York. (Essay final exam question will be based on this monograph) Instructor’s Guidelines and Policies Teaching Methods: The instructor incorporates lecture/demonstration, class discussions, reading assignments, collaborative/cooperative learning activities, computers, internet, web sites, and library research into the classes in this course. Taking notes during the class lecture/discussion is the responsibility of the student. However, both the textbook and the monograph are required reading. Attendance: Attendance is required in this class. Every class you will sign-in. The sign-in sheet will be the official record that you were in class that day; therefore, it is critical that you sign-in. If you must be absent, please talk to me in advance. As a courtesy, please notify me that you will not return to class. Not attending this class and having four absences from this class will result in the class participation grade being lowered by twenty points. Please note that there is no distinction between “Excused” and “Unexcused” absences. Please note that coming to the class late or leaving the classroom early will affect the participation grade. Withdrawal and Drop: Should any student like to drop the class under any circumstances, the student may drop the class by himself/herself. The last day to drop a class or withdraw from a class is October 31, 2014, before 4:30 P.M. The Texas State Legislature has begun to impose penalties on students who drop courses excessively. In 2007, the Legislature passed a law limiting students to no more than 6 total course withdrawals throughout their academic career in obtaining a baccalaureate degree. Page 4 of 10 Assignments: To do well in this course, the student must keep up with the assignments. The student cannot make a satisfactory grade without studying and participating. The student must take all the exams, including the final exam. RESEARCH PAPER: DUE December 4, 2014. The topic of the research paper is any historical person, group, or political party from the period of discovery to 1877. The research paper should be a minimum of three pages/maximum five pages using a minimum of three sources and typed using MLA format. Late Assignment Policy / Make-up Exams: No Make-up exams or assignments will be allowed. No late research papers will be accepted. No-show will result in a zero. Student Behavior Expectations: Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately while on College property. Students are not to disrupt the learning of the other students in the class. More specifically, students are expected to abide by the following policy: Students are not permitted to bring food and drinks to eat and drink in the classroom. Students are not permitted to sleep during class, and they will be asked to leave the class until they can remain awake. Students are not permitted to chat about personal matters during class, and they will be asked to leave the class until they can remain focused on the subject matter and fully participate in the activities of the class assigned by the instructor. Cell phone policy: Cell phones and beepers must be turned off before class starts. If electronic or communication equipment disrupts class, then appropriate deductions will be made toward the student class participation grade. Laptop policy: Laptops are not allowed in the classroom HCC Policy Statements: ADA: STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Any student with a documented disability, (i.e. physical, learning, psychiatric, visual, hearing, etc) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the disability services office. Page 5 of 10 EGLS3 (Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System) At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time near the end of the term, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and department chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Go to www.hccs.edu/egls3 for more information. Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy: We are committed to a high standard of academic integrity in the academic community. In becoming a part of the academic community, students are responsible for honesty and independent effort. Failure to uphold these standards will be dealt with according to the policies of the College. Grade Determination: YOUR FINAL CLASS Points (if applicable) Percent of Final Average Discussion on assigned topics and readings as well as oral AND written discussion exercises on assigned topics 100 25 Multiple-choice exam on assigned readings AND Essay on assigned monograph 40 60 25 Multiple-choice exam on assigned readings AND Essay on assigned monograph 40 60 25 100 25 Details GRADE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE FOLLOWING: CLASS PARTICIPATION MIDTERM EXAM FINAL EXAM INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PAPER AS ASSIGNED Research paper on chosen historical topic DUE ON December 4, 2014 Total: 100% Letter Grade Assignment: Final Average in Percent Letter Grade A B C D F 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59 & below Page 6 of 10 Tentative Instructional Outline: Tuesday and Thursday, Fall 2014 Week Number Activities and Assignments Assigned Readings 1 T, 08/26/2014 Course Introduction and Text: Chapter One, pages 1–24 Text: Chapter Two, pages 25–46 Overview TH, 08/28/2014 Lecture/Discussion Online Reader: pages 4-9 2 T, 09/02/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Three, pages 47–76 Online Reader: TH, 09/04/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: pages 16-17 Chapter Four, pages 77–106 Online Reader: pages 24-31 3 T, 09/09/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Five, pages 107–137 TH,09/11/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Six, pages 138-165 Online Reader: pages 73-82 4 T, 09/16/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Seven, pages 166–197 TH, 09/18/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Seven, pages 166–197 Page 7 of 10 5 T, 09/23/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Eight, pages 198-225 TH, 09/25/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Nine, T, 10/03/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Ten, pages 254-285 TH, 10/02/2013 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapters One to Ten pages 226-253 6 Documentary Film, Trail of Tears 7 T, 10/07/2014 MIDTERM EXAM Monograph: The Louisiana Purchase TH, 10/09/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Eleven, pages 286-315 Online Reader: pages 155-163 8 T, 10/14/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Twelve, pages 316-345 TH, 10/16/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Twelve, pages 316-345 T, 10/21/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Thirteen, pages 346-381 TH, 10/23/2014 Film on Abraham Lincoln 9 Documentary based on the historical novel Lincoln by Gore Vidal (First Part) Page 8 of 10 10 T, 10/28/2014 Film on Abraham Lincoln Documentary based on the historical novel Lincoln by Gore Vidal (Second Part) TH, 10/30/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Fourteen, pages 282-416 Online Reader: pages 153-163 11 T, 11/04/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Fourteen, pages 282-416 TH, 11/06/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Fifteen, pages 417-448 T, 11/11/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Fifteen, pages 417-448 TH, 11/13/2014 Lecture/Discussion Text: Chapter Fifteen, pages 417-448 12 13 T, 11/18/2014 Documentary Film on Frederick Douglass (First Part) TH, 11/20/2014 Documentary Film on Frederick Douglass (Second Part) Page 9 of 10 14 T, 11/25/2014 Documentary Films about the Battles of the Civil War TH, 11/27/2014 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY NO CLASS 15 T, 12/02/2014 Lecture/Discussion/Review Chapters Eleven to Fifteen TH, 12/04/2014 Lecture/Discussion/Review Chapters Eleven to Fifteen RESEARCH PAPER DUE TODAY 16 T, 12/09/2014 FINAL EXAM at 9:00 A.M. Text: Chapters Eleven to Fifteen Monograph: Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American Slavery Page 10 of 10