
Revised 05-31-12
Department of Mathematics
MATH 2413: Calculus I CRN: 85210
Summer I Session 2012: Mon-Thurs: 5:30PM – 8:45PM STAF:
Ernest Nwachukwu
Attendance policy:
Students are expected to attend classes regularly. If some special situation arises, which calls for
your missing classes, then please keep me informed. If I am not notified and your absences exceed
12.5% of the number of classes, you will be administratively withdrawn immediately.
Tardiness (lateness to class) policy:
Every student is expected to be in class on time. If a student is late on the examination day, the
student will not be given extra time.
Withdrawal policy:
Any student who is contemplating withdrawing from the class is encouraged to do so on or before
the final day for withdrawal as specified in the class schedule. If a student withdraws after the final
day for withdrawal from the class, the student will get “F”.
Home Work policy:
Home work assignment will be given every week. For a student to get the best out of this class, it is very
important that the student solves problems in the textbook.
Exam Policy:
Cheating is not allowed in the examination. If a student is caught cheating in an examination, the student will
lose all the marks for that examination. College policies on cheating will be enforced. These are clearly
outlined in the HCCS Student Handbook.
Make-up policy:
There will be no make-up of any test. An exception to this can be allowed if there is a case of medical
emergency and with a valid proof. There will be no make-up of the final examination.
Grading policy:
Each of the first three examinations is worth 25%; and the final examination is worth 50% of the final course
grade. The final course grade (call it FCG) will be calculated using the formula:FCG = Average of the best five grades (final counting double).
Letter grade will be assigned to the FCG.
Grade legend: 90% - 100% - A, 80% - 89% - B, 70% - 79% - C, 60% - 69% - D, below 60% - F.
Final Examination:
The final examination consists of 25 multiple-choice problems. The problems cover only the
material required in this course.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA): Students with Disabilities: Any student with a documented
disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable
accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the
beginning of each semester.
Students are advised about the pre-requisites for the above class and how they are related to their
major and the next class to take in mathematics.
“Students who repeat a course for a third time or more may soon face significant tuition/fee
increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your
instructor/counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other assistance prior to considering course
withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades."
Students are advised on the future courses in mathematics and how they are related to their
majors. All questions were answered.
Catalog Description: Calculus I. An integrated study of differential calculus with analytic
geometry including the study of functions, limits, continuity, differentiation, and an introduction to
integration. Prerequisite: MATH 2412 or consent of the Department Head. 4 credit (4 lecture).
Prerequisites: Math 2412: Pass with a “C” or better, or consent of the Department Head.
Course Intent: This course provides the background in mathematics for sciences or further study in
mathematics and its applications.
Audience: This course is a freshman level mathematics course which requires a background
consisting of Math 2412.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to:
1. Describe the basic concepts of mathematical functions and the various types of functions, which
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the concept of the limit of a function at a point and the properties
such limits possess.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the idea of continuity of a function
4. Differentiate various types of mathematical functions and know the meaning of the various
orders of the derivatives including applications.
5. Recognize the discontinuity points of certain types of elementary functions.
6. Differentiate the trigonometric functions with applications.
7. Use calculus to sketch the curves of certain types of elementary functions
Textbook: Calculus, by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards, Eleventh Edition. Houghton Mifflin
Company, 2010.
Course Outline: Instructors may find it preferable to cover the course topics in the order listed
However, the instructor may choose to organize topics in any order, but all material must be
Prerequisites – Pre-calculus Review and Functions
(Optional - no more than 4 hours)
Sections: P.1, P.2,
These chapters provide an optional Pre-calculus review including real numbers, the Cartesian
coordinate plane, functions, graphing, modeling, and trigonometry. The instructor may choose to
review any or all of this material before beginning chapter 1. All of this material may be omitted if
Unit I - Limits and Their Properties
(10 Hours)
Sections: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4, 1.5
This unit presents the concept of limits and how it relates to Calculus. The instructor should present
the formal definitions of the limit and continuity and discuss the characteristics of a continuous
function. Graphical and analytical methods of evaluating limits, including one-sided limits and
limits at infinity should be emphasized as well.
Unit 2 - Differentiation
(12 Hours)
Sections: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
2.4, 2.5, 2.6
This unit presents an introduction to differentiation. The instructor should emphasize the derivative
and the tangent line problem, basic differentiation rules and rates of change, the product and quotient
rules, higher-order derivatives, and the chain rule. This unit concludes with implicit differentiation
and related rates.
Unit 3 - Applications of Differentiation
(18 Hours)
Sections: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,
3.4, 3.5, 3.6,
3.7, 3.8, 3.9
This unit includes the various applications of differentiation. The instructor should emphasize
extrema on an interval, Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem, increasing and decreasing
functions, and the first derivative test, concavity and the second derivative test, limits at infinity, a
summary of curve sketching, optimization problems, and Newton’s Method. This unit concludes
with differentials and linear approximations.
Unit 4 - Integration
(16 Hours)
Sections: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,
4.4, 4.5, 4.6
This unit includes the basic concepts of integration. The instructor should emphasize anti-derivatives
and indefinite integration, area, Riemann Sums and definite integrals, the fundamental theorems of
calculus, and integration by substitution. This unit concludes with numerical integration methods.
Resource Materials: Any student enrolled in Math 2413 at HCCS has access to the Academic
Support Center where they may get additional help in understanding the theory or in improving their
skills. The Center is staffed with mathematics faculty and student assistants, and offers tutorial help,
video tapes and computer-assisted drills. Also available is a Student’s Solutions Manual which may
be obtained from the Bookstore.