The United States Since 1877 HIST 1302 Houston Community College Spring 2011 Office: EDC-228 Instructor: Clayton Lust Ph: 713-718-6063 Email: Office Hours – by appt. Course Description: The United States has undergone tremendous change since the Civil War and Reconstruction. While the U.S. has seen the rise of large corporations, become a military and industrial power, and indeed a global force, this has not been accomplished without tremendous conflict, both at home and abroad. There was a true revolution, as the United States transformed itself, the way it viewed itself, and indeed the way the world viewed the U.S.. What we will find, is that the more history we know, the less surprised we are. This survey of U.S. history will show that while the actions and actors change, there are broad themes that remain constant. Objectionable Materials Warning: Over the course of the semester I will utilize some film clips, not as a substitute for lecture, but to allow us to move between the past and the present, and to allow us to see how those in the past have viewed history. Some of the film clips that we will view will contain scenes of explicit violence, sexual brutality, ethnic and gender stereotyping, nudity, obscenity, adult themes, profanity, and offensive language that might be found objectionable by some. There may also be ideas or practices endorsed by specific motion pictures that some might consider immoral or amoral. All of these films, however, were already in wide circulation in the culture at large and are, in the instructor’s opinion, essential to understanding American cultural history Books: All books are required Foner - Give Me Liberty: An American History, Volume II (FONER) Various Authors, American Perspectives: Readings in American History, Volume II – 4th edition Sinclair, The Jungle – available in hard copy or as a free download at Madison, A Lynching in the Heartland: Race and Memory in America Ehrenreich, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America Grading: Your grade in this class is arrived at in the following manner. There are 3 closed book, closed note exams, the dates of which are below. The two mid term exams are worth 25% apiece. The final exam is worth 30% of your grade. In addition there are three (3) quizzes from the book American Perspectives that are worth a total of 15%. The final 5% is derived from unannounced (pop) quizzes. EXAM/QUIZ DATES: Midterm 1 – Feb. 19, 2011 Midterm 2 - April 2, 2011 Final Exam – May 7, 2011 HCC’s final exam schedule Reader Quiz 1 – Feb. 5, 2011 Reader Quiz 2 – March 12, 2011 Reader Quiz 3 – April 16, 2011 At the end of the semester I will take your accumulated points and add them together and assign a grade on the following basis: 90-100 points = A 60-69 = D 80-89 = B 59 and below = F 70-79 = C Student B EXAMPLE: Student A 3 Reader Quiz 1 2 5 Reader Quiz 2 4 4 Reader Quiz 3 5 18 Midterm Exam I 23 22 Midterm Exam II 25 26 Final Exam 25 4 Pop Quiz Average 3 82 87 84 76 OF DIRE, THERE ARE NO MAKE-UPS IN THIS CLASS EXCEPT IN CASES B Final Grade C GIVEN IS AT DOCUMENTED EMERGENCY. WHETHER A MAKEUP WILL BE THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE INSTRUCTOR – YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO A MAKEUP SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU MISS AN ASSIGNMENT. ANY MAKEUP WILL BE IN AN ALL-ESSAY FORMAT, AND WILL BE GIVEN ON MAY 13, 2011 AT 8 AM IN EDC 228– THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE. SIMILARLY, INCOMPLETES WILL BE GIVEN ONLY IN CASES OF EXTREME EMERGENCY AND ONLY WHEN A STUDENT IS PASSING THE COURSE AT THE TIME THE INCOMPLETE IS GRANTED – THE INCOMPLETE IS NOT AN OPTION FOR THOSE WHO ARE FAILING THE CLASS. Academic Honesty Policy Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited by HCC policy and by the rules of this class. Plagiarism is the use of the ideas or words of another person (either whole or in part) without crediting the source and constitutes the theft of another person’s intellectual property. It is the most common form of academic dishonesty. If you are unclear as to what constitutes plagiarism, you should seek clarification before beginning an assignment. Cheating involves fraud and deception for the purpose of violating legitimate testing rules. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: copying from another student’s test paper, using materials or resources not authorized by the instructor during an exam; collaborating with another student during a test; knowingly using, buying, selling whole or part of an unadministered test. Academic dishonesty constitutes a severe violation of HCC policy and rules and is subject to stringent penalties. Violations of these policies will result, at a minimum, in the automatic failure of this course. Severe violations could result in suspension or expulsion from HCC. FYIs The Houston Community College System is an open-admission, public institution of higher education offering academic preparation and lifelong learning opportunities that prepare individuals in our diverse communities for life and work in an increasingly international and technological society. The History Department will provide an environment conducive to learning and encourages academic excellence. Furthermore the History faculty will encourage the development of the following competencies: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Critical Thinking, and Computer Literacy. Disability Policy Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support Service Counselor, Jaime Torres (713 718-6164) at the beginning of the semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS). Students who are requesting special testing accommodations must first contact the office. Attendance Class attendance is expected and per HCC policy is mandatory. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class - if you are late YOU WILL BE COUNTED AS ABSENT UNLESS YOU SPEAK TO ME AT THE END OF CLASS - it is YOUR responsibility to let me know you arrived, I will not track you down. Students are permitted three free absences, after that the student will lose one point from their final grade for each additional absence. Students who maintain perfect attendance will receive a 3-point bonus to their course grade. While HCC MAY (and I stress may) administratively drop you if you miss more than six hours of in-class time, deciding not to attend class will not result in MY dropping you – if you wish to drop the class it is your responsibility to do so. Tardiness - get here on time. Lateness happens, habitual lateness is inexcusable. If you are the type of person who is constantly late, you should consider another class. If you come to class more than one half hour late, I will not count you as present. Classroom Behavior: THIS IS NOT THE 13TH GRADE. You are adults, and are expected to behave as such. Come to class prepared to take notes every class period - a pen and notebook are all you need to bring with you. Additionally I have a few very simple rules. 1. The ONLY person who should be talking is me. If you have a question raise your hand - don't ask the person next to you, unless the person next to you has a PhD in history. 2. NO CELL PHONES. In case that wasn't clear, let me repeat - NO CELL PHONES. When you enter this classroom, cell phones are to be turned off or on vibrate. DO NOT EVER answer a call in class. If you have a situation where it is imperative you be reached, tell me beforehand. 3. You registered for this class - no one forced you to. Once you are here, you are here. Do NOT get up and leave in the middle of class, unless you have spoken to me beforehand and I have approved it. 4. Do not read materials for other classes, do homework, listen to CD/mp3 players, sleep, or read newspapers. 5. Finally, respect your peers. Periodically we may have discussions in this class where you will be asked to express your own ideas. This classroom and the class list serve must be spaces in which people feel free to express thoughts. Someone may say something you completely disagree with, that even I may disagree with. But I will not tolerate any circumstance where students feel threatened or fearful of expressing ideas - after all that is why you are going to college, to flesh out your ideas and beliefs and find a way to convey those to others. Course Warning Label: The instructor recognizes that virtually no learning takes place when students do not attend class regularly, nor does it take place when students do not keep up with readings and related course assignments. If you are not interested in attending class regularly, and if you are not interested in completing assignments, both of which are strong indicators that you are not committed to your own education or to learning more generally, then this class is going to be incredibly difficult on you. Course Schedule and readings Date/Topics Week 1/ Jan. 22 Course Introduction The United States in 1877 The Disputed election of 1876 The South as an economic colony Lynching in the United States The Populist Crusade The Election of 1896 The Wizard of Oz as an Allegory Week 2/ Jan. 29 The 1890s - a Decade of Transformation Segregation and Disfranchisement Conquest of the West Defeat of the Plains Indians The triumph of corporations Week 3/ Feb. 5 The Rise of Big Business Industrialization and the Working Class The US becomes a world power America at the turn of the century 20th Century Revolutions Reader Quiz 1 – Feb. 5 Week 4/ Feb. 12 Progressive America Creating the activist state World War I The First Red Scare The Cultural Civil War of the 1920s Review/catch up Readings Begin Sinclair – complete by midterm I Foner Ch, 16 AP pp 1-12 Foner Ch. 17 AP, 13-34 Foner Ch. 18 AP – 35-46 Foner Ch. 19 AP 47-70 Finish Sinclair for Exam Week 5/ Feb. 19 Midterm Exam I The Stockmarket Crash and Causes of the Great Depression The New Deal and FDR's Disputed Legacy Week 6/ Feb. 26 Hitler, Nazism, and the Holocaust “The Good War” The War in Europe Week 7/ March 5 Transformation on the Home front War in the Pacific and the Dawn of the Atomic Age Week 8/ March 12 Origins of the Cold War Containment Bretton Woods and Marshall Plans Korean War Reader Quiz 2 Week 9/ March 19 No Class Spring Break Week 10/ March 26 The Second Red Scare, and Cold War America The Military Industrial Complex Review and Catch up Begin Reading Madison, complete by midterm II Foner Ch. 20 AP – 71-91 Foner Ch. 21 AP 92-125 Foner Ch. 22 AP 133-168 Finish Madison for Exam AP 169-178 Week 11/ April 2 Midterm Exam II AP – 179-190 235-255 Vietnam and its impact Begin Reading Ehrenreich, complete by Final Exam Week 12/ April 9 Civil Rights JFK and LBJ Struggles for Social justice The Great Society and Capital L “liberalism” Foner Ch. 25 Week 13/ April 16 A changing America, again. Watergate America in Decline? Reader Quiz Foner Ch. 26 AP 256-282 Week 14/ April 23 Rise of Globalization and America's new role The Significance of 9/11 Foner Ch. 27 & 28 AP – 283-289 Wars on terror Week 15/ April 30 Wrap Up and review, a glimpse into the future. AP – 290-319