Syllabus fall 2013.doc

Houston Community College
Horticulture Department
HALT 1333: Landscape Irrigation
Horticulture Room 106
Thursday’s 6:00-10:00pm
Credits: 3 (Lecture and Lab)
Syllabus – Fall 2013
Instructor Information
Chris Kurklin, MS, CIC, CLIA, CAIS, LI 8160
Office Hours: By appointment only
Cell Phone: (281) 221-6691
Office Location: HCC Northwest College, Katy Campus; Room 106 (by appointment)
Mailing Address: 1550 Foxlake Dr., Mail Code 1396, Ste. 228A, Houston, TX 77084
Course Description
This course is designed to give the basic understanding of the principles behind landscape irrigation.
This class is approved by the State and specifically the governing agency which is the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) as a certification class for the state license exam to
obtain your Irrigator’s License.
Course Goals
Students will learn the proper procedure for landscape irrigation design. This includes the principles
in hydraulics, backflow prevention, scheduling and layout. Students will become familiar with the
components involved in an irrigation system and how they work both individually and together
throughout the system.
Since 2009, the TCEQ has passed more rules and regulations that govern the irrigation industry and
you will need to know these to be in compliance with state law. These affect how you design, what
components you can and have to use, scheduling and required materials for every design you
produce in this class and once you are licensed.
Statement of Foundation Skills
A study was conducted for the Department of Labor by the American Society for Training and
Development which identified seven skills U.S. employers want most in entry level employees.
These skills are motivation to learn, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, career
development and leadership. HCCS is committed to preparing every student with the knowledge
and skills needed to succeed in today’s dynamic work environment.
Reading-Students will complete their reading assignments. Reading will be assigned on a daily
Writing/Speaking-Students will split up in groups and prepare a research paper for an oral
presentation to the class and the instructor.
Textbook (REQUIRED) Texas Landscape Irrigation Training and Reference Manual, By Phil Sheppard.
Lab Times and Requirements
This class is set up as a 3 hour lecture and lab. We will have labs that are required during normal
class hours. Extra credit will be available if needed. The instructor will discuss all lab opportunities
and requirements in class each semester as consideration will have to be given to time of year and
problematic weather, these cannot be determined by the first day of class.
Student Discipline
Adult behavior is expected. Disruptive behavior/activities which interfere with teaching and or
learning will not be tolerated, and may result in an administrative withdrawal without refund.
Electronics in the Classroom
All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off unless specifically approved by the
instructor. Note the “off” does not mean on vibrate or mute.
Academic Honesty, Plagiarism, Collusion:
Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, materials not authorized by
the person giving the test; collaborating with another student during a test without authority;
knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of
an administered test; or bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.
‘Plagiarism’ means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of
that work in one’s own written work for credit. ‘Collusion’ means the unauthorized collaboration
with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.
In simplified terms, cheating is: 1) taking unchanged passages (or slightly edited) from another
person’s writing and portraying them as one’s own; 2) submitting a paper that includes paraphrases
of another person’s writing without giving credit; 3) having someone else write your paper for you;
4) copying or using another person’s work during in-class writing or testing; 5) the unauthorized use
of electronic devices during in-class writing or testing; and 6) violating testing rules. Keep in mind
also that whether you are cheating or not, not following testing or writing rules properly, such as
communicating with your neighbor or using a cell phone during a test will be construed as cheating.
This is not an exhaustive list of the forms of cheating or written work. If you are in doubt, consult
your instructor.
Attendance and Withdrawal Policies
Page 2, HCCS Student Handbook –Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Instructors
check class attendance daily. The instructor or the counselor has the authority to drop a student for
excessive absences. A student may be dropped from a course for excessive absences after the
student has accumulated absences in excess of 6 hours of instruction (including lecture and
laboratory time). The last date for administrative withdrawal is Thursday, November 1st. You
must notify the instructor prior to this date if you wish to be withdrawn from the class. If you do
not notify the instructor, you will receive an F for the class.
Students who take a course for the third time or more must now pay significant tuition/fee
increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. At HCC it is an additional $50 per
credit hour. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades,
confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and
writing homework, test-taking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities for
tutoring or other assistance that might be available. Also, the state of Texas has passed a new law
limiting new students (as of Fall 2007) to no more than six withdrawals throughout their academic
career in obtaining a baccalaureate degree.
Students with Disabilities
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.)
who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office (713718-5422) at the beginning of each semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office.
EGLS3 – Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to
improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online
survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will
be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction.
Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end
of the term.
Course Requirements and Grading Policy
Several short quizzes will be administered during the semester. Homework will be given as deemed
necessary by the instructor. There will be three major exams. Labs will be conducted weekly. The
final will be one of the major exams.
Make-up Policy
Students are expected to be in class for all exams; however, if a student does miss an exam date the
instructor will determine the format and date to be completed for three quarters of the possible
total score. Daily quizzes and/or homework will not be permitted to be made up. If one is missed, it
will be recorded as a 0.
***Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Certification Requirements***
Students must attend 90% of all classes.
Complete and meet all design criteria on final drawing.
Complete understanding of the rules and regulations imposed on irrigators by the TCEQ.
Engineer scale
Compass- for drawing arcs and circles
Mechanical pencil- 0.5mm lead size
Packet of (-H-) Lead hardness for mechanical pencils
Mars eraser for paper and film
Tentative Grading
Grades will be based on the following:
Attendance 50 pts.
Homework/Quizzes 50 pts.
Participation 25 pts.
Midterm Exam 100 pts.
Greenhouse Participation 25 pts.
Lab Participation 50 pts.
Design 1 50 pts.
Design 2 50 pts.
Design 3 100 pts.
Final Exam 100 pts.
Total: 600 pts.
< 59%
600-540 pts
539-480 pts
479-420 pts
419-360 pts
< 359 pts
Tentative Course Calendar:
HALT 1333 - Principles of
1. Aug 29
2. Sept 5
Read Chapter 8 if you do not have the book
Go to this web site and click on rg-470.pdf
Chapter 1: Introduction to Irrigation
Chapter 8: Texas Irrigation Rules and Regulations
Chapter 2: Common Landscape Irrigation Terminology
held at Ewing 22403 Katy Chapter 3: Irrigation Components
4. Sept 19
Chapter 4: Irrigation Principles and Hydraulics
5. Sept 26
Chapter 5: Irrigation Design
Sept 12 Class will be
6. Oct 3
7. Oct 10
8. Oct 17
9. Oct 24
10. Oct 31
11. Nov 7
12. Nov 14
Chapter 5: Irrigation Design (continued)
Chapter 6: Installation and Maintenance Techniques.
Water Scheduling and Control
Start Design #1 homework
Design #1 – due by end of class
Start Design #2 homework
Design #2 due by end of class
Start Design #3
13. Nov 21
14. Nov 26 (Tuesday)
15. Dec 5
16. Dec 12
Continue working on Design #3
Open Review
Continue working on Design #3
Open Review
DESIGN #3 – due at the beginning of class (no late work
Review for Final