Class Presentations BIOL 1407 – General Biology II Spring 2012 Instructor: Aaron D. Palmer Each student will participate in a lecture presentation in a group setting of 3 students about a chapter that is to be covered for the remainder of the semester. There will be twelve (7) groups, each responsible for one (1) chapter. Groups are by student preference with assignment given if necessary and should be solidified by Friday March 28th. The presentations will be given during lecture meetings and will begin Friday April 6th. Each group is to design a power point presentation about the chapter that they are designated. The presentations should last no more than fifteen (15) minutes in duration. The primary source of information that is to be used in designing the presentation is the required text for this course. It is encouraged not to copy and paste your presentations from the text. Each group will be graded based on presentation content, group member participation, and presentation length. Extra effort will be taken into account if some secondary information is utilized (i.e. other sources, handouts, interactive activities, multimedia outlets). The purpose of this activity is to promote networking, achieve experience in making/giving presentations, and to assist in study methods. Below is the grading scale for the presentations for each individual: Participation: 20 Content: 30 Supplemental Content: 10 Presentation Duration: 10 Presentation Clarity: 20 Individual Work Load: 10