Introduction to Mass Communication COMM 1307 FALL 2011 (52955), Wednesday 6-9 PM Instructor: Laura Lemburg E-mail: Office Hours: By appointment Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Total Course Contact Hours: 48 Course Length: 12 weeks Type of Instruction: Lecture COURSE DESCRIPTION: Analyzes communication theory and mass media in 20th century society. This course surveys history, operation and structure of the American communication system. The course identifies major legal, ethical, and socio-cultural issue and examines basic communication theory and the interrelations between media and the individual, media and society and media and the future. It examines career potential and job prospects in modern and future electronic cultures. COURSE PREREQUISITES: Must be placed into college-level reading (or take GUST 0342 as a co-requisite) and be placed into college-level writing (or take ENGL 0310/0349 as a co-requisite). ACADEMIC/DISCIPLINE/CTE PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Apply elemental competency in the operation of selected media 2. Understand and explain the term mass communication 3. Describe the development of print media, radio, television, and film 4. Provide a chronology of milestones relevant to the advancement of media from their onset to present COURSE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Understand the definition of mass communication 2. Learn the functions of the mass media 3. Examine the development of print and broadcast media, the recording industry, film industry and digital media 4. Comprehend the correlation between various media 5. Grasp the implications of the electronic media and the Internet on the future of mass communication REQUIRED TEXT: Biagi, S. (2012). Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media. 10th Ed. Boston: Wadsworth. IBN: 978-1-111-34636-2 EXPECTATIONS: Attendance: Attendance will be taken every class. If you have more than two absences, you will be dropped. Punctuality: Please be in class by 6 p.m. to avoid disruptions to the class and missing important information. Quizzes will be given at the beginning of class, and if you are more than 20 minutes late, you will not be allowed to take the quiz. Respect: Please respect others by turning off your cell phones when you come to class. Honesty: If you are caught cheating on exams or plagiarizing (using another person’s words, information or ideas), you will receive an automatic zero on that assignment. Other punishments could include a failing grade in the course and/or recommendation for suspension or expulsion. DISABILITIES: Houston Community College is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitations Act of 1973 (Section 504). Any student with a documented disability (ex. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of the semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. GRADES: There will be quizzes on the chapter material. Your lowest two quiz grades will be dropped. There will also be in-class and Web assignments. The last day to drop with a “W” is November 11. Grading Policy: HCC Grading Scale: Quizzes 75% Assignments 20% Attendance/Participation 5% 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 A B C D Below 59 F Fall 2011 Calendar Week Date Assignments 1 9/28 Welcome/Introduction to COMM 1307 Chapter 1: Mass Media and Everyday Life 2 10/5 Chapter 2: Books: Rearranging the Page 3 10/12 Quiz 1-Ch. 2 Chapter 3: Newspapers: Expanding Delivery Chapter 4: Magazines: Targeting the Audience 4 10/19 Quiz 2-Ch.3 and 4 Chapter 5: Recordings: Demanding Choices 5 10/26 Quiz 3- Ch. 5 Chapter 6: Radio: Riding the Wave 6 11/2 Quiz 4- Ch. 6 Chapter 7: Movies: Picturing the Future 7 11/9 Quiz 5-Ch. 7 Chapter 8: Television: Changing Channels 8 11/16 Quiz 6-Ch. 8 Chapter 9: Digital Media: Widening the Web Chapter 12: News and Information: Getting Personal 9 11/23 Thanksgiving Holiday---NO CLASS 10 11/30 Quiz 7- Ch. 9 and 12 Chapter 10: Advertising: Motivating Customers Chapter 11: Public Relations: Promoting Ideas 11 12/7 Quiz 8- Ch. 10 and 11 Chapter 13: Society, Culture, and Politics: Shaping the Issues 12 12/14 Quiz 9- Ch. 13 and 14 Chapter 14: Law and Regulation: Rewriting the Rules Chapter 15: Ethics: Placing Responsibility