G-75 Student Name: __________________ Part 1: Commas and Semicolons Exercises Insert semicolons and commas as needed in the following sentences: 1. Take care of the children the adults can take care of themselves. 2. It was not the hours or the wages that discouraged me it was the constant monotony of the work. 3. There were two young elephants they needed to have the hairs trimmed out of their noses. 4. It was ever so easy to build smoke stacks out of cardboard the hard part was keeping the smoke stacks from burning up. 5. Irma was a very contented lady while she was swimming she always grinned. Then she would flap her arms to and fro and grin some more she was a sight to see. 6. She tried however she could not do it. Part 2: Commas, Semicolons, and Colon Exercises 1. He has friends from Montana Iowa and Nebraska and Illinois is his home state. 2. This is a difficult exercise but I am having fun. 3. Although this is a difficult exercise I am having fun. 4. This is a difficult exercise I am having fun though. 5. The man who is wearing dark glasses is an FBI undercover agent. 6. That FBI agent who is wearing dark glasses once protected the President. 7. Did you John eat my cake? 8. Did John eat my cake? Page 1 of 2 9. Did his friend John eat my cake? 10. G-76 Did John his friend eat the cake? 11. If everything goes according to plan he will retire at 40 if real estate prices continue to drop however he may have to work until he is 65. 12. Golden retrievers, which are known to be gentle are also loyal. 13. Dogs that are gentle are often good family pets. 14. I would love to be rich and famous although fame has mixed blessings. 15. I would love to be rich and famous and famous is the first priority. 16. She chose the field of journalism because of Nellie Bly the first woman reporter. 17. They built an adobe house but then they decided to move. 18. They built an adobe house but then decided to move. 19. They built an adobe house however they decided to move. 20. They built an adobe house because they decided never to move again. 21. Since they moved to the desert they decided to build an adobe house. 22. Mr. Liu held this belief, if he worked hard, he would be able to save enough money to travel to Madagascar and photograph rarely seen animals. Page 2 of 2