The Student Waiver can be found here.

I, ______________________________________________________________________,
(student’s name – please print)
a student at Macalester College, planning to participate in the following faculty-led study away program:
Classics 155: January in Rome, The Art, Archaeology and Topography of Ancient Rome,
(program name)
understand the following conditions on my participation:
1. The program director has the authority to establish rules necessary for the operation of the study away
program. Should the director decide that a student must be separated from the program because of
violation of such rules, for disruptive behavior, or for conduct which could bring the program into
disrepute, that decision will be final, with or without consultation with the student’s parent or guardian.
2. Macalester College does not knowingly approve activities that pose undue risks to their participants.
However, any travel carries with it potential hazards that are beyond the control of the College and its
agents or employees.
3. I understand and agree to the following, regarding insurance:
I have sufficient health, accident, disability and hospitalization insurance to cover me during
participation in this activity, and I recognize that Macalester College does not have an obligation
to provide me with such insurance.
All participants will be required to carry supplemental insurance coverage for emergency medical
evacuation, political and natural disaster evacuation, and repatriation of remains. The current
Macalester College student health plan provides this coverage. Students not enrolled in the
College student health plan will be enrolled in this coverage by the Center for Study Away.
Travel insurance such as lost baggage and trip cancellation insurance are not included and would
be the responsibility of individual participants to add should they so desire.
4. I understand that I am responsible for all of the information and orientation sessions for study away
run by Macalester College—including but not limited to visa and immunization requirements and the
procedures and consequences associated with cancellation and withdrawal—as well as the information in
the written materials that may be provided for me by the same.
5. I assume full responsibility for any undisclosed physical or emotional problems that might impair my
ability to complete the experience, and I release Macalester College from any liability for injury to myself
or damage to or loss of my possessions caused by acts of God or by situations beyond the control of
Macalester College.
6. I will follow all guidelines established for this program, will be at the appointed place(s) of departure
on time, and will not deviate from the determined schedule. I understand failure to comply with their
guidelines releases Macalester from any travel or other expenses that may result from this activity.
My signature below signifies that I have read the foregoing release and agreement and accept the
conditions stated therein.
Signature of Student:
Return this form with your application and one-page statement of purpose to:
Herta Pitman, Classics Department Coordinator, 311 Old Main, Macalester College
Revised 06/15