Book Test I – History 1302 - Out of this Furnace Answer the following 5 questions in paragraph format. Each question is worth 3points for a total of 12.5 points toward your final average. Make sure to fully answer each question while addressing the following: who, what, when, where, and why is it significant? Most students will need to write at least 10 well-thought-out sentences to answer each question. Depending upon writing style and amount of information conveyed per sentence, some students may need to write more sentences to fully answer each question. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name each job that George Kracha had in America in chronological order and why he made choices to move from each job to the next job. Make sure to include historical events that impacted his decisions. Discuss the characters that die in steel accidents and what help they received from the steel companies in each incident. Explain how these accidents impacted other characters. Discuss Johnny’s career from the time of his father’s death through the end of the book. What jobs did he hold and how did historical events impact his career? What leadership positions did he hold? Discuss the following female characters: Elena, Franka, Mary, Zulka, and Julie. What type of work did each of them have to do? What adverse conditions did they have to contend with? Explain the differences between the three generations of male workers and their path towards becoming “Americanized.” Explain their individual attitudes towards the workplace and their rights as workers. Make sure to include historical context.