Name __________________________________________ Date ________________ #__________________ QUIZ: HCC 1301 SYLLABUS I. True/False : Mark the a + sign for true statements and a 0 sign for false statements. . ( 2 pts.each) 1. _____ Make-ups for exams are scheduled for the next week after the test. 2. _____ The instructor recommends that students take thorough class notes during lectures. 3. _____ The Schedule of Topics provides a list of textbook chapters that match the Topics of Study. 4. _____ The classroom policy prohibits the use of all electronic devices. 5. _____ The instructor emphasizes the importance of attending all classes. 6. _____ The course syllabus is posted online and can be found on the HCC Learning Web. 7. _____ The instructor does not curve grades or give extra credit. 8. _____ Once a quiz or exam begins, a student may not leave the classroom unless he/she turns in the test paper. 9. _____ Students who participate in class discussions may improve their daily grade average. 10. _____ The instructor will return all testing materials and student papers to students. II. Fill-in-the-blank: Complete each question with specific information in the Syllabus. (2 pts. each) 11. The last date that a student may drop the course and still receive a W is _______________________. 12. The name of the recommended textbook for this course is ___________________________________________________. 13. For the final grade in the course, the daily grade average is weighted ______________ percent. 14. The definition of plagiarism is ________________________________________________________________________. 15. An example of cheating is ___________________________________________________________________________. 16. For the final grade in the course, the exams are weighted _______________ percent. 17. For all tests with objective questions, students must bring a ______________________ and a _____________________. 18. For all tests with subjective questions, students must bring a __________________________. 19. The dates for the three exams are ____________________, _______________________, and ______________________. 20. Most quizzes will be given at __________________________________________________________________________. 21. If a student is tardy to class and misses a quiz, he or she receives a grade of ________________. 22. If a student repeats a course ______________ or more times, the state may requires higher tuition or fee charges. 23. The content of the course begins with the topic of __________________________________ and ends with the topic of ____________________________________. TURN OVER THE PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS 24. The name of the required monograph for this course is ______________________________________________________ written by _____________________________________. 25. List one program learning outcome: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26. List one course learning outcome: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26. List two study habits that are course expectations: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the handout, How Is College Different from High School, and answer the following questions: III. True/False : Mark the a + sign for true statements and a 0 sign for false statements. (2 pts each) 28. _____ Early or first tests in college may significantly affect your grade average. 29. _____ Unlike high school teachers, college professors may not remind students of missing work. 30. _____ A general rule for studying for a college course is that for every hour in class, two hours a week should be set aside for outside study for that course. 31. _____ Often in college classes, professors do not follow a textbook, but expect students to relate the class work with the textbook. 32. _____ Some college classes require a substantial amount of outside reading/and or writing. 33. _____ Professors may not always provide grades for all assigned work. 34. _____ For college classes, students should plan to review class notes and text material regularly. 35. _____ The skill of taking good notes is critical because professors may lecture extensively. 36. _____ Students should read, save, and consult the course syllabus. 37. _____ In college most of the course grade is usually determined by student performance on major assignments and tests. 38. _____ Professors may not check completed homework but expect students to know the assigned material. 39. _____ Many professors will not conduct review sessions before exams. 40. _____ Extra credit work to raise a grade average may not be offered in a college course. 41. _____ Professors expect students who have missed classes to find out from fellow classmates about missing work. 42. _____ Time management for college students is the responsibility of the students. 43. _____ While effort is important to success in college courses, grades are dependent on results or student performance. 44. _____ College students are expected to assume major responsibility for their own learning.