Calendar English 1302_Spring 2013-2.doc

Week 1
English 1302 – Noland
Tentative Schedule for 16 Weeks
Assignments Due, In-class Activities, Homework
T: 01/15
Review Syllabus
HW: Read GILAChapter 1
TH: 01/17
Discuss Chapter 1
Rhetoric and Invention discussion;
HW: Study GILA Chapter 2
T: 01/22
TH: 01/24
Week 3
T: 01/29
TH: 01/31
Week 4
T: 02/05
TH: 02/07
Week 5
T: 02/12
TH: 02/14
Week 6
T: 02/19
TH: 02/21
Discuss Chapter 2
HW: Actively read GILA Chapter 1 and Hartmann
(GILA 100-104)
PLP Initial Diagnostic Completion Date
Discuss Hartmann
In-class reading Costanza (GILA 106-108)
HW: Actively read GILA Chapter 3 (68-78) and
Chang (GILA 92-96)
Discuss Chang
Write reading response over Chang
HW: Actively read Sachs (GILA 108-113) and
Jeffcott (GILA 114-118
Discuss Sachs and Jeffcott
HW: Read GILA Chapter 2 (52-67); actively read
Harrop (123-125)
Discuss Harrop
Handout Essay #1 Prompt and Proposal Guidelines
HW: Revise GILA Chapter 2 (38-41); actively read
Drohan (126-129); Start writing proposals
Discuss Drohan
Questions over Essay #1
HW Write and bring with you rough draft of Essay
HW: Study Chapter 4; actively read Gates (188-191)
Peer evaluation Workshop
HW: Prepare your final Essay #1 draft.
Essay #1 Due
Discuss Gates
Write an annotation over Gates
HW: Study Chapter 4; actively read Roberts (194197)
Library Day
HW: Finalise your proposals; Actively read GILA
Chapter 8 (411-419) and The Economist (424-428)
Discuss the Economist
HW: Bring your Proposals for peer review and
Week 7
T: 02/26
TH: 02/28
Week 8
T: 03/05
TH: 03/07
Week 9
Week 10
T: 03/12
TH: 03/14
T: 03/19
TH: 03/21
Week 11
T: 03/26
TH: 03/28
Week 12
T: 04/02
TH: 04/04
Week 13
T: 04/09
TH: 04/11
Week 14
T: 04/16
class discussion)
Proposals Peer Review
Sample Annotation Workshop and MLA;
HW: Actively read Adesnik (GILA 461-463)
Proposal for Research Project Due;
Discuss Adesnik
HW: Prepare for Mid-term Exam: download and
read the text for Mid-term exam (to be provided by
your instructor)
Mid-term in-class essay
HW: Begin Gathering Sources for Research
Midterm PLP Review Week
In-class writing
Spring Break
Spring Break
Library day; Do more research and write
HW: Write at least 2 annotations
In-class writing (annotations)
HW: Bring eight annotations
Discuss annotations
Discuss ways to organize bibliographic analysis
HW: Bring 10-12 annotations
Peer Review for annotations workshop
HW: Read sample bibliographical essay (available
on the learning web and on Eagle Online);
Do more research; write an outline for bibliographic
analysis essay.
Peer Review for Outlines Workshop
HW: Start writing rough draft of Bibliographic
Analysis Essay (BAE)
PLP Completion Date
In- class writing
HW: Continue writing rough draft of Bibliographic
analysis essay
PLP Post Diagnostic Completion Date
In-class writing
HW: Get your presentations ready
HW: get your presentations ready; finish writing
rough draft of BEA
HW: Bring your rough draft of BAE
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
TH: 04/18
Peer Review for Bibliographic Analysis Essay
T: 04/23
TH: 04/25
T: 04/30
Handout Prompt for Final Exam and discuss
Annotated Bibliography and Bibliographic
Analysis Essay Due
In-class writing (persuasion)
Final exam
Research Project results discussion
Final exam results overview
TH: 05/02
T: 05/07
TH: 05/09