Ruth and Vernon Taylor Fellowship Application


Ruth and Vernon Taylor Fellowship Application

Taylor Shadowing and Taylor Public Health Fellowships


Year Major(s)/minor(s)/concentration

Notification will go out via Macalester e-mail accounts unless you indicate otherwise

Application for: (circle)

Taylor Shadowing Fellowship Taylor Public Health Fellowship

If you are applying for both fellowships, you should discuss in your cover letter which fellowship you would prefer and/or how you would use them both. Note that a separate cover letter would be required for each fellowship application.

List two individuals (at least one should be a Macalester faculty member) who are in a position to provide an evaluation of your knowledge, aptitude, skills, experience and motivations with respect to this fellowship opportunity. Please contact these two individuals to request that a letter of recommendation be sent to Patty Byrne Pfalz at

. A standard letter format or the Taylor Fellowship

Recommendation Form may be used which is available at

Name of Recommender #1

Department or address:

Name of Recommender #2

Department or address:

This application cover sheet, your cover letter, 2 letters of recommendation, and a copy of your academic transcript (unofficial is acceptable) should be sent to Patty Byrne Pfalz,

