` APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, FSHD 1318 FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM LIFESTYLE ARTS & DESIGN CAREERS FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS FSHD 1318 Course Location: Fannin237 Course Semester Credit Hours: 3 Lecture / 1 Lab / <#> Hrs / 3 Credit Course Contact Hours: 64 Course Continuing Education Units (CEU): (if applicable) Course Length: 16 weeks Type of Instruction:Traditional/Classroom Instructor Information Jessica McMahon Fashion Design Professors Fashion & Interior Design Department Central College SJAC 325A 713-718-6194 (Computer Lab) Fax 713-718-6188 Jessica.mcmahon@hccs.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to apparel computer systems used in wholesale and retail fashion businesses. Applications demonstrated include computer-aided garment and textile design, fashion illustration, patternmaking, pattern grading, marker making, newsletters, brochures, advertisements and catalogs. COURSE PREREQUESITE(s) None COURSE GOALS(includes competencies, incorporation of SCANS, etc.) COURSE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLO) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design a garment on the computer. Design a mood board on the computer. Display a graded nest of patterns from a grade rule table on the computer. Create a pattern marker on the computer. Document the application for computer software in the fashion industry. SCANS or CORE CURRICULUM STATEMENT STATEMENT OF FOUNDATION SKILLS AND WORKPLACE CONPETENCIES - SCANS The U.S. Department of Labor's Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) to enter the workplace determined that specific competencies must be addressed. HCCS is committed to preparing every student with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today's work environment. The following competencies will be addressed in this class. ` APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, FSHD 1318 FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM LIFESTYLE ARTS & DESIGN CAREERS Process Information with Computers The student will process information into a fashion industry related document on the Macintosh computer. Design/Improve Systems The student will design and improve garments by manipulating them on the computer. Apply Technology to Specific Tasks The student will apply technology to fashion industry projects. Maintain/Troubleshoot Technologies The student will troubleshoot a Macintosh computer during orientation to computer use. Course Content Introduction to Course: Discuss objectives, programs, supply list, classroom rules, and importance of fashion and technology. PHOTOSHOP -Getting to know the Workspace and Toolbar -Selection and manipulation of images -Layers and effects -Creating a Moodboard -Quizzes on readings from Classroom in a Book -Photoshop test ILLUSTRATOR -Getting to know the Workspace and Toolbar -The pen tool, 3 objects worksheet -The Flat Template and creating flats from garment images -Illustrator test OPTITEX -Intro to Patternmaking -Getting to know the Workspace and Toolbar -Digitizing a paper pattern into the computer -Manipulating a pattern using PDS -Creating a graded pattern -Creating a nested marker ` APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, FSHD 1318 FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM LIFESTYLE ARTS & DESIGN CAREERS Projected Calendar This calendar is subject to change at any time. Students will be notified ahead of time and are responsible for making changes of their own calendars. APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS : PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR, & OPTITEX Week 1: Introduction to course and classroom instructions. Go over key terms. Computer demonstration: how to use a Mac and OSX. Acquiring images online, proper sizes and how to save files and create folders. How the computer is used in the fashion industry. HW: Save 5 medium-high resolution images to your flash drive. Come up with a concept for a mood board. Please read the CIB Chapter 1 Reading from the “Readings” folder, located on my Learning Web. Take home quiz due week 3. Week 2: NO CLASS - MLK Day Week 3: Quiz on Chapter 1 due at the beginning of class. Introduction to Photoshop and the toolbar. How to apply Photoshop for creating mood boards and color stories. Selection. HW: Please read CIB Chapter 3 & Chapter 4 Reading from the “Readings” folder, located on my Learning Web. Take home quiz due next week. Week 4: Quiz on Chapter 3 & 4 due at the beginning of class. Layers and layer effects. Filters. Adjustments. Work on Mood Boards. Work on Mood boards in class. Week 5: Flattening and Printing from Photoshop. HW: Finish Mood Board. Study for Photoshop test. Week 6: NO CLASS - Presidents Day HW: Finish Mood Board. Study for Photoshop test. Print out Illustrator Process Notes from Learning Web, located in the “Notes” folder. Download 3 Objects Worksheet from Learning Web and save to your flash drive. Week 7: Photoshop Test. Mood Board due. Introduction to Illustrator. Begin 3 Objects. HW: Download the Flat Template and Garments files from “Illustrator Assignments” folder in Learning Web and save to your flash drive. Week 8: 3 Objects Worksheet due. Introduction to the Flat Template. Begin Garments project. Garments project, work in class. Week 9: NO CLASS-Spring Break Week 10: Garments project. Printing instructions. HW: Study for Illustrator test. Week 11: Illustrator test. Pattern-making introduction. Week 12: Optitex Introduction. Digitizer Introduction. Start digitizing paper pattern into Optitex. 1: Digitizing pattern into Optitex. Begin pattern manipulation in Optitex. Week 13: Group 2: Digitizing pattern into Optitex. Begin pattern manipulation in Optitex. Week 14: Grading in Optitex. Week 15: Optitex pattern grading and marker making. Week 16: Finish Optitex projects. Review for Final Exam. HW: Study for Final Exam. Week 17: Final Exam. Group ` APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, FSHD 1318 FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM LIFESTYLE ARTS & DESIGN CAREERS INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS Traditional Classroom. STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS Readings and take-home quizzes about Photoshop. Create a Mood Board using medium-high resolution images in Photoshop. Photoshop and Illustrator tests. 3 Objects worksheet in Illustrator. Create flats using Illustrator and a Flat Template. Manipulate a garment pattern using computer design. Grade pattern. Create a marker using the computer. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Textbook Information ”From Pencil to Pen Tool” by Armstrong, Ivas, Fairchild Publications ISBN# 156-367-3649 SUPPLIES A Flash Drive 2G or more Folder Notebook for taking notes Pen or pencil INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTS Lab Requirements (if any) Of the 64 hours of class meeting time during the semester, 48 hours are for lecture and 16 hours are for lab. Lab hours are for supervised work on class projects. Course Requirements Photoshop projects, Illustrator projects, Optitex projects, attendance and participation are required. HCC POLICY STATEMENT - ADA Students with Disabilities Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, visual, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at their respective college at the beginning of each semester. The faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. HCC POLICY STATEMENT - Academic Honesty ` APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, FSHD 1318 FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM LIFESTYLE ARTS & DESIGN CAREERS Academic Honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism and collusion. Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade of "0" or "F" on the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from the College System. A recommendation for suspension or expulsion will be referred to the College Dean of Students for disciplinary disposition. Attendance and Withdrawal Policies 1. Students are expected to attend all classes (see college catalog for attendance policy). 2. Students are responsible for all work missed during their absence. 3. Student may be dropped from courses for absences that exceed 12.5% of the total semester hours, usually equated to more than 4 absences in a 2-day per week class and more than 2 absences in a 1 day per week class. HCC POLICY STATEMENT - Student attendance, 3-peaters, withdrawal deadline HCC Course Withdrawal Policy The State of Texas has begun to impose penalties on students who drop courses excessively. For example, if you repeat the same course more than twice, you have to pay extra tuition. Beginning in Fall 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time entering freshmen to no more than SIX(6) total courses withdrawals throughout their educational career in obtaining a certificate and/or degree. To help students avoid having to drop/withdrawal from any class, HCC had instituted an Early Alert process by which your professor may “alert” you and distance education (DE) counselors that you might fail a class because of excessive absences and/or poor academic performances. It is your responsibility to visit with your DE professor of a DE counselor to learn about what, if any, HCC interventions might be available to assist you - online tutoring, child care, financial aid, job placement, etc. - to stay in class and improve you academic performance. If you plan on withdrawing from your DE class, you MUST contact you DE counselor or your DE professor prior to withdrawing (dropping) the class the class for approval and this must be done PRIOR to the withdrawal deadline to receive a “W” on your transcript. **Final withdrawal deadlines vary each semester and/or depending on class length, please visit the online registration calendars, HCC schedule of classes and catalog, any HCC Registration Office, or any HCC counselor to determine class withdrawal deadlines. Remember to allow a 24-hour response time when communicating via email and/or telephone with a DE professor and/or counselor. Do not submit a request to discuss withdrawal options less than a day before the deadline. If you do not withdrawal before the deadline, you will receive the grade that you are making in the class as your final grade. DE counselors may be reached by calling 713.718.5275, option #4 or decounseling@hccs.edu EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. Texas Senate Bill 1107 Texas Senate Bill 1107 passed in May 2011, requires that new HCC students and former HCC students ` APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, FSHD 1318 FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM LIFESTYLE ARTS & DESIGN CAREERS returning after an absence of at least one fall or spring semester who are under the age of 30 are required to present a physician-signed certificate showing they have been vaccinated against bacterial meningitis. Beginning with Spring registration, November 7, students will have to satisfy this requirement prior to enrollment. For more information and a list of exemptions please go to http://www.hccs.edu/hccs/admissions-registration-center/new-student-general-admissions-steps/submitmeningitis-documentation Fashion and Interior Design Department Attendance and Participation Policy: Classes that meet once per week: 0 Absences..............100 Attendance and Participation Grade 1 Absences................95 Attendance and Participation Grade 2 Absences................80 Attendance and Participation Grade 3 Absences................50 Attendance and Participation Grade Over 3 Absences.........0 Attendance and Participation Grade Classes that meet twice per week: 0 Absences..............100 Attendance and Participation Grade 2-3 Absences............95 Attendance and Participation Grade 4-5 Absences............80 Attendance and Participation Grade 6 Absences................50 Attendance and Participation Grade Over 6 Absences.........0 Attendance and Participation Grade Three tardies (up to 15 minutes late) equal one absence. More than 15 minutes late will be recorded as an absence. HCC GRADING SCALE Numerical Grades Related to Letter Grades 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 Below 60 INSTRUCTOR GRADING CRITERIA Grading Photoshop projects Illustrator projects Quizzes Photoshop and Illustrator Tests Optitex Projects Final Exam _ Class Participation & Attendance A B C D F 15% 15% 5% 15% 15% 15% 20% Make-up policy Students are responsible for turning in all work assigned. Work turned in late will have 10 points deducted for each class period it is overdue. ` APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, FSHD 1318 FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM LIFESTYLE ARTS & DESIGN CAREERS Other Student Information (clubs, tutoring, web resources, student services, etc.) FACULTY ADVISORS Each fashion student is assigned a full-time faculty member as an advisor. FASHION BOOT CAMP Fashion Boot Camp is held at the beginning of each fall and spring semester for all fashion students to alert them to the student opportunities for the upcoming semester. STUDENT COMPETITIONS HCC fashion students are highly successful in student competitions at the local, state, national and international levels, frequently winning best-of-show, cash and scholarship awards. FASHION RESOURCE CENTER The resource center is located in SJAC 300 at Central College. It houses the Historical Fashion Collection, fashion books, video tapes and designer press releases. The Historical Fashion Collection is a collection of international designer, ethnic and vintage clothing from the 1900's to the present. WEB RESOURCES - GENERAL FASHION LINKS Fashion Group International www.fgi.org Coroflot http://coroflot.com/ Daily Candy www.dailycandy.com Style www.style.com Infomat http://www.infomat.com/fashion/ Apparel Net Directory www.apparel.net Fashion Center www.fashioncenter.com Fashiondex http://www.fashiondex.com/ Fashion Net www.fashion.net/ For additional fashion links see the Fashion & Interior Design home page at www.hccs.edu at Central under Workforce programs (http://ccollege.hccs.edu/instru/fashion/Home.html). ` APPAREL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, FSHD 1318 FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING PROGRAM LIFESTYLE ARTS & DESIGN CAREERS CLASS RULES 1. Student must sign in to each class. Late students must sign in as well and will be marked as “late”. 2. No food or drinks in the computer lab. Students are only allowed to bring in a drink if it is closed cap. Food MUST be eaten outside of the lab. Breaks will be given during the course of class. 3. Students must take notes on every lecture. Professor will only answer questions if you have notes. 4. No talking on cell phone during class hours. They must be turned off or put on silence. If your phone goes off during class, or if you are speaking on your phone during class, it will count as AN ABSENCE to your attendance. If there is an emergency, please make prior arrangements with the instructor before class begins. 5. If students do not have all required material and supplies for the day, the professor reserves the right to ask the student to leave, no questions asked. Yes, this will affect you class participation and attendance grade. 6. Computers must be SHUT DOWN or put to SLEEP before you leave class. Your station should also be clean, no garbage left behind. If this rule is neglected, your FINAL GRADE will be affected. 7. You must only save files to your flash drives. If you save files to your desktop during class, make sure to transfer those files to your flash drive and drag the desktop files to the trash. You must remember to EMPTY the trash afterwards. Files left on the desktop will result in a dropped participation and attendance grade.