Honors Project Application

Due Dates:
Monday, September 14, for May 2016 Graduates
Monday, January 25, 2016 for December 2016 Graduates
Student’s Name ________________________
Date ______________
Name of Faculty Adviser ________________________
Expected Date of Graduation (Month and Year) ______________________
Tentative Title of the Honors Thesis __________________________________________
RESEARCH PROPOSAL (required part of the application)
Please attach to this application cover sheet a summary of your proposed research (approximately 1500
words). This proposal should include a preliminary review of the literature on the honors topic, a clear
statement of the goals of the proposed work (e.g., hypotheses to be tested, questions to be answered), an
overview of the approach and methodology to be used, a statement as to the potential significance of the
work (i.e., what new contributions might the proposed project make to our knowledge and
understanding), and a bibliography of the references cited in the proposal. In addition, a final section
needs to be included in the proposal in which the applicant describes his/her qualifications to undertake
the proposed work, e.g., courses taken, research experience, familiarity with particular techniques
(laboratory, statistical, computer).
Please attach a list of your biology courses and grades in those courses. Include courses taken at
other institutions and on study away programs. Include your overall GPA and your biology GPA
(consisting of just your biology courses). Finally, list the courses you are registered for the fall and
the courses you plan to take in the spring. Students pursuing an honors project are required to sign
up for a 2 credit independent over January and to register for an Honors Independent (Bio 644)
during the fall (during the spring for December grads). Students may substitute a ‘Research in …’
class for the Honors Independent providing they are working on their honors research in the class.
Signature of Student
Signature of Faculty Adviser
Signature by the student signifies that the student is familiar with the procedures and
criteria for Departmental Honors in Biology.