Guided Studies (GUST) Course Title: Introduction to Reading Course Number: GUST 0339 Instructor: Professor Annie L Tsui Phone Number: (713) 718-8418 (direct) (713) 718-6070 (JBW207 Main Office) Class Section: 81704 M-Th 9-12:15p JBW215 Email: Semester: Summer 2011 Office Location: JBW207C Total Contact Hours: 64 (3 credits) Office Hours: JBW207C M-Th 8:30 – 9:00a and by appointment Course Length: 5 weeks Type of Instruction: Lecture/Laboratory Course Purpose: A student who does not have adequate reading skills or the discipline one gains as a mature, goal-oriented adult often has difficulty completing the rigorous requirements of college level coursework. The transition from high-school to college can often be measured in the level of a student’s attitude and responsibility toward his or her self-improvement as it relates to the achievement of career or academic goals. GUST 0339 is designed to develop the reading skills, discipline, and responsible attitudes necessary for the successful completion of college-level courses. Course Description: Introduction to reading is designed for students who are planning to take reading-intensive college courses in order to fulfill specific degree or career certification requirements. It provides an overview as well as the application of basic reading skills and concepts. (3 Credit Hours) Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this program the student will successfully learn how to: 1. Identify main and supporting details. 2. Identify relationships in a reading selection. 3. Add vocabulary. 4. Model use of library and resources. 5. Develop reading retention skills. 6. Acquire communication and learning skills. 7. Acquire technical, organizational and testing skills. Textbook: “Strategies for College Readers,” by Elaine Garcia Krieg ISBN: 0205685757 (with access code for MyReading Lab) Pearson Longman Publishers Course ID Code: **TSUI00363071R** Materials: Thesaurus (a book of synonyms), Collegiate Dictionary, paper, pencil, pen Notebook or binder to organize your work and develop good study skills: 1. class notes 2. handouts 3. homework 4. reading journal 5. vocabulary 6. loose leaf paper; pens; pencils; highlighter; scantrons In addition, there will be supplemental readings and vocabulary building incorporated into the course. Tutoring Help: Complete homework assignments before coming to class. In general, you should plan to spend 2 hours studying outside of class for every hour spent in class. Late homework assignments are not accepted. It will be the instructor's prerogative to make any changes deemed necessary in order to meet the learning outcomes of the course. Students will be notified in writing of any change. Course Requirements and Policies: No Make-Up Exams: Students who are absent on the day of an exam will receive a grade of zero. HCCS policy requires immediate withdrawal after 12.5% (approximately 2.5 days) of the total class has been missed. Students will be dropped after their fourth absence. Students who are absent are responsible for getting lecture notes from classmates, finding out what assignments are due, and for completing assignments in a timely manner. GUST 0339 Course Syllabus Student will be notified of any additional course information or changes during class sessions. Week 1 Monday, July 11 Welcome! Overview of GUST 0339 Chapter 1: Motivation and Success pgs. 1-45 Introduction to MyReadingLab (Lab component) Tuesday, July 12 Continuation of Chapter 1 Wednesday, July 13 Chapter 2: Word Wise pgs. 46-86 Thursday, July 14 Continuation of Chapter 2 Week 2 Monday, July 18 Chapter 3: Words in Context pgs. 87-119 Tuesday, July 19 Continuation of Chapter 3 Wednesday, July 20 Chapter 4: Main Idea and Paragraph Structure pgs. 121-166 Thursday, July 21 Continuation of Chapter 4 Week 3 Monday, July 25 Chapter 5: Supporting Details and Transitions pgs. 167-204 Tuesday, July 26 Continuation of Chapter 5 Wednesday, July 27 Chapter 6: Patterns of Organization pgs. 205-249 Thursday, July 28 Continuation of Chapter 6 Friday, July 29 Last Day for Student or Administrative Withdrawal (Receive a “W”) Week 4 Monday, August 1 Chapter 10: Evaluating Arguments and Critical Thinking pgs. 359-408 Tuesday, August 2 Continuation of Chapter 10 Wednesday, August 3 Chapter 11: Recognizing the Author’s Purpose and Tone pgs. 409-454 Thursday, August 4 Continuation of Chapter 11 Week 5 Monday, August 8, Chapter 12: Inference pgs. 455-488 Tuesday, August 9 Continuation of Chapter 12 Wednesday, August 10 Final Exam at 9:00am Grades posted online by August 19 IMPORTANT NOTES ●American Disabilities Act Policy Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encouraged to report to Room 106, Learning Hub/Science Building (LHSB) or call (713) 718-6164 to make necessary arrangements. From the Student Support column, select the Disability Services for further information. ●Academic Honesty Policy Academic dishonesty (cheating of any kind) is a serious offense and will be dealt with accordingly. If a student copies sentences from another person's work without giving credit to the writer by naming the writer as the source of the ideas and words, it is called "plagiarism." This is a serious offense in American colleges, and it is unacceptable. Academic honesty is expected of all college students. Any homework, journal entry or composition that is not a student's own work will be given a grade of 0. The student may receive an F for the course when plagiarism occurs repeatedly. From the Student Support column, select Student Handbook for further information (reference pgs. 34 - 36.) ●Attendance Policy Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. Parking is a continuous problem, so leave early for class and avoid excessive absences. H.C.C.S. policy states that you can be withdrawn by your instructor after missing 12.5% of the course; in this course that is equal to 8 hours (2.5 classes) of absence for the summer session. A student who is withdrawn from a class for excessive absences will receive a grade of “W” before or by the student/administrative withdrawal date. This is not negotiable and cannot be changed for a letter grade. A student who is withdrawn from a required developmental course will also be withdrawn from all other courses during that semester. Students on Financial Aid could forfeit their Financial Aid and F1 students (international) be out of compliance and have their F1 status revoked. These are serious consequences, and it is the student’s responsibility to maintain required attendance. Check with your instructor about specific attendance policies. ●Six Drop Rule Important information you need to know about dropping courses. Effective 2007, section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code applies to first-time in college freshman students who enroll in a Texas public institution of higher education in the fall semester of 2007 or thereafter. High school students currently enrolled in HCC Dual Credit and Early College are waived from this requirement until they graduate from high school. Based on this law, HCC or any other Texas Public institution of higher education may not permit students to drop after the official day of record more than six college level credit courses for unacceptable reasons during their entire undergraduate career. ●Third Attempt Enrollment Information Houston Community College charges a higher tuition to students who are registering for a class for the third or subsequent time. From the Student Support column, select Admissions & Records, then Third Attempt Enrollment for further information. ●Withdrawal Deadline Last Day for Student/Administrative Withdrawal Friday, July 29 by 12 Noon After the official date of record and prior to the last day for student or administrative* withdrawal, a final grade of “W” will be recorded on your transcript. YOU must take the responsibility to withdraw from the class. Do NOT depend upon your professor to do it for you. If you do not officially withdraw from this course, you will earn an “F” for the course. (*At the instructor’s discretion, he/she have the option to withdraw students for excessive absences before the official withdrawal date.) ●Other Important Notes Cellular phones and pagers create annoying and unnecessary interruptions during class. Please switch them to vibrate. No laptops will be used during class sessions unless agreed upon by the instructor. Also, no text messaging or listening to mp3 players will be allowed. According to the Texas Education Code 37.123: “No person or groups of persons acting in concert may willfully engage in disruptive activities or disrupt a lawful assembly on the campus or property of any private or public school or institution of higher education or public vocational and technical school or institute.” Hindering other students' learning or deterring an instructor from effective teaching will not be tolerated. The student who is unprepared, sleeps in class, or is disruptive will be asked to leave the class and be counted absent. From the Student Support column, select Student Handbook for further information (reference Disruptive Behavior pgs. 35-37). ●College Grading System Grade Legend: A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C=70-79 IP*= 60-69 (must repeat class) Students in GUST 0339 classes may receive a letter grade of A, B, C, or IP. IP means "in progress." This is not a failing grade, but it is given to students who complete the course but who are not yet ready for the next course. Anyone who receives an IP must reenroll in GUST 0339 next semester. *However, if a student has already received an IP in this course during a previous semester, that student will receive a letter grade: A, B, C, or F this semester. Reading Assignments Chapter Quizzes Major Tests Reflection Activity Journal Lab Component (MRL) Final Exam (Comprehensive) Total 15% 20% 25% 10% 10% 20% 100% *IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll and pass the course to receive credit. The grades "IP" and "I" do not affect GPA.