E1301 DE Syllabus Fall 2015 DOC 76028.doc

Professor Belz
Phone#: (281) 794-2079 {please leave time, date, and return phone number when you
call–be sure to indicate that you are in my DE 1301 class}{backup method of reaching
Personal Email Address: mrsbelz@comcast.net {best/preferred method of reaching
Email: sabrena.belz@hccs.edu {backup emergency method of reaching me}
Office Hours: If you would like to meet with me in person for a student conference,
please contact me via my personal email (mrsbelz@comcast.net) and we can set up a
time. I will also be teaching three face to face courses at the Stafford Campus. In this
way, I will be available to meet with students at different times and dates.
Course CRN#: 76028
HCC Learning Web Page: http://learning.hccs.edu/faculty/sabrena.belz
Required Purchase:
All students will be required to purchase a MyWritingLab code as soon as
possible—I have posted full MyWritingLab registration information on the Eagle
class homepage (you can access the Eagle homepage on the first day of class -08/24/15). Please read the MyWritingLab registration instructions handout
BEFORE you purchase the code to ensure you are buying the proper generic no
e-book code. Students are not required to purchase a textbook for this course—
they will only need to purchase a mywritinglab code.
Please Note: All DE course textbooks/codes are housed at the Central College
bookstore. Students can order their books/codes online by visiting the bookstore’s
website or visit the Central College Bookstore to purchase books, or visit any HCC
Bookstore to order the books/codes to be sent to that bookstore location from the Central
College Bookstore. This option usually takes 24-48 hours for books/codes to be shipped
from Central to another HCC Bookstore. Be sure you are purchasing the correct
mywritinglab code if you are making this purchase from an HCC bookstore. You also
have the option to purchase the mywritinglab code with a credit card from the
mywritinglab.com website. If you purchase the ‘stand alone’ code from the
mywritinglab.com website, the cost for the 12 month ‘generic’ code is 35.00. Please do
not ‘register’ for MyWritingLab until I provide you with the specific instructions on how
to register. The registration handout will be posted on the Eagle class homepage. In other
words, you can buy the code in advance, but you need to ‘register’ the first day of class
Grade Percentages:
10% Essay #1: Expository Essay (Instructor Approved Topic)
20% Essay #2: Expository Essay (Instructor Approved Topic)
20% Essay #3: Critical Analysis Essay (midterm in-class essay)
10% Journal/Reading Notebook (comprised of reading & learning progress entries),
reading quizzes
MyWritingLab: Online Comprehensive Grammar Diagnostics, Grammar Tests,
MLA Style Tests, and Writing Exercises
Class Activities: peer reviews/group activities, discussion board postings in Eagle
Final Exam
**Please Note: Students may choose to complete a Service Learning Project in lieu of
Essay #3 (10%) and (50%) of the Reading Notebook Grade -- (i.e. 50% of journals may
be written about the project versus instructor assigned journal topics). A hand-out will be
posted on my Learning Web page (and in the Eagle class) which details the guidelines for
this volunteer project option. Students must notify the instructor via email
(mrsbelz@comcast.net) within the first two weeks of class if they are planning on
participating in this assignment (email verification deadline – 09/07/15).
Important Dates (Fall 2015 Regular Term—16 Weeks):
August 24:
Classes Begin
September 8: Official Date of Record
Oct. 30:
Last Day for Administrative /Student Withdrawals (4:30pm)
Nov. 26-29: Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 6:
Instruction Ends
Dec. 6-7:
DE Final Exams
Dec. 7-13:
Final Exams for 16 week semester ‘Face to Face’ Courses
Dec. 13:
Semester Ends
Dec. 14:
Grades Due by Noon
Dec. 18:
Grades Available to Students
Attendance Policy:
Students are required to log on and actively participate in the class. If you attended a
“face to face” course, you would be in class three hours each week. In the distance ed
online format, you will be expected to log on and post on the Discussion board
component of Eagle a minimum of three times each week. You are also required to read
all of the discussion postings. This will constitute part of your “attendance” in the class.
You will also be required to buy a mywritinglab code and register for mywritinglab, post
ALL homework assignments in mywritinglab, keep up with the reading assignments, and
work with other members of the class on peer assignments and group work (the first
week of class you will also be required to email me one student information assignment
and your completed diagnostic essay). Refer to the E1301 DE Course Schedule of
Assignments document for your weekly assignments you are required to complete. If you
do not log on and fully participate for a period of two weeks, you will be dropped from
the class. If you log on and do not contribute to the weekly Discussion Board and do
not submit ALL homework assignments in mywritinglab for a period of two weeks, you
will be dropped from the class.
The Distance Education Student Handbook contains policies and procedures
unique to the DE student. Students should have reviewed the handbook as part of the
mandatory orientation. It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with the
handbook's contents. The handbook contains valuable information, answers, and
resources, such as DE contacts, policies and procedures (how to drop, attendance
requirements, etc.), student services (ADA, financial aid, degree planning, etc.), course
information, testing procedures, technical support, and academic calendars. Refer to the
2015 DE Student Handbook by visiting this link: http://de.hccs.edu/media/houstoncommunity-college/distance-education/student-services/pdf/2015-HCC-DE-Student-Handbook%28Revised-5_28_15%29_will.pdf
Late Paper Policy—Computer Back-up/Technology Information:
Major papers will be due per the calendar, syllabus, and assignment guidelines on
specific posted dates. Each student is required to meet the deadline to avoid losing points.
Late submissions will not be accepted—no exceptions. If students miss the deadline, they
will receive a ‘zero’ for the assignment. Nonetheless, all students will be afforded one
“technology pass”; in other words, all students will be allowed to submit ONE late paper
(writing assignment) without penalty if they have a technological problem. Technology
can and will fail. Nevertheless, if you do not use your “technology pass”, you will be
awarded 10 extra credit points at the end of the semester. If students wish to use this
technology pass, they must send an email message (with the missed assignment attached
as a Word document) to the instructor (mrsbelz@comcast.net) and type ‘Technology
Pass’ in the subject line of the email message and submit the ‘one’ late assignment within
48 hours of the assignment deadline. Students need to make arrangements to post major
assignments early to allow for technological issues that may arise. In this way, students
would have an opportunity to obtain assistance or use another computer in the event of
this type of problem. Please note: the technology pass can only be used for ‘writing’
assignments and cannot be applied to any MyWritingLab multiple choice grammar and
MLA style exams. Have a “back-up” plan for computer failure – i.e. you need to find a
computer alternative “in advance” so you will be prepared to continue working in the
class in case of personal computer problems. Locate a nearby HCC Campus to use its
open lab; a nearby public library; a coffee shop with Internet access; a good friend or
relative who has a “spare” computer you can use, etc. Do not wait until your computer
“crashes” or your Internet service goes out to have a back-up plan –set this up now to
avoid losing points and receiving poor grades on assignments.
Make-up Policy:
Students will be allowed to take make-up written exams (midterm and final exams) if
they have medical or unforeseen emergencies. Students will be responsible for contacting
the instructor and providing documentation of the emergency situation. Students are
strongly encouraged to avoid taking this measure and the make-up exam will be an
entirely different format from the original exam administered on the scheduled date. *No
makeup reading quizzes will be given. Students also cannot make up any MyWritingLab
multiple choice grammar and MLA style exams. You must log on frequently (at least
three times a week) to avoid missing a quiz/exam and receiving a “zero”.
HCC Course Withdrawal Policy
Beginning Fall 2007, the State of Texas imposes penalties on students who
withdraw/drop courses excessively. Students are limited to no more than SIX total course
withdrawals throughout their educational career at a Texas public college or university.
Students are encouraged to review the HCC 6 Drop Policy.
To help you avoid having to withdraw from any class, contact your professor regarding
your academic performance. You may also want to contact your counselor to learn about
helpful HCC resources (e.g. online tutoring, child care, financial aid, job placement, etc.).
 If a student decides to withdraw from a class upon careful review of other
options, the student can withdraw online prior to the deadline through their
HCC Student Center PeopleSoft link:
 HCC and/or professors may withdraw students for excessive absences
without notification.
 Students should check HCC’s Academic Calendar by Term for withdrawal
dates and deadlines. Classes of other duration (flex-entry, 8-weeks, etc.) may
have different final withdrawal deadlines. Please contact the HCC Registrar’s
Office at 713.718.8500 to determine mini-term class withdrawal deadlines.
Student Course Reinstatement Policy
Students have a responsibility to arrange payment for their classes when they register,
either through cash, credit card, financial aid, or the installment plan. Students who are
dropped from their courses for non-payment of tuition and fees who request reinstatement
after the official date of record can be reinstated by making payment in full and paying an
additional $75.00 per course reinstatement fee. The academic dean may waive the
reinstatement fee upon determining that the student was dropped because of a college
Use of Cameras and Recording Devices
Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is prohibited in
classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where instruction, tutoring,
or testing occurs. These devices are also not allowed to be used in campus restrooms.
Students with disabilities who need to use a recording device as a reasonable
accommodation should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities for information
regarding reasonable accommodations.
Paper Format:
Length: Journal/Reading Notebook Entries (300-400 words)
Length: Diagnostic Essay due on FRIDAY, 08/28/15 (500-600 words)
Length: Major essays 1,2, & 3 (750-1,000 words)
Length: Final Exam Essay (500 words)
Length: MyWritingLab Writing Assignments {Journals}--(300-400 words) – be sure
to read the instructions for all assignments carefully in order to receive full credit for
your work
Required Font: use courier new 12 point font ONLY for all work done for this
Rough drafts, Peer reviews, tutor marked drafts, and all prewriting components will
be submitted with final drafts of major assignments
Typed papers must adhere to MLA style format
All major assignments need to be saved with filenames as instructed: Student’s Last
Name space Student’s first name space title of assignment space CRN#
For example, a student named Ann Porter submitting the final draft of essay 1 would
save her file as:
Porter Ann essay 1 FD 76028
All work completed outside of the online class needs to be created utilizing Microsoft
Word so it will be compatible with the lab/instructor computer software– if you are
using Microsoft Works, Word 2007, or Word 2010, you will need to save your work
as “Word for Windows 97-2003” or in “Rich Text Format”. Please contact me via
email if you are unsure of how to save your work.
Free English Tutoring
*The Southwest College offers you free tutoring at our tutoring centers where you will
receive individual attention with any of your writing concerns. I will post the tutoring
handout on the Eagle homepage with full information when it becomes available to me.
Be sure to bring your books and assignments with you when you go to the tutoring lab.
*MYWRITINGLAB ONLINE TUTORING: Students will also have access to the
Pearson Tutoring service which is an online component of their MyWritingLab code. All
students will be required to purchase a mywritinglab code (either at the HCC Bookstore;
or, they may buy the code online with a credit card or via PayPal at the mywritinglab.com
website). Students will be provided with more details and instructions on how to submit
essays online for review by tutors once they register online with their MyWritingLab
access codes. Instructions will also be posted in the Eagle class. Students are required to
submit ‘major’ essays 1 & 2 to this online service. Please note: your account includes a
limited number of tutoring reviews (3) so do NOT submit journals to this website. Save
your mywritinglab account tutor reviews for major essays 1 and 2.
**HCC ONLINE TUTORING: HCC also provides an online tutoring program. The url
for this tutoring option is: http://hccs.askonline.net. There is also a link to this service on
homepage of the Eagle class and the Eagle Login page (this link is entitled ‘Tutoring’—it
is at the top of the screen). A flyer with more information and the link are also posted in
the mywritinglab assignment dropboxes for tutor submissions. Students will be required
to submit rough drafts of their major essays to the HCC online tutor center per instructor
directions. *In order to use HCC's Online Tutoring, students must first register with
www.hccs.askonline.net , and to do that they must use their HCC student “W” number
and password. Students with old accounts from last semester may continue to use their
old user names and passwords. If you are a first-time user, log in using your HCC student
e-mail account name (W-number) and password. Returning Askonline users will have to
change their passwords to match the student e-mail password. Those who have never
logged into the e-mail system should call Customer Support at 713-718-8800 and request
a student e-mail password change. To find your W-number click here. HCC offers a
Password Management System that allows you to change your password at any time over
the Web. Once you have your e-mail account and password information, go to
www.hccs.edu/pm and answer a few security questions. Should you need further
assistance resetting your password, please call Customer Support at 713-718-8800.
Please Note: All students need to register for HCC Askonline the first week of class.
HCC Student Email Accounts
All students who have registered and paid for courses at HCC automatically have an
HCC email account generated for them. Once you log on to your account, send a new
email message to your personal email account; then check the message you receive so
you can write down your HCC email address as it appears in the message. The standard
email setup is the following: firstname.lastname@student.hccs.edu – however, in the case
of name duplication or misspelled names in the system, you may find a slight alteration in
the standard setup such as a number after your name. Even though I prefer for you to use
your HCC email for the purposes of this DE course, you should also consider using your
HCC email account to communicate with all of your HCC professors.
Open Computer Lab
You have free access to the Internet and word processing in the open computer labs of
HCC Southwest in the Scarcella Science Center (Stafford Campus), the lab in the
Stafford Library located in the Learning HUB, the Sienna Campus, and the West Loop
Campus. Check the door of the open computer labs for hours of operation. All HCCS
students are welcome to utilize this resource. If students wish to print in the open labs, a
fee is charged (10 cents per page).
As a DE student you have the same access to first-rate information resources
that the HCC Libraries make available to all HCC students. A special website
pulls together all the tools DE students will need to complete research. Click on
the following Library Link: http://library.hccs.edu/?q=distanceed specifically for
Distance Education students.
Library services are available throughout HCC. Through a daily library delivery
service and a listing of all materials belonging to HCC libraries, books may be
requested from and delivered to any campus library. HCC also has cooperative
borrowing agreements with the University of Houston libraries and provides a
copy of the Houston Public library catalog at each library. These arrangements
provide students with access to over 4 million volumes.
Special services provided by the library system include photocopying facilities;
specialized equipment for disabled students; group and personalized instruction
in library use, including a self-instructional media program to orient students to
the use of the HCCS libraries; a “term paper” workshop; and online bibliographic
search services.
READING QUIZZES: Students will be required to take multiple reading quizzes which
will be based on homework readings and posted assignments/lecture notes. *Be sure to
keep up with the assigned homework readings, Discussion Board postings, and read all
assignments/lecture notes in the class to perform well on this part of your grade. If you do
not post your quiz answers per the online quiz assignment guidelines and cut-off
time/date, you will automatically receive a zero on the quiz. No makeup quizzes will be
given. All reading quizzes will be posted in MyWritingLab.
MYWRITINGLAB ASSIGNMENTS: Students will be required to complete the online
MyWritingLab assignments per the instructor’s directions. All students will need to
register for this service using a mywritinglab code they purchase from the HCC
bookstore or directly from the mywritinglab.com website. Full instructions will be posted
in the Eagle online class on how to register for this component of the handbook. Do not
register for this service until you have read the MyWritingLab registration handout. You
will be able to view this handout on the first day of class when you log onto the Eagle
class homepage.
Inclement Weather
During inclement weather conditions, monitor major local channels for updates on school
closings. You can also check for school closings at the local television websites and the
HCC website.
Student Organizations
One organization of interest to students taking English classes is Southwest Writers, a
group of students who write and read their works (in a public forum as well as on the
Internet) and receive peer support and constructive criticism. Students in this group create
a supportive network to create poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction prose. Contact
advisor Dr. Chris Dunn at: christopher.dunn@hccs.edu. Another organization of interest
for English students is the Women’s Studies Club. The Women’s Studies Club will meet
on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 2:00-3:00pm to discuss the roles of
women in society and to promote awareness of women’s issues. Contact Ms. Marie
Dybala at marie.dybala@hccs.edu and/or Ms. Ileana Loubser at ileana.loubser@hccs.edu
if you are interested in joining this HCC student organization. In addition, Phi Theta
Kappa is the honor society of two-year colleges. Students must earn a 3.5 grade point
average and accumulate 9 credit hours to join this group. HCCS has a very active chapter:
Omega Sigma. Contact: Ms. Eunice Kallarackal at: eunice.kallarackal@hccs.edu for
more information.
According to the 2012-2013 Student Handbook for the Houston Community College
“Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in
fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated
by college district officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. ‘Scholastic
dishonesty’ includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism and collusion”
‘Cheating’ on a test includes:
-- Copying from another student’s test paper;
--Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the
--Collaborating with another student during a test without authority;
--Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole
or part the contents of an unadministered test;
--Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.
‘Plagiarism’ means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged
incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.
‘Collusion’ means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing
written work offered for credit.
Please note the possible consequences of such dishonesty, as stated in the 2012-2013
Student Handbook:
“Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade of ‘0’ or ‘F’
for the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or referral to the college Dean of
Student Serivces for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Students have the
right to appeal the decision” (16).
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarized papers or projects will receive a grade of “0” (zero) -- no exceptions.
Cheating or collusion will also result in a grade of “0” (zero) on that paper or project.
Plagiarism or collusion on a second major assignment will result in a zero in the course.
Students need to be aware that the instructor will be utilizing plagiarism software and
internet sources to check student work for potential plagiarism.
HCC Grading Scale
A = 100 – 90 (4 points per semester hour); B = 89 – 80 (3 points per semester hour); C =
79 – 70 (2 points per semester hour); D = 69 – 60 (1 point per semester hour); 59 and
below = F (0 points per semester hour); *IP [In Progress] (0 points per semester hour); W
[Withdrawn] (0 points per semester hour); *I [Incomplete] (0 points per semester hour);
AUD [Audit] (0 points per semester hour)
As with on-campus classes, all students who log into Eagle online courses are required to
follow all HCC Policies & Procedures, the Student Code of Conduct, the DE Student
Handbook (http://de.hccs.edu/media/houston-community-college/distance-education/studentservices/pdf/2015-HCC-DE-Student-Handbook-%28Revised-5_28_15%29_will.pdf ), and
relevant sections of the Texas Education Code when interacting and communicating in a
virtual classroom with your professor and fellow students. Students who violate these
policies and guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action that could include denial of
access to course-related email, discussion groups, and chat rooms, or even removal from
the class.
Texas Senate Bill 1107 passed in May 2011, requires that new HCC students and former
HCC students returning after an absence of at least one fall or spring semester who are
under the age of 30 are required to present a physician-signed certificate showing they
have been vaccinated against bacterial meningitis. Beginning with Spring registration,
November 7, students will have to satisfy this requirement prior to enrollment.
Mission Statement of the English Department
The purpose of the English Department is to provide courses that transfer to four-year
colleges; introduce students to literature from diverse traditions; prepare students to write
clear, communicative, well-organized, and detailed prose; and develop students’ reading,
writing, and analytical skills.
ENGLISH 1301 Composition I—Course Description
Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to
drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on
effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus
on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical
analysis. English 1301 is a core curriculum course.
Note: ENGLISH 1301 is a pre-requisite for all 2000-level literature courses.
Core Objectives
Given the rapid evolution of necessary knowledge and skills and the need to take into account global,
national, state, and local cultures, the core curriculum must ensure that students will develop the
essential knowledge and skills they need to be successful in college, in a career, in their communities,
and in life. Through the Texas Core Curriculum, students will gain a foundation of knowledge of human
cultures and the physical and natural world, develop principles of personal and social responsibility for
living in a diverse world, and advance intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning.
Students enrolled in this core curriculum course will complete a research project or case study designed
to cultivate the following core objectives:
o Critical Thinking Skills—to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis,
evaluation and synthesis of information
o Communication Skills—to include effective development, interpretation and expression of
ideas through written, oral and visual communication
o Personal Responsibility—to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences
to ethical decision-making
o Teamwork (Comp I, Comp II, and TW)—to include the ability to consider different points of
view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal
o Social Responsibility (Lit Only)—to include intercultural competency, knowledge of civic
responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities
Student proficiency in Communication Skills will be assessed as a formal written out-of-class essay,
which is at least 3 pages long and which includes an oral presentation component as well as a visual
component. Student proficiency in Critical Thinking will be assessed by a formal out-of-class essay
assignment. Personal, Social Responsibility, and Teamwork will be assessed as part of long unit or
major essay assignment, which will include assigned reading responses, pre-writing activities, multiple
drafts, and group activities (such as peer review or group presentations). Student project grades will
account for at least 5% of the final course grade.
English Program Student Learning Outcomes
(Composition, Literature, Creative Writing, and Technical Writing)
1. Write in appropriate genres using varied rhetorical strategies.
2. Write in appropriate genres to explain and evaluate rhetorical and/or literary
strategies employed in argument, persuasion, and various genres.
3. Analyze various genres of writing for form, method, meaning, and interpretation.
4. Employ research in academic writing styles and use appropriate documentation
5. Communicate ideas effectively through discussion.
English 1301 Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
2. Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution.
3. Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose.
4. Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.
5. Use Edited American English in academic essays.