SYLLABUS Web-enhanced.doc

Houston Community College, Central Campus
Fine Arts Division
MUAP 1215
Applied Music: Strings: Bass
2.00 Units
16 week semester
50-minute private lesson each week
51432 Fall 2010
Instructor: Frank Murry
I. Course Materials
A. Required Materials
1. Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass, Volume 1
2. Vade Mecum
3. a computer with reliable high-speed internet connection,
web cam, and microphone
by George Vance
by George Vance
B. Recommended Materials for further study
1. Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass, Volumes 2 & 3
2. La Nouvelle Technique pour Contrebasse, Volumes 1, 2, & 3
Recommended Materials for Jazz Studies
3. The Improviser’s Bass Method
4. at least one of the following book/play-along-cd publications:
Volume 1--- Jazz: How to Play and Improvise
Volume 24--- Major and Minor!
5. Theory Essentials; Nuts and Bolts for the Jazz and Pop Musician
6. The Evolving Bassist (Millennium Edition)
7. Jazz Theory or The Jazz Piano Book
George Vance
Francois Rabbath
Chuck Sher
Jamey Aebersold
Jamey Aebersold
Kelly Dean
Rufus Reid
Mark Levine
C. The student will bring the following to each lesson:
1. required textbooks
2. notebook/ practice journal (a separate notebook for this course only)
3. pen
4. pencil
5. instrument
6. staff paper
II. Course Description
A. These private lessons will be one-on-one sessions with the instructor. At the discretion of the
instructor and the students, and based upon the needs of each student, some lesson time may
overlap so as to incorporate group lesson time and ensemble playing.
B. The student will log on to Blackboard for this Applied Music Course to participate in class
discussions and to receive announcements, assignments, email, and links to resource web sites.
The student’s completed assignments will be submitted in Blackboard, and assessments, surveys
and quizzes will be administered in Blackboard. Some lessons will take place in the form of video
conferencing using the Wimba program in Blackboard. Assignments will include making
video/audio recordings of one’s performance of specified pieces of music and posting them in the
drop box. Some assignments will be published by the student in Blackboard for the class.
Assignments may also include, but are not limited to, podcasts related to this course, recorded
video or audio interviews of influential musicians, and short research papers submitted with
supporting files as assigned by the instructor.
C. Depending on interest and schedule compatablilty between students and the instructor, Bass
Studio Class may meet at a regular time once a week as a supplement to Applied Music; there is
no need to enroll in an additional course. We will work together on technique, play ensemble
pieces, perform solos for each other, and provide constructive feedback for one another. This will
be a safe, non-judgmental environment for bassists to support each other.
III. Instructor Contact Information
832-723-1112 cell
Houston Community College, Central Campus
Fine Arts Division
IV. Course Objectives
A. The student will develop:
1. consistent control of tone production, intonation, rhythm, and articulation.
2. music reading skills.
3. ensemble skills.
4. a repertoire of solo and ensemble pieces.
B. The student will develop awareness of musical styles by listening to recordings and live performances which
will include styles and/or idioms previously unfamiliar to the student.
C. The student will play in every key:
1. major scale & arpeggio & related modes.
2. natural minor scale & arpeggio.
3. harmonic minor scale & arpeggio.
4. melodic minor scale & arpeggio & related modes.
5. major pentatonic scale.
6. minor pentatonic scale.
7. blues scale.
8. whole tone scale.
9. diminished scale & arpeggio.
10. chromatic scale.
11. various bass lines (useful patterns for commonly used harmonic progressions).
D. The student will play with a metronome and with recordings to improve rhythmic precision and timekeeping abilities.
V. Grading Policy
A. The final grade will be based on:
Attendance of Lessons
Acquisition of Skills
Attendance of Jury
B. Grading Scale: A = 100 – 90, B = 89 – 80, C = 79 – 70, D = 69 – 60, F = 59 and below.
VI. Attendance Policy
D. Attendance is mandatory. School policy states that a student who misses more than 12.5% of class time may
be dropped from the class with a W or a grade of F. Students who miss more than 12.5% of their classes
during the semester are subject to this policy.
E. Please Note: If you must miss a lesson, please notify the instructor at 832-723-1112. An absence with at
least 48 hours notice and instructor approval is considered an excused absence.
F. Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences include absences with no notice to the instructor or absences
not approved by the instructor, even when given with at least 48 hours notice. If the student does not notify
the instructor of an absence in advance, the absence will diminish the final grade by five percent.
VII. Make-up Policy
There are no make-up lessons for this course.
VIII. Course Requirements
The student is required to play a jury December 13, 2010 between 4:00 and 6:00 PM. See Grading Policy.
The student will be responsible for scheduling a jury time on the sign-up sheet posted in the Fine Arts Building in
the week before final exams week.
Students are encouraged to perform at one of the student recitals each semester.
Houston Community College, Central Campus
Fine Arts Division
Extra Credit
The first project will be due at the beginning of the scheduled lesson time, the week
before mid-term exams. The second project will be due at the beginning of the scheduled lesson time, the
week before final exams. The student may earn up to five extra percentage points for each project.
The student may prepare two transcriptions of bass performances from recordings of the student’s
choosing, subject to the instructor’s approval.
The student may write reports on reknowned bassists.
X. Scholastic Dishonesty:
Houston Community College defines “scholastic dishonesty” as cheating on a
test, Plagarism and collusion. Penalties for academic dishonesty at HCCS include, but are not limited to “0” on the
test or assignment in question, “W” or “F” in the course.
Medical Insurance
The Fine Arts Department at Central recommends that all HCCS students carry
some form of medical insurance to cover illness and injury both on and off campus. Information regarding low-cost
health insurance for students is available in the Fine Arts Office. Under Texas state statute, HCCS is immune to
liability in the event of accident or injury.
Special Needs: “Students who require reasonable accomodations for disabilities are encouraged to report
to Room 102 SJAC, or call 713-718-6164 to make necessary arrangements. Faculty members are only authorized to
provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office.”
Academic Advisement:
Academic Advisement concerning specific Fine Arts sourses and degree plans is
available to Central College students. Please sign up for counseling in the Fine Arts office, FAC 101.
Access to Student Service Web site:
Tuesday August 31: Last Day to Add/Swap Classes
Thursday September 2: Last Day to Drop Classes Online
Thursday November 18: Last Day for Administrative/Student Withdrawals - 4:30 pm
Monday December 13: Jury
There will be no bass lessons on school holidays.