HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM MUSI 1182 – PIANO CLASS II PIANO LAB – ROOM 216 CLASS NUMBER 55613 INSTRUCTOR: LAURIE LINDEMULDER REQUIRED TEXT: Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults by E. L. Lancaster and Kenon D. Renfrow. Chapters 7 through 12. COURSE OBJECTIVES: MUSI 1182 is for the non-keyboard music major who has covered the basics in MUSI 1181 or who has a little keyboard knowledge or for the student who wishes to take the course as an elective. Each unit will present new material while integrating concepts already learned. Theory, improvisation, harmonization, chord progressions, scales, rhythm, sight-reading, repertoire, technique and ensemble activities are taught “thoroughly and consistently” through-out the text. Students will acquire a good understanding of functional skills, as well as keyboard technique and musical style. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Attend all classes. Prepare all written and practice assignments before coming to class. Perform (play) a mid-term and final exam plus written quizzes. Written tests will be on terminology and definitions studied in class. Only material from the text will be on any given test. Students must attend two (2) musical performances during the semester. One performance must take place on campus, the other may be off campus. A critique of the performance and a copy of the program are mandatory and are part of the final grade. There will be two or three in-class performances giving the student an opportunity to present music studied to others and to practice the performances needed to pass the mid-term and final exams. SKILLS MASTERED IN MUSI 1182 ARE: All major five-finger patterns. All minor five-finger patterns. All white key major scales – hands together, one octave with correct fingerings. 1 All white key harmonic minor scales, hands separately, one octave with correct fingerings. Arpeggios, one octave, hands separately. Chords I-IV-I-V-V7-I. Sight-read rhythm exercises and simple pieces. Improvisation, harmonization, transposition and playing by ear. Play 3 short pieces from the standard teaching repertoire. EXAMS AND GRADING: All grades are added together and averaged at the end of the semester. GRADING SCALE: 100 – 90 = A 89 – 80 = B 79 – 70 = C 69 – 60 = D 59 and below = F EXAM DATES: Mid-term: M,W Mid-term: T, Th Final: Final: M, W T, Th THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS FOR THE MIDTERM AND FINAL. If a student does not take the mid-term or final exam he/she will receive a “0” for that test. CHEATING: HCCS defines “scholastic dishonesty” as cheating on a test, plagiarism and collusion. Penalties for academic dishonesty include but are not limited to a “O” on a test or assignment in question, or an “F” in the course. The student may also be asked to withdraw from the class. ATTENDANCE: It is required. Attendance will be taken starting the second week of class. Each student is allowed three (3) absences per semester. The student is still responsible for assignments given during the absence and will need to acquire missed information and to accomplish the missed work. After a total of six (6) absences, the instructor may 2 officially withdraw a student from class since too much information and work will have been missed to be made up. Attendance will be taken approximately 10 minutes into class. Three (3) tardies equals one (1) absence. Any student leaving early without speaking to the instructor in advance will be marked absent. EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. OFFICE HOURS: By appointment only. EMERGENCY: Please leave a message on my voice mail or at my email address 713-718-6600 laurie.lindemulder@hccs.edu or in my box in the Fine Arts office. SUPPORT SERVICES: If you need a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, report to Room 102 SJAC or call 713-718-6164. “Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations requested by Disability Support Services.” INSURANCE: The Fine Arts Department at HCCS Central strongly advises students to carry some type of medical insurance to cover any illness or injury both on and off campus. Please speak with the Fine Arts office to get information regarding a low-cost policy. Under Texas statute, HCCS is not liable for a student accident or injury. COUNSELING: Academic counseling for specific Fine Arts classes and degree plans are available for Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts and Speech at HCCS. Please speak with someone in the Fine Arts Office to get the information you are seeking. Students repeating a course for a third or more times may be given significant increases in tuition at HCCS and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor/counselor for advice regarding tutoring or other help if you are giving some 3 thought to withdrawing from the course or if you are not receiving passing grades. Tutoring is included in the activity fee paid. WITHDRAWING: Should you decide to drop this class for any reason, you must speak with someone in the Fine Arts Office. If you simply stop attending class, the computer will automatically give you an “F” for the course since the instructor will not have a final grade for you. MUSI 1182 fulfills the following core intellectual competencies: Reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking. MUSI 1182 4