DP# 56 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM POLICE DEPARTMENT FIELD TRAINING OFFICER PROGRAM * DAILY OBSERVATION REPORT * PHASE/WEEK:_______ SHIFT:_______ DAILY (5 Daily DORs/Week) PROBATIONARY OFFICER: FTO: DISTRICT: Assignment or Reason for No Evaluation: DATE: RATING INSTRUCTIONS: Rate observed behavior on the scale below using the numerical value definitions contained in the standardized evaluation guidelines. You must comment on the most and least acceptable performance of the day or week. Specific comments are required for all ratings below "3", above "6" and "N.R.T." (Not Responding to Training). Check the "N.O.” (Not Observed) box if a category is not observed. Check “N.R.T.” box if the Probationary Officer fails to respond to training. Rating Scale: Unacceptable Acceptable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RATING PERFORMANCE TASKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Superior N.O. N.R.T. Driving Skills Orientation/Response Time to Calls Field Performance Self-Initiated Field Activity Officer Safety Verbal Control Physical Contact Radio: Comprehension/Usage Routine Forms: Accuracy Completeness Report Writing: Organization and Detail Report Writing: Appropriate Time Used Report Writing: Grammar/Spelling Investigation Skills Interview/Interrogation Skills Problem Solving/Decision Making KNOWLEDGE 16. 17. 18. Departmental Policies/Procedures Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedures, ABC Code Transportation Code ATTITUDE 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Acceptance of Feedback Attitude Toward Police Work Relationship with Public in General Relationship with Ethnic Groups Relationship with Officers and Supervisors APPEARANCE 24. General Appearance (PO enters rating number in left column) MINUTES OF REMEDIAL TRAINING/PHASE EXTENSION TIME: (Day to Day RT – Explain under Narrative Comments) 1 DP# 56 DATE: NARRATIVE COMMENTS (Use category numbers (1-24) to reference your narrative comments) Most Acceptable Performance: Least Acceptable Performance: Additional Comments: Probationary Officer: _____________________________________________________________________ Field Training Officer: ____________________________________________________________________ SEE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT (IF BOX CHECKED) 2