Developmental Reading Learning Strategies Student reading strength is best attained from studying and learning discrete reading skills via an interactive instructor-led classroom setting using a quality level-appropriate developmental reading textbook and a variety of supplemental resources. Student engagement and success in the learning process are best achieved when assignments, class session activities, and classroom discussions have a direct connection with each student’s future achievement in: higher education, chosen career(s), and personal life. Addressing the issue of career exploration with its accompanying employer requirements emphasizes the relevance of strong reading skills. Without those reading skills, high-level employment is difficult to attain. Knowledge of this important matter motivates the developmental reading student to study and learn. Connecting the student’s personal background with the classroom reading material and practice exercises helps to place new reading skills and expanded knowledge base into long-term memory. Use of the Socratic Method develops critical reasoning skills and brings greater comfort to public self-expression. Computer-based technology greatly enhances student learning. CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) software programs are integral components in helping the developmental reading student master the specific reading skills necessary to be a success in: college, chosen career(s), and personal life. A classroom lecture is best structured as a classroom lecture-discussion. Student involvement and student learning are greatly enhanced when the ‘avenue of ideas’ is a ‘two-way street’. Interaction in the classroom, i.e. student input, is a powerful learning tool; it should be harnessed! A Typical Class Session A typical (i.e., non-exam) developmental reading class session begins with 15-40 minutes of computer lab, with the remaining time devoted to lecture/discussion. The computer lab portion of the session includes one or more of the following educational activities: - MyReadingLab Website: - Pre-test - Lexile Diagnostic test - Post-test - Reading Road Trip (CAI textbook-aligned reading skills instruction, practice, and mastery testing) - Vocabulary exercises and testing - Study Skills development - Focus On Grammar (emphasis placed on reading comprehension activities) - Student Paperwork Evaluations (one-on-one review of a student’s journals, persuasive essay, or book report). - Formatting Word-Processed Documents - Career Exploration Websites: - OOH (Occupational Outlook Handbook) - AciNet (American Career Information Network) - O-Net (Occupational Network) - TypeFocus - Bridges - Web Search Engines (Google, Yahoo!, etc.) - WebCT/Blackboard - Instructor-created activities (publisher/individual websites, word-parts exercises, self-testing activities, etc.) - Learning Web (instructor’s website): - HCCS graduation photos - Left-Brain/Right-Brain dominance website - THEA website - Education/employment background - Course descriptions The lecture/discussion part of the session includes several of the following educational activities: - Chapter ‘Walk-Through’ For Each Reading Skill: - Topic/Subject - Main idea - Major supporting idea - Minor supporting idea - Words-in-context - Word families (Greek and Latin word parts) - Figurative language - Simile - Metaphor - Personification - Sarcasm - Irony - Hyperbole - English idioms - Mood/Tone - Reading Strategies - Study Strategies - Reading Rate Flexibility - Test-Taking Strategies - Critical Thinking - Creative Thinking - Organizing Textbook Information - Patterns of organization - Point of view - Inference - Conclusion - Interpretation of graphics - Coverage Of Chapter Exercises (as many as time allows) - Reading/Discussing End-Of-Chapter Passages (as many as time allows) - Instructor Think-Alouds - Instructor/Student Read-Alouds - Discussion Of Hot Topics/Current Events - Viewing Short Video Clips - Followed By Critical Reasoning Exercises - Incorporating Cartoons/Jokes For Understanding Inference And Conclusion