RSVP Program Partner Agency Application Agency Information Agency Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: County: Business Phone: Fax: Contact Person: Role/Position: Email Address: Website: Please select which of the following best describes your organization: Public or Private Non-Profit Organization Proprietary Health Care Facility Governmental or Public Agency Other: Mission Statement: Focus Areas and Position Descriptions The RSVP Program is primarily focused on providing volunteers to serve in the following areas. However, we do recruit a percentage of our volunteers to serve in other community priorities. Please indicate in which of the following areas you have opportunities for RSVP volunteers. Assistance/Companionship/Transportation Nature/Environment Veterans Sustainability People with disabilities Maintaining Trails/Waterways Elderly Capacity Building & Community Leadership Nutrition Services Advisory Council Food Bank Assistance Volunteer Coordination & Recruitment Meals on Wheels Planning Events/Fundraising School/Community Gardens Program Outreach Education Veterans and Military Families Literacy/Tutoring Adult Veterans Children Adults Children/Military Families Career/Life Skills Classes Other Community Priorities (please list): Our agency serves approximately clients annually? We track that information through…: The impact we have on the community is: If we are selected as an RSVP Partner Agency, we agree to do all of the following: Report RSVP volunteer’s hours on a monthly basis. Provide written position descriptions for each position you are seeking RSVP volunteers to fill. Attend an annual training with RSVP staff. Provide report data to RSVP staff such as impact statements and annual satisfaction surveys. We can provide the following In-Kind Contributions to the RSVP volunteers: Meals Mileage Background Check/Fingerprinting Uniform Use of Services Other: Please return the completed application to: Partner Agency Representative Signature: ____________________ Date: Title: Program Coordinator Signature:__________________________________ Date:____________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: ENROLLMENT DATE: ______________________ DIRECTOR SIGNATURE: ___________________ Updated 10/9/13