GSG Meeting April 2, 2013 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Ashurst A109 Meet-me line: 928-523-6629 7:00 p.m.-7:05 p.m. Announcements and roll call, Michael and Mia Ballot closes tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. Don’t forget about the spring picnic on April 20th The picnic is scheduled from 2pm-4pm Next meeting not until April 30th (final meeting of the year; new officers and reps. will attend) 7:05 p.m.-7:20 p.m. Strategic Planning, Eva Putzova, Director of University Policy Initiatives Ms. Putzova requested from GSG any information, positive or negative that may help her and her staff develop the new strategic plan for the university. Suggestions included: -Greater tenure density among faculty -Friendlier and more accessible parking. Either cheaper parking permits or longer hours of bus service to accommodate those students who need library access beyond the current library closing time. -We need to revive the various research centers that were shut down during the budget cutbacks including the Social Science Research Center. -Graduate students need greater fellowship and scholarship opportunities to fund their research. -The university should consider creating graduate student housing or a graduate student learning community. Currently the University of Miami has a successful graduate student learning community on campus. -The staff of financial aid needs to be trained in order to assist specific graduate student needs - The university must address the pay inequity among different graduate assistants across different departments. - The IT staff needs to find a way to make BB learn shells accessible beyond the end of a particular course. Perhaps there might be a way to make the information available in read-only form and to block quizzes when looking back at an older course shell. - Concern was raised about the quality of buildings on campus and potential health risks they pose to students. -Concern was raised about the HLC as a hostile environment towards particularly female students and possible ways of improving the space. 7:20 p.m.-7:25 p.m. Tobacco-free campus initiative, Dena Lane-Bonds, Student Health Advisory Committee Seeking to find ways of minimizing the frequency of smoking on campus. Tobacco includes electronic cigarettes, water-pipe usage, chewing tobacco or any kind of cigarette or cigar smoking. The Health Advisory noticed an increased amount of debris related to smoking on campus and concern is that students are not promoting healthy living. The Advisory requests signatures from GSG in order to potentially change the current policy on smoking on campus. Some of the concerns of the graduate student government included: - How will an anti-smoking policy be enforced? Concern was mentioned about the potential to create another revenue-generating source for the university that may not benefit graduate students. - Staff and Faculty will not have the benefit of smoking although it is extremely difficult for Faculty and Staff who do smoke to find relief during their short breaks near campus. A suggestion about creating a designated space for smokers was mentioned by one of the GSG representatives. Perhaps a better and clearer enforcement of the current policy may benefit smokers and nonsmokers. Currently, one must stand 25 ft. away from any entrance, yet many of the ash trays are not emptied frequently and stand closer than 25 ft. to an entrance in front of many buildings. 7:25 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Graduate College, Ramona and/or David The UGC is still working on a clear Dismissal Policy. This policy still needs further discussion and may not become an official policy till Fall or Spring semester of next year. A Speaker on research integrity is coming to campus April 18th and on April 19th there will be a conference on Research integrity and international collaboration. International graduate students have been invited to participate. At the WAGS conference, Regent Myers spoke to the attendees. The Graduate College will be exploring the possibility of creating a Graduate Teaching and Professional Development Certificate as opposed to merely offering the 1 credit teaching course. 7:30 p.m.-7:40 p.m. ASA resolution, Michael A discussion about the details of the resolution cleared up several questions regarding an opt-in versus opt-out fee model. A case on behalf of ASA was made regarding the potential consequences of remaining silent versus the consequences of taking a stand to support the resolution. One representative warned that a de-funding of the Graduate Student Government could take place if ABOR disagrees with the support of ASA. Tim moved to add a statement to the amendment. The amendment did not pass. A move to vote on the amendment in support of the ASA lawsuit ultimately passed unanimously among present representatives and officers. 7:40p.m.-8:00 p.m. Constituency meeting reports-postponed till the April 30th meeting