GSG Meeting January 29, 2013 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Ashurst A109 Meet-me line: 928-523-6629

GSG Meeting
January 29, 2013
7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Ashurst A109
Meet-me line: 928-523-6629
Shelby-ASNAU representative
CHS Medical services guest speaker
 student health insurance
 supports 16,000 students
 21-31% increase in premium  NAU 110% loss ratio
 U of A- 72% loss ratio-- has lower claims and deeper discounts
 premium would be higher- not the competition in this community
 increased maximum to 100% contraceptives
 up claims to one million
 up 8%- people consumed more care
 health insurer fee of 1.4%
 big claimants last year
 paying out one million in taxes- healthcare reform
 benefits: what you would want to see or not see???
student premium- 138 per month
will up to 172 per month
-provide one premium for all
-trying to continue to be competitive
 can't meet all the requirements of access to contract with them- due to lack of 24 hour
 Certificate of coverage- what your coverage is -available online
 smaller number of students.
 250$ deductable- try to shift to 3.5 % ----- 350$ co-pay
 co-pay for office visit
 hospitalization, labs, xrays, mris, ct scans- provided outside will go against deductable
 out of pocket maximum- 1500 dollars out of pocket.
 Leaving the out of pocket at 1500 if you have something catostrophic happen
 increasing emergency copay 100-150.
 change in er benefit 100% co-insurance- 100 co-pay- if admitted co-pay is waived.
 100$ co-pay and 70% of er .
 Change in urgent care co-pay 50$ 35 if they're not open- incentive to come to health service
 Would GSG like to appoint someone from the group to help communicate with Beth Aplebee &
go back to UfA and ASU .
 Bradley Hall- Dr. of Physical Therapy Club- Class of 2015
Request recognition of physical therapy club & will have sections of classes
 vote to recognize the class-/will organize the name change
 can organize classes as you see fit
 recognizing the class of 2015- unianimous- in favor
Katie & Jason- Legislatively participating legislative days
 under the nagps is training them and will be under their lobby
-quote for a GSG bainner- includes the shipping costs
 voting on it next time
arrange constituent meetings- all of you need to meet with respective constituencies
50$ available for each constituent meetings
need to order it through sodexo- send e-mail to Ali- and Ali will order & give directions
need a week in advance notice
-graduate student values survey in february
-e-mailed ryan at ASU- asked her to forward copy of values survey she sent out.
-need to standardize our questions a bit- so when we go to ABOR we can standardize the data. Ants to
-can send zach an e-mail- will try to incorporate their stuff
News from the graduate college
 President wants to visit next meetnig
 Formal official tuition session
 Ramona will send Michael the dates
 UGC- no dismissal policy,- working on a more specific policy- some departments will work on
a formal dismissal process. When the document gets more fleshed out
 ramona wants to push a due process- student can appeal- need a probationary period- need a
Tim: Chair of the department having a lot of power- when there is a probationary period- gradcol gets
 To even put the student on probation- need to consult with us.
 Grad col doesn't know who is on probation only academic grade probation- run a report
 will bring info back to the group
President Haeger to feb 12th meeting
Jason- came to orientation to spring admits
6-7 students
in your constituent meetings- let your constituents know
emily- will send e-mail to grad e-mail listserv
recruiting for everyone to run for next year's office
can have a constituent open-house- bring a plus one
move spring picnic up- use that as a recruiting time
1899 recruiting eventwill have to do our elections the third week of march- can have elections over spring break.
Ballot after march 7th-. Heavy recruiting in february
Fridayperhaps feb 26th??
Feb 12th-bring a recruit day- can order pizzas
feb 22nd- 1899
whoever is interested- submit n
Deena- could do it- health advisory
Jason- statement of support – e-mail vote to ASA