GSG Meeting 12/4/12

Meeting 12/4/12
Business process for setting up call-in phone during general assembly
-Need a paragraph on committee assignments
-Chairs or chairs can delegate it to someone else.
-Reminder that all have constituency meetings.
Use the 50 dollars for constituency meetings before the end of the semester
-Need to set the meeting schedule for next semester
-preferable to keep it around the time we have now
-Exec board will meet to set the first meeting
 Will keep the same pattern- meet every 2 weeks
 roughly twice a month
-NGAPS, allocating budget for merit scholarships – merit based
-Service scholarships 2-3 1000.00$ scholarships
 want a strong incentive for applicants
 can broadly define service
 enriches students lives on campus
 can't be something completely disconnected from NAU
 merit-based and we can take academics into consideration
 University of Miami considers need
 Categories for vetting process- how it benefits NAU & how it benefits the community?
 Can adapt documents to service scholarships
 Will have an updated budget at the next meeting in January
 Financially in a good position
 Now we can start to provide other opportunities
 Should create at least 2, three preferable
 Need based/ or emergency funds
 Perhaps some funds to a support group
 Invite someone from Counseling Services
 Are the services provided not used?
-NAGPS organizes Legislative Actio Days
-In March- preference to send at least 2 students
-Need to send two graduate students and pay for a shared hotel room, airfare
-At least Jason will go.
-Katie interested in going
-can generate as a group some bullet points to lobby for.
GSG Banner
-Can place it up for events, fourth of July parade, and reception
-approx. 500.00$
-Could we develop a logo, hasn't been able to pass through Marketing
-Too far from trademark for NAU
Social Activities
Had an event at 1899 Bar & Grill
 Well attended & easy to put together
 Katie made a flyer
 spent approx. 200.00$
 around 40 attended
 Winter formal, late January early February- maybe a Valentine's Day dance?
 Maybe make it more casual
 Spring picnic, caution not to do too much.
 1899 a couple times and a more complicated event
Graduate College-David Spivey
-New grad student attended 1899 event.
-Orientation/Open House 1st Friday after school starts
-14-15 students – smaller populations
Commencement Reception- one or two more people needed for clean-up 4-6 setting up & 6-8pm
mingling and breaking down—need 6-8 shift.
ASNAU has representation on Faculty Senate board
Ali e-mailed Allen Reich- responded by saying he needed to meet with his board and will get back to
Just getting an ok from the rest of the members & then can elect a person to sit on the board
Strategic Planning
-Strategic Planning council drafting a new 5 year plan
-will have a new 5 year plan drafted hosted by a private company
-Will guide us for the next 5 years
Appropriations -Tim
Travel Committee- Tim
Need to schedule a meeting for Travel Awards
Jason- speaking on behalf of Cassy
 UGC- voted for a new course in Geology
 Business school trying to create a business certificate
 Should attend events
 Carnival Event
Jason- Textbook adoptions
 help the lady at the bookstore who e-mails every professor to get textbooks. Need a presentation
5 minutes video to educate faculty to get textbook list in on time
George Coulon- in January set-up a meet
-Will focus efforts on Veterans
-George volunteered from 6-8 for Commencement
David Spivey- professional development workshop series
something that could help apply for assistantships
Tim-one day workshop sessions
better to have sessions on Saturday